Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 390 Speedster

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[Third Person POV]

Andrew Dawn's message to Ace was straightforward. He advised Ace and his pet to leave the immediate vicinity due to his intention to unleash a powerful spell. Ace was uncertain of the spell's magnitude but was unwilling to risk his life by remaining close. 

The moment he received the message, he and Blue had already set off in the direction Andrew Dawn's men had departed.

The wall Ace had constructed, which he believed to be impressive, now lay in ruins. It had been reduced to mere dust by the combined attacks of Andrew Dawn and the ogre king. 

The destruction of his wall served as a poignant reminder of the disparity between a Top 5 human and someone ranked in the top 50. 

Notably, the wall had not been demolished by a direct assault but rather from the shockwave resulting from the clash between Andrew Dawn and the ogre king.

The shockwave, an unintended aftereffect of a genuine attack, annihilated a quarter of Ace's substantial mana pool. This revelation astonished him, shedding light on the immense power wielded by the other top-ranked individuals. 

Andrew Dawn, currently the fourth most powerful human in his world, led Ace to believe that the fifth-ranked individual should possess similar combat prowess. 

Even if the fifth-ranked person fell short, they would still possess enough power to prevent Andrew Dawn from eliminating them in a single strike, unless Andrew Dawn proved to be even mightier than anticipated.

Curiosity consumed Ace as he pondered the true capabilities of the top three individuals. Despite transforming into a dragon to attain his current power, Andrew Dawn remained unable to defeat any of the top three who had held their positions since Ace's arrival in this world. 

This fact served as a testament to their formidable strength. 

As rank 1 beings, they potentially surpassed Ace's imagination of what a rank 1 human could be.

Despite these thoughts swirling in Ace's mind, his utmost priority was ensuring his and Blue's safety by distancing themselves as far as possible from Andrew Dawn. 

Luckily, Ace managed to depart the area in time before fully comprehending why Andrew Dawn had urged him to leave. As he glanced ahead, he could discern the figures of Andrew Dawn's men, yet they remained at a sufficient distance to observe what would unfold.

Just as Ace contemplated Andrew Dawn's message, instructing him to vacate the vicinity where the ogres resided, the sky abruptly darkened, creating an eerie twilight despite the sun's presence. The strangeness heightened when Ace turned toward the direction he had left Andrew Dawn and was taken aback by the astonishing sight that met his eyes. 

Suspended in the sky loomed a colossal red fiery magic circle, adorned with intricate symbols in motion. The very fabric of space twisted in that direction, evoking an impending sense of cataclysm.



Meanwhile, in another location, Adara was currently at a location far away from her territory to test out her powers for the first time after evolving.

The challenge dungeon, though was hellish to her, it did help her complete her job requirements in the end.




[Name: Adara Dawn],

[Age: 17],

[Race: High Human [HOMO sapiens]/Half Spirit],

[Job: Speedster],

[Origin: Arcane Velocity[Can be strengthened]],

[Level: 25[12%][Rank 1]],


[Affiliation: None],







[Ranking: Rank 58],

Title: King Of A Thousand People[Active], King Of An Army[Thousand Men][Active]],

[Contracted Spirit: Lighting spirit Zoria[Level 5]],


'Maybe holding on to a spirit while evolving was a bad idea', Adara thought when she saw her other race while thinking of her weakened race in the settlement.

Fortunately Zoria was only going to be weak for a while according to the state she left her.

'Hopefully though', Adara thought as she walked through the dense woods.

This was the second time she had opened her status after evolving and both times she only took a glance and did not bother researching about the changes.

She wasn't going to do so now too since she just wanted to find out a few things about her job.

"It's Ancient Grade so it better not be disappointing", Adara muttered.

Not that she thought it was going to be disappointing because from the knowledge she gained after evolving, although this job was relatively very simple, it was also very powerful because the ability of a speedster was speed.

Adara could figure out on her own that the job was one that would allow her to run very fast but how fast was what she was not aware of.

She wondered if it was to the level of those comic characters that survived even in the modern age from the old age.

'If it's at that level,' Adara could not help but smile when she thought of this.

Apart from her race and job, the only other thing Adara viewed was her origin ability.

[Arcane Velocity],

Arcane Velocity is a mystical fusion of magic and speed, granting superhuman swiftness and time manipulation to its practitioners, allowing them to move at incredible speeds and control temporal flow.


As Adara contemplated her newfound power, she realised that it was intricately connected to speed. Eager to investigate the extent of her abilities, she decided to put them to the test. However, before delving into the mysteries of her origin ability, she resolved to gauge her natural speed and ascertain the extent of her growth since evolving.

Searching for a secluded area in the densely forested surroundings, Adara finally discovered a less populated region with fewer trees, providing ample space for her experiments. With anticipation building within her, she prepared herself to unleash her enhanced speed and push herself to the limits.

Excitement coursed through her veins as she launched into motion, her agile form darting through the open expanse of the forest. The results surpassed her expectations. Both with and without the electrifying embrace of lightning, her velocity far exceeded what she had been capable of before her evolution. The exhilarating rush of wind against her face and the effortless strides propelled her forward with astonishing swiftness.

Adara couldn't help but revel in the satisfaction of her accelerated movements. Her evolution had granted her a newfound level of agility and celerity, propelling her beyond her previous limitations.

If one were to draw a comparison, unbeknownst to Adara herself, her speed without the lightning coating fell slightly behind Ace's after his evolution. However, when she enveloped herself in the crackling power source of lightning, she surpassed Ace's swiftness by a noticeable margin.

Yet, these comparisons held little significance for Adara at the moment. Unaware of her newfound prowess, she eagerly anticipated testing her origin ability. Like countless evolved humans, she possessed an innate understanding of how to activate her unique power. With anticipation coursing through her veins, she unleashed her origin ability, and in that instant, the world underwent a breathtaking transformation before her very eyes.

As Adara activated her Arcane Velocity, the world around her seemed to slow down in her eyes. 

Time itself appeared to stretch, as if the normal flow of seconds had elongated. Adara's perception sharpened, and she could observe even the smallest details with clarity. 

The movement of leaves suspended in mid-air, the slight shift of animals frozen in motion—all became visible to her heightened senses. The world seemed to exist in a state of suspended animation as she embraced the power of Arcane Velocity, ready to investigate its incredible swiftness and time manipulation abilities.

Taking a deep breath, Adara closed her eyes for a second in her time then opened it the other second before changing her stance.

She changed it to one that showed she was about to run and she did just that.

She ran.

As Adara dashed through the dense woods with her newfound speed granted by Arcane Velocity, her movement was a blur to the naked eye. She effortlessly weaved between trees, agilely leaping over fallen logs and ducking under low-hanging branches. The environment around her seemed to distort as she accelerated, the leaves of the trees blurring into streaks of green and brown.

Adara's enhanced reflexes and agility allowed her to navigate the treacherous terrain with ease. She effortlessly adjusted her trajectory to avoid any obstacles in her path, her movements precise and calculated. The rush of wind against her face intensified as she picked up speed, the sensation a thrilling reminder of her newfound abilities.

The world around her continued to appear in slow motion, allowing Adara to take in the details of her surroundings with heightened clarity. She could see individual droplets of dew suspended in the air, the intricate patterns of the foliage, and even the startled expressions of woodland creatures frozen in time as she zipped past them.

With each stride, Adara's speed increased exponentially, propelling her forward with astounding velocity. The ground beneath her seemed to blur into a streak of motion as she effortlessly covered vast distances within mere moments. The sheer exhilaration of her speed coursed through her veins, fueling her determination to push her limits further.

As Adara continued her sprint through the woods, the world became a vibrant and thrilling tapestry of colours and sensations. Her senses were heightened, attuned to every nuance of her environment as she embraced the full power of Arcane Velocity, revelling in the exhilaration of her superhuman speed.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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