Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 393 Testing Strength

[Dear readers! Please it's almost the end of the month and I will really really really love to end the month in top 100 in Golden Ticket ranking so please continue to vote. If we can do this, I'll make sure that next month my chapter release rate will be 10 chapters per week at least. Thank You! The next chapter is going to be Ace's POV so don't worry about prolonged events or anything.]


[Third Person POV],

In the end, Adara felt like she hadn't had enough of her job yet and decided to conduct another experiment to test her limits.

At this point, it was evident that her speed was her greatest asset, while her physical strength was comparatively weaker.

Adara had conducted a small test on her strength and discovered that she was significantly stronger than the high-ranked warriors in her settlement, who were already above level 30.

This meant that she had the ability to engage in close combat with level 30+ monsters, something she could do before since she had increased her physique to level 34.

After evolving, Adara realised that her strength had increased by at least half. In theory, this meant she should be able to fight and possibly defeat monsters of level 40 and even higher even if the monster was of a special kind.

Adara was aware of her physical strength, but she found it disheartening how her speed overshadowed it. It was a drastic change for her, having been accustomed to close combat and now having to adapt to long-range combat.

She had suspected that something like this might happen when she chose her job, but little did she know that the black orb had other plans in store for her, directly increasing her grade to ancient grade.

Ancient grade was also the highest grade Adara was aware of, although she wasn't certain if it was a grade above legendary. Only time would reveal the answer.

For now, Adara simply wanted to test her strength, and with her speed, it didn't take long for her to find a suitable opponent.


 [Rank 1 Silver haired ape Level 44],

Adara stood before the towering silver-haired ape, its muscles rippling with power. She could sense the anticipation in the air as the two combatants prepared for their clash. This fight was not about survival or victory; it was a test of Adara's physical strength, a training session to know her limits.

With a surge of determination, Adara activated her lightning element, crackling power source enveloping her fists. The silver-haired ape let out a thunderous roar, charging towards her with incredible speed. Adara braced herself, ready to meet the challenge head-on.

As the ape swung its massive fists, Adara danced around the blows with incredible agility. She weaved through the air, her lightning-infused fists landing precise strikes on the ape's body. Each blow sent jolts of electricity coursing through its frame, causing it to stagger momentarily.

Adara's enhanced strength allowed her to parry the ape's attacks effortlessly. With lightning-fast reflexes, she delivered a flurry of punches and kicks, exploiting every opening. The ape, overwhelmed by Adara's speed and power, struggled to keep up.

A surge of epinephrine coursed through Adara's veins as she unleashed a devastating combination. She delivered a powerful uppercut, followed by a lightning-infused roundhouse kick that sent the ape crashing to the ground. The impact created a shockwave, shaking the surrounding trees.


With a resolute voice, Adara called out, her determination unyielding. She refused to let the fight end so easily. The silver-haired ape, though dazed and momentarily subdued, regained its footing, bellowing in defiance. It had underestimated Adara's resolve, and now it would face the consequences.

As the ape charged forward once more, Adara swiftly sidestepped its attack, evading its massive fists with precision. She seized the opportunity to strike, her lightning-infused fists delivering a barrage of blows to its vulnerable sides. The ape roared in pain, its resolve weakening with each electrifying strike.

But the silver-haired ape was no ordinary opponent. It shook off the pain and launched a furious counterattack. Its movements became faster, more deliberate. Adara knew she had to elevate her game to meet the challenge.




With lightning reflexes, Adara ducked under the ape's powerful swing, narrowly avoiding the bone-crushing blow. She retaliated with a lightning-charged palm strike to its abdomen, unleashing a surge of electrical power source that rippled through its body. The ape stumbled back, momentarily stunned.

Adara seized the moment, unleashing a flurry of lightning-infused strikes, aiming for its vital points. Her fists blurred in the air as she struck with precision and ferocity. Each blow crackled with energy, sending sparks flying in all directions.

Yet the silver-haired ape refused to succumb easily. It unleashed a powerful swipe of its clawed hand, narrowly missing Adara's shoulder. The force of the strike sent her sprawling backward, but she quickly regained her footing, determination burning in her eyes.

Adara's eyes narrowed as she regained her balance, her determination unwavering. She could feel the surge of epinephrine coursing through her veins, fueling her resolve to overcome this formidable opponent.

With renewed focus, Adara circled the silver-haired ape, studying its movements with keen observation. She analysed its patterns, searching for any weaknesses she could exploit. Every ounce of her training and experience came into play as she prepared to launch her next attack.

As the ape lunged forward, Adara swiftly evaded its ferocious swipe, ducking under its outstretched arm. In one fluid motion, she unleashed a lightning-infused kick, aiming for its exposed flank. The impact sent crackling bolts of electricity rippling through the creature's body, causing it to stagger and growl in pain.

Adara followed up with a lightning-charged jab to its chest, channelling her power source to maximise the impact. The ape's defences faltered momentarily, granting her an opening to press her advantage. She unleashed a rapid series of strikes, her fists a blur as they connected with precise accuracy.

The ape, now fully aware of Adara's prowess, responded with a surge of raw power. It swung its massive fists with increased ferocity, attempting to overwhelm her with sheer force. But Adara, fueled by her determination, relied on her agility and lightning-quick reflexes to dodge and counter each blow.

She retaliated with lightning-infused palm strikes, each strike carrying the weight of her unwavering determination. Sparks flew as her fists collided with the ape's body, electrifying its form and weakening its defences.

The silver-haired ape's increased aggression only fueled Adara's determination further. With lightning-quick reflexes, she evaded its powerful swings, narrowly avoiding the brute force that threatened to overwhelm her. In response, she channelled her power source into lightning-infused palm strikes, each strike carrying the weight of her unwavering resolve.

Sparks erupted as her fists collided with the ape's body, crackling with electrifying energy. The impact sent shockwaves through its form, causing it to stagger and momentarily lose its balance. Adara seized this opportunity to press her advantage, unleashing a flurry of lightning-imbued strikes upon the weakened creature.

Her strikes struck with pinpoint accuracy, exploiting the weakened defences of the silver-haired ape. Each blow carried the full force of her determination, driving the electrifying power source deep into its muscular frame. The ape roared in pain, its movements growing sluggish as Adara's onslaught intensified.

As Adara continued to exchange blows with the silver-haired ape, a sudden rustling in the nearby foliage caught her attention. Two more silver-haired apes emerged from the shadows, their eyes fixed on the ongoing battle. They're equally as strong and imposing as the first ape she was currently engaged with.

Adara's focus sharpened as she assessed the situation. With a calm resolve, she welcomed the additional challenge, knowing that this was an opportunity to push herself even further. The lightning element surged within her, intensifying the crackling power source that enveloped her fists.

The three silver-haired apes advanced, their movements synchronised in an attempt to overwhelm Adara. But she refused to be deterred. With lightning-fast reflexes, she evaded their combined onslaught, her body flowing like water through their strikes.

Utilising her heightened agility and speed, Adara darted between the apes, striking with calculated precision. Her lightning-infused blows landed with devastating impact, sending shockwaves of electricity rippling through their bodies. The apes recoiled under the force of her attacks, momentarily stunned.

Seizing the advantage, Adara pressed on relentlessly. She targeted the vulnerabilities of each ape, exploiting their openings with swift and powerful strikes. Her lightning element surged with intensity, augmenting her physical strength and electrifying the battlefield with each thunderous blow.

The silver-haired apes, despite their immense size and strength, found themselves outmatched by Adara's lightning-infused onslaught. They struggled to keep up with her speed, unable to withstand the electrifying force behind her strikes. With each lightning-charged punch and kick, their defences crumbled further.

In a display of unparalleled skill and determination, Adara unleashed a whirlwind of lightning-infused attacks upon her adversaries. Bolts of electricity crackled in the air, illuminating the battlefield with their brilliance. The ground trembled beneath her as she struck with unrivalled precision.

One by one, the silver-haired apes fell to the ground, incapacitated and defeated. Adara stood amidst the aftermath, her chest heaving with exertion, but her spirit unyielding. She had faced the challenge head-on and emerged victorious, her physical strength and lightning element proving to be an unstoppable combination.

Gazing at the fallen apes, Adara felt a surge of satisfaction. 

"No bad, not bad"

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