Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 398 Wave Type Dungeon

Chapter 398  Wave Type Dungeon

[Thanks for the wonderful month guys]


[Ace POV],

"Take it easy, boy," I said to Blue as we soared through the sky. Initially, he was flying so fast that we would have reached the alternate dimension in just a few minutes, but that wasn't my intention.

I replied to Anna's message, informing her that I would meet her in front of the alternate dimension entrance after exchanging a few words with the emperor. However, I didn't expect her to reply immediately.

Her message was simple: she and the others had gone hunting and were currently in the midst of a fight, so she told me to take my time.

Unfortunately, I received this message after leaving the settlement. If I had known earlier, I would have stayed there for a while. As I gazed down at the landscape below me, a thought crossed my mind: "Perhaps I should hunt some monsters too."

After contemplating for a moment, I decided to explore the true world a little longer. I gestured to Blue, indicating that he could fly wherever he desired. "Let's see what this world has to offer," I muttered, continuing to observe my surroundings.


Eventually, we stumbled upon a dungeon portal large enough for Blue to enter. The requirements and difficulty weren't particularly challenging. One simply needed to be a rank one species, and the difficulty was classified as hard.

Although recently evolved, I knew I was far more powerful than rank 1 humans with common jobs, so this dungeon should pose no significant challenge. Having Blue by my side further guaranteed our success.

With confidence in my abilities, I entered the dungeon. This particular dungeon was unique because it wasn't a floor ascension type but rather a wave type dungeon.

In the ascension type dungeons I had previously encountered, I had to eliminate all the monsters on one floor before progressing to the next, repeating the process until reaching the final floor.

However, this dungeon operated differently.

The layout of this dungeon consisted of a vast, open grassland. As soon as we entered, a pack of rank 1 wolves attacked us, signalling the beginning of the third wave. This wave proved to be stronger than the previous two.

I chose to face the wolves alone, separate from Blue, to assess my own capabilities. Despite confronting multiple packs of wolves, with the weakest wolves at level 35, the battle thus far had been relatively easy.

As I faced off against the pack of wolves, a smirk tugged at the corners of my lips. With my mastery over earth magic and my enhanced physical strength, these creatures were no match for me. I summoned the power within me, channelling it through my veins as I unleashed a torrent of earth spikes from the ground, impaling several wolves in one swift motion.

The remaining wolves growled and lunged at me, their teeth bared and claws extended. But I was prepared. With a flick of my wrist, I created a protective barrier of solid rock around myself, shielding me from their attacks. The wolves' jaws snapped against the barrier, their attempts futile against the strength of my earth magic.

I didn't stop there. As the wolves circled around me, I focused my energy, gathering it in my fist. With a powerful punch, I sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, causing the earth to tremble beneath their paws. The wolves stumbled and fell, losing their balance in the chaos I created.

Taking advantage of their momentary weakness, I sprang into action. My physical prowess matched my magical abilities, allowing me to swiftly dispatch the remaining wolves with a combination of precise strikes and well-timed dodges. Their howls of pain echoed through the dungeon as they fell one by one.

With the pack defeated, I took a moment to catch my breath, feeling a surge of satisfaction course through my veins. The wave type dungeon was proving to be no challenge for me. I glanced around, assessing the area. The vast grassland stretched out before me, seemingly endless. I knew there were more waves to come but I was ready and I was right because after 10 minutes, another round of multiple wolf packs ran towards me.

The weakest was level 40 and the strongest was level 45 and they were many.

I still believed it would be easy though.

As the next wave of wolf packs surged toward me, their ferocity was evident. The ground beneath me trembled with their combined weight, but I remained resolute. With a determined expression, I steadied myself, ready to face the new challenge head-on.

This time, I decided to push my earth magic to even greater heights. Instead of simply summoning earth spikes, I extended my grasslands like formidable walls. These barriers formed a protective circle around me, acting as both a shield and a trap for the control over the terrain itself. I caused the ground to shift and churn, creating massive earthen barriers that rose from the grasslands like formidable walls. These barriers formed a protective circle around me, acting as both a shield and a trap for the oncoming wolves.

As the first pack lunged at me, their fangs glinting in the sunlight, they found themselves met with an impenetrable wall of rock. They collided with the barriers, yelping in pain as the impact reverberated through their bodies. At the same time, I used my earth magic to manipulate the ground beneath them, ensnaring their legs and hindering their movements.

The wolves that managed to avoid the barriers soon faced another obstacle—me. I moved with agility and precision, striking with a combination of earth-enhanced punches and swift kicks. My movements were fluid, almost dance-like, as I effortlessly dispatched one wolf after another. Each attack was calculated and efficient, wasting no energy.

The level 45 wolves proved to be more challenging, but I was undeterred. With my enhanced strength and mastery over earth magic, I met their attacks head-on, countering with powerful blows that sent them sprawling. I used the terrain to my advantage, using the shifting ground to destabilise their footing and exploit their weaknesses.

Time seemed to blur as the battle raged on.

"This is too easy", I muttered as I continued fighting the wolves.

In the end, I defeated this wave and the other waves after that before I encountered a wave that made me take a serious stance.

This wave was not exactly many and was just ten wolves but each wolf was level 50 and the pressure they emitted was also strong.

Even blue positioned his stance to help me when needed but I knew it would not happen. I haven't even used my flames or my transmutation ability since the start of this dungeon run after all.

In fact, I wanted to go all out and only fight with  my physical strength alone.

With this thought in mind, I took the first step and dashed towards the wolves as blue flew to the sky to assist if needed.

As I charged toward the pack of level 50 wolves, adrenaline surged through my veins. I was determined to face this challenge head-on, relying solely on my physical strength. Blue hovered in the sky, ready to assist if necessary, but I was determined to prove that I could handle this battle on my own.

The wolves snarled and lunged at me, their teeth bared and their eyes filled with a primal hunger. I met their attacks with unwavering resolve, sidestepping their lunges and delivering swift and powerful strikes. My punches and kicks connected with precision, each blow landing with enough force to send the wolves sprawling.

As I fought, I could feel the power coursing through my muscles, my body moving in perfect harmony. The wolves tried to overwhelm me with their numbers, but I deftly evaded their attacks, dodging and weaving with agility. I used my surroundings to my advantage, leaping off rock formations and swiftly changing direction to keep the wolves off balance.

With each wolf I dispatched, my confidence grew. The ferocity of their attacks only fueled my determination. I countered their strikes with a mix of strength and finesse, my blows landing with such impact that they reverberated through the air.

As the battle intensified, I decided to push myself further. I tapped into my reserves of physical strength, channelling it with every movement. I unleashed a barrage of devastating blows, striking with such speed and power that it seemed as if my fists were a blur.

The wolves fought back fiercely, their claws slashing through the air, but I remained resolute. I anticipated their movements, reading their every action with precision. My reflexes were honed to perfection, allowing me to dodge and block their attacks effortlessly.

With each wolf that fell, the remaining ones grew more desperate. They lunged at me with renewed determination, their teeth snapping dangerously close. But I stayed focused, my mind clear and my body in perfect sync with the rhythm of the battle.

Time seemed to stretch as the fight raged on. The clash of muscle against muscle, the sound of bones breaking, and the primal cries of the wolves filled the air. My movements became almost instinctual, a dance of power and finesse that left the wolves reeling.

As the last wolf fell, a sense of triumph washed over me. I stood amidst the defeated pack, my body covered in sweat and dirt, but a satisfied smile graced my lips.

With a deep breath, I turned to Blue, who had been observing the battle from above. The gryphon's eyes gleamed with pride as he let out a low rumble of approval. It was a silent acknowledgement of my prowess and a testament to the bond we shared.

But I knew the dungeon was not yet complete.

"Let's see if it can get interesting",

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