Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 399 Last one?

Chapter 399  Last one?

Ace stood in the vast grassland, the gentle breeze carrying the scent of the wild. Thirty fierce-looking wolves, each at level 50, encircled him, their eyes fixed on their prey. Unfazed by the odds, Ace knew that this was the perfect opportunity to use his origin ability, transmutation.

Taking a deep breath, Ace focused his mind and channelled the energy within him. A surge of power emanated from his core as he tapped into the essence of transmutation. His hands glowed with a pulsating light as he willed the transformation to begin.

The grassland beneath his feet responded to his command. Blades of grass turned into ice, spreading out in a wave, creating a slippery and treacherous surface. The wolves, taken aback by this sudden change in terrain, struggled to maintain their footing.

Ace seized the advantage and dashed forward, his movements graceful and swift. His feet glides effortlessly over the icy ground as he closed the distance between himself and the wolves. With each step, he transmuted the earth into ice, freezing the area around him and leaving a trail of frost in his wake.

The wolves snarled and lunged at him, but their attacks lacked precision on the icy terrain. Ace used this to his advantage, dancing nimbly between them. He extended his hand towards one of the wolves, focusing his energy on the transmutation of air.

A blast of frigid air shot from his palm, freezing the wolf's fur and immobilising it in a block of ice. Ace's transmutation abilities were not just limited to the earth but extended to the elements as well. He could manipulate and alter the properties of anything around him.

As he continued to battle, he transmuted the grass and the air, creating gusts of icy wind that hindered the wolves' movements. With calculated precision, he turned water molecules in the air into sharp ice shards, launching them like projectiles at his foes.

The landscape transformed into a winter wonderland, the once vibrant grassland now covered in a glistening layer of ice and frost. Ace moved with unparalleled finesse, utilising his transmutation to outmanoeuvre the wolves at every turn.

But the wolves were persistent, and their numbers began to take a toll on Ace's stamina. He knew he had to finish the battle swiftly before exhaustion set in.

With beads of sweat forming on his brow, Ace focused his energy on a grand transmutation. He raised his arms, and the very air around him began to shift. Ice crystals formed above his head, gathering and coalescing into a massive, swirling vortex of icy power.

With a mighty roar, Ace unleashed the full force of his transmutation. The icy vortex spiralled downward, engulfing the wolves in a fierce blizzard of freezing winds and razor-sharp ice shards. The wolves howled in pain as they were pummelling by the relentless assault.

As the blizzard subsided, the wolves stood battered and disoriented, their bodies encased in a thick layer of ice. Ace wasted no time and swiftly approached the frozen creatures. He extended his hand, and the ice around them began to crack and shatter, freeing the wolves from their icy prisons.

But the battle was not yet over. The wolves, driven by their primal instincts, regrouped and renewed their attack. They lunged at Ace with renewed ferocity, their fangs bared and their claws slashing through the air.

Ace's transmutation abilities were put to the test as he continued to manipulate the elements around him. He transmuted the earth beneath the wolves' paws, turning it into a treacherous quagmire that hindered their movements. With each step, their feet sank into the mire, slowing their advance.

Seizing the opportunity, Ace focused his transmutation on the wolves themselves. He altered their body temperatures, lowering them to dangerous levels. Frost began to form on their fur, and their movements became sluggish and lethargic.

Despite their slowed movements, the wolves remained determined to bring down their formidable opponent. Ace knew he had to act swiftly to secure his victory. With a surge of energy, he transmuted the air around him, creating a dense fog that enveloped the battlefield.

Within the mist, Ace's senses heightened, allowing him to anticipate the wolves' attacks with uncanny precision. He danced through the fog, his movements fluid and elusive. As the wolves lunged towards him, he evaded their strikes with swift sidesteps and agile leaps.

In the midst of the chaos, Ace extended his hand towards the largest and most aggressive wolf. He concentrated his transmutation abilities on the creature's body, manipulating its composition at a molecular level. The wolf's muscles stiffened, freezing in place, rendering it temporarily immobilised.

Capitalising on the momentary respite, Ace turned his attention to the remaining wolves. He transmuted the moisture in the air, causing sharp icicles to form around their paws. With each step, the wolves pierced their own flesh, causing them to yelp in pain and confusion.

The battle raged on, with Ace continuing to manipulate the elements to his advantage. He conjured gusts of freezing wind that their attacks. He formed icy barriers to shield himself from their lunges, deflecting their claws with precision.

disoriented the wolves, making it difficult for them to coordinate their attacks. He formed icy barriers to shield himself from their lunges, deflecting their claws with precision.

As time wore on, Ace could feel the strain of the battle taking its toll on his mana pool. But his determination remained unyielding. He summoned the last reserves of his energy, drawing upon the very essence of transmutation within him.

With a final surge of power, Ace transmuted the ground beneath the remaining wolves into a solid mass of ice. Their paws became trapped in the frozen surface, rendering them immobile. Their howls of frustration echoed through the grassland as they struggled in vain to break free.

Taking advantage of their predicament, Ace approached each immobilised wolf, one by one, and delivered a swift, precise punch, ending their suffering. The grassland fell silent once again, the battle finally coming to an end.

Exhausted but victorious, Ace surveyed the frozen landscape, his chest heaving with each breath. The once formidable pack of wolves now lay defeated, their bodies encased in ice.

"I somehow took care of that without blues help?"

"I wonder if this is the last one", Ace muttered and collapsed on the ground.

He was exhausted but the dungeon did not seem to have been cleared yet.

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