Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 389 Situation

As Ace watched the intense battle between Andrew Dawn and the ogre king unfold, he couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and trepidation. The sheer display of power and the magnitude of their clashes left him in awe of the strength possessed by these two extraordinary beings.

He had witnessed Andrew's transformation into the formidable dragon, his scales gleaming and his flames ablaze. And now, Andrew's attacks infused with the unique effect of black lightning were delivering devastating blows to the ogre king. The display of power was truly awe-inspiring.

Ace's eyes were fixated on the battle, studying the movements of both combatants. He noticed that Andrew's attacks were strategically aimed at exploiting the vulnerabilities caused by the ogre king's tattoos. It was a testament to Andrew's tactical prowess and his ability to adapt during battle.

The ogre king, despite his immense strength and resilience, was clearly being pushed to his limits. The relentless assault from Andrew, coupled with the debilitating effects of the black lightning, had taken a toll on the ogre king's endurance. Yet, he fought on, refusing to succumb to the dragon's onslaught.

As Ace observed the battle, he couldn't shake off the sense of trepidation that had settled within him. He had encountered powerful adversaries in the past, but the clash between Andrew and the ogre king resonated on a different level. It was a battle of two beings with extraordinary abilities, and the outcome remained uncertain.

Ace knew that intervening in the battle would be risky, both for himself and the overall course of the conflict. He had to trust in Andrew's strength and judgment, believing that he would find a way to emerge victorious. However, Ace remained vigilant, ready to provide assistance if the situation demanded it.

The clash between Andrew and the ogre king continued to escalate, their attacks growing more ferocious with each passing moment. The battlefield around them had become a scene of devastation, with the ground ravaged by their relentless struggle. It seemed as though the battle would stretch on indefinitely, neither side able to gain a decisive advantage.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as the battle waged on, the combatants locked in a fierce struggle for supremacy. The air crackled with energy, and the ground trembled under the weight of their power. It was a clash of titans, and the fate of the battlefield hung in the balance.

With every clash of their mighty forces, the impact reverberated through the air, shaking the very foundations of the battlefield. Andrew's flames roared and his black lightning crackled, each strike aimed at weakening the ogre king's defences and wearing down his resilience. The ogre king, in turn, fought back with unwavering determination, relying on his own brute strength and the mysterious power of his glowing tattoos.

Their battle had become a spectacle of raw power and strategy. Andrew, using his dragon instincts and tactical acumen, maneuvered around the ogre king, striking with precision and exploiting any opportunity that presented itself. His claws tore through the air, leaving deep gashes in the ogre king's flesh, while his black lightning surged through his opponent's body, disrupting his essence.

The ogre king, despite his smaller stature, possessed an unmatched tenacity. He endured the pain and unleashed devastating counterattacks, his fists connecting with the dragon's scales with bone-crushing force. The ground quaked beneath their clash, and the battlefield bore witness to the clash of their immense powers.

Ace knew that although the battle seemed intense though, Andrew Dawn was not going all out yet and was just fighting to biy tie for his men.

The ogre king should be aware of this but both still seem like they wanted to prolong the battle a bit more even if they had to use a bit more of their powers.

Ace didn't understand why the empeor will fight to this extent for some few men but he did not think too much about it and focused on the fight.

As Ace continued to observe the battle, he noticed a subtle change in the atmosphere. The air crackled with an increasing intensity, and the ground beneath their feet trembled with a renewed vigor. It was as if the very elements of nature responded to the escalating power unleashed by Andrew and the ogre king.

Andrew, sensing the need to escalate the battle, made a calculated decision. With a powerful flap of his wings, he ascended into the sky, leaving trails of black flames in his wake. As he soared above, he gathered an immense amount of energy, his scales shimmering with a radiant glow.

The ogre king, not one to back down, unleashed a ground-shaking roar that resonated throughout the battlefield. He tapped into the depths of his own power, his tattoos pulsating with an otherworldly radiance. With a surge of strength, he leaped high into the air, defying his size and weight.

The clash between dragon and ogre king reached new heights as they met in mid-air. Their collisions sent shockwaves across the battlefield, creating an explosion of power source that engulfed the surrounding area. Ace shielded his eyes from the blinding light, unable to fully comprehend the magnitude of their clash.






The battle continued to intensify as Andrew and the ogre king unleashed their most devastating attacks. Andrew's black flames burned hotter and brighter, scorching everything in their path, while the ogre king's tattoos glowed with an ethereal brilliance, amplifying his strength to unimaginable levels.

The sky became a swirling tempest of fire and lightning as their powers clashed, each strike threatening to rend the very fabric of reality. The battlefield below quaked under the strain of their immense power, creating deep fissures and ruptures in the earth.

At this point, even the ogre army had long retreated to a far distance.

As the battle reached its crescendo, the clash between Andrew and the ogre king seemed to transcend the limits of mere physical confrontation. Their powers intertwined, creating shockwaves that rippled through the air and shattered the ground beneath them. The sheer magnitude of their attacks sent shockwaves that reverberated across the entire battlefield.

Ace, witnessing the devastation caused by their clash, felt a renewed sense of trepidation. The ground quaked beneath him, threatening to give way as the forces unleashed by the dragon and the ogre king collided. It was a cataclysmic clash of titanic proportions, and the outcome remained uncertain.

Andrew's black flames engulfed the sky, casting an ominous glow over the battlefield. With each strike, the air crackled with raw power, leaving trails of destruction in their wake. His attacks were fueled by a determination to protect his men, to ensure their survival against overwhelming odds.

The ogre king, undeterred by the chaos surrounding him, unleashed an onslaught of attacks with a newfound ferocity. His tattoos blazed with an otherworldly light, channeling the essence of his own resilience and primal strength. The ground quivered beneath his colossal form as he retaliated, determined to bring Andrew down.

The clash continued unabated, their powers intertwined in a deadly dance of destruction. The battlefield became a battleground of elemental forces, with fire and lightning tearing through the air. The shockwaves from their attacks tore through the landscape, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

Despite the immense power they displayed, neither combatant showed signs of yielding. Andrew fought with unwavering determination, tapping into reserves of strength he never knew he possessed. The ogre king, driven by his relentless will, pushed his own limits further, refusing to relent even as exhaustion gnawed at his being.

As the fierce fight raged on, the air thick with the scent of sweat and burning energy, the gravity of the situation became increasingly apparent. The clash between the opposing forces showed no signs of reaching a swift conclusion, the combatants locked in a relentless struggle for dominance. Each blow struck with precision, shaking the ground beneath their feet and echoing through the battlefield.

Above, the once serene sky grew ominous, dark clouds swirling and billowing as if mirroring the intensity of the conflict below. Thunder rumbled in the distance, heralding the raw power and electric energy that crackled in the air. The very atmodimension seemed charged with anticipation, as if aware of the momentous events unfolding.

When Ace thought that it would still take a while before the fight situation drastically change, he received a message from Andrew Dawn through the contact system and when he read it, he pumped more mana into his origin ability that was already activated and immediately dashed in the direction Andrew Dawn men escaped to.

Drawing upon the depths of his mana reserves, he channelled even more power source into his activated origin ability, fueling it to its maximum potential. 

The battlefield blurred past him as he raced towards the direction where Andrew Dawn's men had fled. 

It was about to get messy.


I desire to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who has been faithfully following this web novel and reading the daily chapter releases. Your support and dedication mean the world to me, and I am truly honoured to have you by my side on this creative journey.

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