Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 392 More Than It Appears

[Ace POV]

'What a monster', I thought while staring at the naked man with dazed eyes by my side as we headed to the settlement together.

The naked man was of course the emperor and from his dazed eyes, I could tell he was probably in the store looking for clothes to cover his nakedness.

Well, I suppose it's logical for his clothes to get destroyed when transforming into a big dragon.

Slowly, the more I'm with the man, the more I realise how weak I am.

One percent of his strength should be able to handle me and probably together with blue.

I was truly weak.

As I thought of this, I remembered the meteor shower that dropped from the huge magic circle that the emperor conjured and used to free himself from the ogre king's continuous attack to regroup with his men.

There was the ogre king as well.

Were all the other race leaders as strong as him or was he an anomaly?

It would be better if it was the latter because if it was the former, I do not see humans being a threat to the other races at all.

I wonder how strong the dwarven king that Emma and Chris encountered is.

Was he as strong as the emperor and the ogre king?


Now that I think about it, the ogre king should probably be an anomaly or a race case because Anna also encountered the race leader of another race and survived and at that time she was just unranked.

Well she might still be unranked.

I should probably check the rankings when I have time.

With the grade of my teammates' job, their ranking should not be too low so if they've evolved, it will be easier to know from the ranking leaderboard.

As I thought of these things, a leather pants slowly materialised in mid air in front of the emperor so he stopped in his tracks.

I did the same as well and turned to rub the neck of my tamed beast as the emperor dressed himself up.

The emperor didn't seem to even bother about his nakedness in the first place.

I reasoned that he must have brought the pants in the first place because he figured it was inappropriate to stay naked in front of his men.

Yes. It wasn't only the emperor, I and blue that were heading to the settlement together because his men that I had helped save were also with us.

I guess it's a good thing that there was no female soldier here to gaze upon his nakedness.

As I thought of these things, I heard a sigh beside me and when I turned to look at the emperor, I saw that he was already dressed although he was still half naked though.

I was not bothered with this though and was more concerned about other things.

"So is the war over?" I asked the emperor in a low voice.

Hearing my question, the emperor donned a frustrated look on his face and only muttered a single word with a deep voice.

"No", he said.

Wait, no?!

That spell should have taken out the ogre king or his army at least right?

Perhaps the emperor could understand my thoughts without me needing to voice them out and spoke to address me.

"I do not know what method that bastard used but he survived my attack", the emperor stated and added; "I did get to wipe his army clean a little but it doesn't mean anything if I can't avenge me men"

Hearing the emperor's words made me ponder a little.

I could not feel what the emperor felt for his men but wiping the ogre army should be enough to avenge his dead men and isn't this enough to end the war that was supposed to happen since the ogre king was the major issue now?

It seems the ogre king is even more dangerous than I initially thought.

I really do need to get stronger.





As I thought about these things, I opened my mouth to ask about what I was concerned about again.

"The war should be over now right?" I asked and the emperor immediately gave his reply.

"No it has not even started", he answered.

Hearing this, the first thought that came to mind was that the emperor was too affected by his men's deaths and wanted to kill the ogres and wipe them from the face of the true world.

I thought it was just because of his selfish reason till he spoke again.

"The ogre army you saw today was just part of a the numbers I saw that day"



After recovering from the recent event, Adara finally noticed something strange when she had finally relaxed a little.

"Hmmm, why is my mana still full?" Adara muttered in confusion as she inspected her mana pool.

"Did I almost not exhaust my mana for the last attack?" Adara muttered as her confusion grew.

Her abundant mana pool felt like everything that had just occurred was a dream but the physical exhaustion she felt told her what she had just experienced was real.

As her confusion regarding the issue continued to increase, a sudden thought came to her that made her ponder for a while.

"Is this because of my race?" Adara wondered.

Apart from her half race, she could not think of anything that could recover her mana pool so fast.


It was when she thought of this she realised that the only thing she felt getting drained from her body when using her origin ability was her stamina and when she fired those mana bullets, she did not feel her mana even getting used.

"This's weird", Adara muttered and after thinking about the situation for a while, she decided to experiment.

She was going to look for monsters to fight and see how her mana pool is during the fight.

Of course she was going to look for rank 1 monsters to fight this time.

She had learned her lesson and knew anything related to rank two at the moment was too difficult for her to battle.

She could also just remain in her location and just released lightning like crazy to drain her mana but Adara also wanted to get familiar with her new weapon.

Although the gun did little to no damage against the rank 2 Treeman, that was because the opponent was too powerful.

Adara liked the guns though and she could tell she made the right choice by choosing it as a range weapon.

At least the fight against the Treeman made her aware the guns suited her.


Adara stood her ground as a massive horde of enraged earth bulls charged towards her. The ground beneath her quaked with their thunderous footsteps. With lightning coursing through her veins and her dual guns in hand, she embraced the exhilarating challenge that lay before her.

As the first wave of earth bulls closed in, Adara's movements became a blur of lightning-fast precision. She darted effortlessly between the charging beasts, her guns blazing with crackling energy. Each bullet she unleashed erupted into arcs of lightning, striking the bulls with pinpoint accuracy.

With unrivalled agility, Adara evaded their powerful horns and swift hooves, effortlessly sliding beneath their massive bodies and leaping over their ferocious charges. Her lightning-infused bullets tore through the thick hides of the bulls, sending jolts of electricity rippling through their muscular frames.

The air crackled with power source as Adara danced among the earth bulls, her movements a deadly ballet. She weaved between them, firing her lightning bullets with unfaltering precision. Bolts of electricity coursed through the horde, causing the bulls to convulse and falter in their attacks.

Adara choose gun among the other range weapons was not because she found it cool but also because she had taken an interest in range weapons in her old world.

Adara's lightning-enhanced speed allowed her to strike with blinding swiftness, her guns becoming extensions of her own lightning-charged body. She moved seamlessly from one bull to another, dispatching them with ease. With every shot, she harnessed the power of thunder and left a trail of electrified devastation in her wake.

The horde dwindled, their numbers decimated by Adara's lightning onslaught. She remained untouched, her movements a blur of electrifying grace. The remaining earth bulls hesitated, sensing the power radiating from their formidable opponent.

As the final bull charged, Adara leaped into the air, flipping gracefully above its head. In a burst of electric energy, she landed behind it and delivered a final lightning-infused bullet directly into its massive form. The bull trembled and collapsed, defeated by Adara's lightning prowess.


I desire to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who has been faithfully following this web novel and reading the daily chapter releases. Your support and dedication mean the world to me, and I am truly honoured to have you by my side on this creative journey.

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