Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 388 Titans

[Third Person POV]

The ogre attack caught Andrew Dawn completely off guard, taking him by surprise. He understood the implications of this unexpected assault. The ogres had seized the initiative, granting them an advantage in some way. However, his foremost concern lay with the fate of his men, who now had to confront these formidable adversaries.

In truth, he held little hope that his men would still be breathing by the time he received the distress message. Despite bolstering the security around the territory under ogre assault, he had never anticipated such an early attack, leaving the defences severely lacking. He realised that even if he were to summon his strongest subordinates to protect the targeted area, they would likely falter against the might of the ogre king.

To his astonishment, upon arriving at the scene, he discovered that his men were indeed alive. However, their survival was not due to their own strength in withstanding the ogre onslaught, but rather because they were being cruelly toyed with. Fortunately, Andrew had arrived in the nick of time to prevent their deaths, although circumstances prevented him from rendering full assistance or unleashing his true power against the ogres.

Thankfully, once again, a young man came to his aid. Andrew knew that Ace had evolved to Rank 1, and he understood that Ace should not be underestimated like ordinary Rank 1 humans, evident by the aura he still emitted despite his attempts to conceal it.

Upon laying eyes on Ace again, after their encounter in the Earth Rat Den, Andrew Dawn sensed something special about him. It was the way Ace once looked at him, with eyes that conveyed a knowledge of superiority over an inferior being, that triggered a distinct feeling of threat within Andrew. 

This sensation was perplexing, considering Andrew's own immense power far surpassed Ace's. He was even more formidable than certain Rank 2 monsters, so how could Ace evoke such a sense of unease?

Andrew had been grappling with an air of superiority himself too, one he struggled to control. He wasn't a man prone to excessive pride or arrogance, but since the dragon blood coursed through his veins, he noticed significant changes in his behaviour. 

His very essence was transforming him, to the point where he hardly recognized himself anymore.

Nevertheless, while Andrew recognized Ace's power, it wasn't until Ace made his first move on the battlefield that Andrew truly glimpsed a fraction of Ace's true strength. And then there was Blue, Ace's remarkable companion. Andrew instinctively knew the gryphon possessed a unique quality, even without its new appearance. Whenever he gazed upon Blue, a part of Andrew Dawn yearned to consume it. 

Perhaps it was the influence of his blood, but Andrew understood that acquiring Blue would bring him immense benefits.

Fortunately, Andrew could exert control over this peculiar hunger, although it remained uncomfortably present. Regardless, since Ace had come to his aid and fulfilled his role, Andrew believed it was time to unleash his own power. With this thought in mind, he finally allowed the dragon within him to break free, embracing his transformative form.


As Andrew's transformation unfolded, it caught everyone around by surprise. However, before anyone could fully process the sight, their attention was abruptly drawn to the ogre king, who finally unleashed his true power and engaged in fight in earnest.

Ace and Blue had anticipated this escalation and wisely retreated to the safety of the skies. The overwhelming pressure that emanated from both rulers was a clear indication that they needed to keep their distance. Ace had no intention of risking his life due to friendly fire or any unforeseen circumstances.

The colossal red dragon, Andrew Dawn, loomed over the battlefield, his scales glistening in the sunlight. His mighty wings spread wide, casting a shadow that engulfed the surrounding landscape. Flames danced in his eyes, reflecting his unwavering determination.

Facing him stood the ogre king, adorned with mysterious, glowing tattoos that covered his formidable frame. The tattoos pulsated with an otherworldly energy, hinting at the immense power the ogre possessed. The ground trembled beneath the weight of their presence as they locked eyes, both aware of the impending clash that would determine the fate of the battlefield.

With a thunderous roar, Andrew lunged forward, his massive claws slashing through the air. The ground quaked beneath him as he unleashed a torrent of fire, scorching the earth and engulfing the ogre king in searing flames. But to Andrew's astonishment, the ogre king emerged from the inferno unscathed, his tattoos glowing brighter as if fueled by the dragon's assault.

The ogre king retaliated with a ferocious charge, his brute strength propelling him forward. His fists collided with the dragon's scales, sending shockwaves through the air. Andrew roared in defiance, his wings creating a powerful gust that pushed the ogre king back. The clash of titans continued, their blows resonating across the battlefield, each combatant displaying incredible resilience and power.





Meanwhile, Ace and Blue observed the battle from above, soaring high in the sky. Ace marvelled at the sheer magnitude of the conflict unfolding beneath him, fully aware of the danger that both Andrew and the ogre king posed. He maintained a safe distance, not wanting to jeopardise his own life or inadvertently hinder Andrew's efforts.

As the battle raged on, it became evident that both Andrew and the ogre king were strangely evenly matched. Each strike they exchanged reverberated with sheer force, causing shockwaves that rippled through the air. The ground beneath them cracked and shattered under the weight of their confrontation.

Andrew, tapping into the dragon's power coursing through his veins, summoned his fiery breath once more. He unleashed a blazing torrent that engulfed the ogre king, scorching the surrounding area. Yet, to his surprise, the ogre king emerged once again, seemingly undeterred. The tattoos on his body shimmered with an eerie light, providing him with an unknown source of resilience.

What Andrew Dawn was not aware of was not all ogre kings were like the one he was currently battling. He was just unlucky to have met one that was special and had a good story behind his back.

Realising that the ogre king was no ordinary foe, Andrew shifted his strategy. He used his immense wings to create a powerful gust, generating a cyclone that tore through the battlefield. The swirling winds disrupted the ogre king's movements, momentarily staggering him.

The ogre king, undeterred by the cyclone, bellowed in fury and summoned his own unique power. The tattoos on his body pulsed with an intense glow, and suddenly, a surge of energy radiated from him. The ground shook violently as the ogre king unleashed a shockwave that rippled through the battlefield, shattering the cyclone and sending Andrew reeling.

Andrew, regaining his balance, felt a surge of determination coursing through his veins. He refused to be overwhelmed by the ogre king's power. With a mighty roar, he unleashed a barrage of fireballs, each one exploding upon impact and sending waves of scorching heat toward his opponent.

The ogre king, displaying his own agility, dodged the fiery onslaught with swift movements. He closed the distance between them in an instant, his massive fists crashing into Andrew's scales with brute force. The ground trembled beneath their clash, cracks spreading like spiderwebs.

As the fight raged on, Andrew realised that defeating the ogre king would require more than just his raw power. He needed a strategy, a way to exploit any weaknesses the ogre king might possess. Observing the tattoos that adorned his adversary's body, Andrew wondered if they held the key.

Summoning his draconic instincts, Andrew released a focused beam of searing fire directly at the ogre king's tattoos. The intense heat caused the tattoos to flicker and dim momentarily, revealing a vulnerable moment in the ogre king's defences. Andrew seized the opportunity, driving his claws deep into the ogre king's flesh, drawing blood.

The ogre king bellowed in pain and fury, unleashing a savage counterattack. He swung his fists with relentless speed and power, forcing Andrew to evade and deflect each strike with skillful manoeuvring. The ground beneath them suffered the brunt of their clash, transforming the once serene battlefield into a chaotic battleground.

As the fight intensified, Andrew Dawn decided to utilise his advantage in the sky. With a powerful beat of his wings, he soared high above the battlefield, gaining a vantage point from which he could observe the ogre king's movements and plan his attacks.

From his elevated position, Andrew unleashed a barrage of fireballs, raining down upon the ogre king. The fiery projectiles exploded upon impact, creating a shower of flames that engulfed the battlefield. The ogre king, caught off guard by the aerial assault, struggled to evade the relentless onslaught.

The ogre king's tattoos glowed fiercely, providing him with an extra layer of protection against the fireballs. Andrew realised that he needed to find a way to penetrate this defence and strike a decisive blow. Drawing upon the power of his black lightning, he infused his attacks with a unique influence that targeted the ogre king's soul.

As the fireballs rained down, Andrew focused his energy, channelling the black lightning through his claws. With precise timing, he unleashed a devastating lightning strike that streaked through the air, bypassing the ogre king's physical defences and striking directly at his soul.

The moment the lightning made contact, a surge of dark power source coursed through the ogre king's body. His tattoos flickered and faltered, momentarily weakening his formidable aura. Seizing this opportunity, Andrew descended from the sky, his wings tucking in as he plummeted towards the ground.

With a thunderous impact, Andrew crashed into the ogre king, his claws slashing through the air. The black lightning crackled and surged, enveloping both combatants in an electrifying embrace. The ogre king howled in agony as the lightning seared through his body, disrupting his essence and sapping his strength.

Andrew maintained his relentless assault, his black lightning dancing across the battlefield. Each strike he delivered drained the ogre king's vitality and shattered his defences. The ground shook as the two forces clashed, the sheer power unleashed causing shockwaves that rippled through the surroundings.

"This…..this is power1", Ace did not know when he muttered this as he continued to gaze at the ongoing battle.

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