Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 406 Inner Thoughts

Blue, the Solarflare Gryphon, stood tall and imposing, a magnificent sight to behold. His regal form reached an impressive height of six metres, his wingspan even broader, giving him an aura of power and grandeur. His entire body was covered in resplendent plumage that resembled the brilliance of the sun, emitting blinding radiance wherever he went.

The colours of his feathers were a stunning display of fiery hues, from vivid gold to fiery orange, and deep crimson. Each feather seemed to flicker with a mesmerising intensity, dancing in the sunlight like the embers of a roaring fire. As the light caught his feathers, they shimmered and glowed with a life of their own, as if they held the power of the sun itself.

His wings were a marvel to behold, stretching out with grace and strength. The primary feathers extended with a sweeping curve, while the secondary feathers fanned out like the rays of a celestial being. Whenever he spread his wings, it was as if the very sun itself had come alive in the form of this majestic creature.

Blue's eyes were a mesmerising shade of golden flames, their glow captivating and intense.

"T-This is your pet?" Anna asked, her eyes filled with surprise, doubt, and awe. She wasn't the only one with this expression; Ace's other teammates also wore various looks on their faces, trying to process what they were seeing.

It took a while before they could comprehend what Ace referred to as a pet, but when their eyes finally fell upon the tall, towering figure in front of them, releasing an oppressive pressure that weighed on their very souls, the arrogance that the three evolved humans, apart from Ace, had exuded after their evolution immediately dissipated.

Ace had always been the leader of the group, and apart from Emma, the other two—Anna and Chris—had constantly felt like they weren't doing enough. They yearned for strength that could make a significant difference within the team. They believed that evolving would bridge whatever gap existed in the team and grant them similar strength to the rest of the group. However, looking at the current situation, it seemed they had been thinking too optimistically.

It wasn't only them affected, but Emma too. In the past, she and Ace had possessed a similar level of strength, so she couldn't understand why things felt different now. 

How could a creature of his level, emanating such a dreadful aura, be Ace's pet?

Despite their uncertainty, they could not deny the power that emanated from this enigmatic being. The very air around them seemed to tremble in its presence. Yet, Ace appeared perfectly calm, almost as if he were in sync with this miraculous creature.

Anna's mind raced with questions. 

How had Ace managed to tame such a formidable being? 

The more she thought about it, the more her respect for Ace grew. 

He had always been skilled, but to have a creature of this magnitude as his pet was beyond comprehension.

Emma, too, was captivated by the sight before her. Her analytical mind churned, trying to make sense of the inexplicable bond between Ace and this intimidating entity. She recalled their battles together, their shared triumphs and hardships, and wondered if this powerful pet had been at Ace's side through it all.

As for Chris, the surprise and awe on his face masked a sense of determination. He had always admired Ace's strength and leadership, and this newfound revelation only fueled his desire to become even stronger.

Emma did not know how it was possible, but it was the reality she had to accept. 

In fact, it wasn't even the monstrous creature in front of her that affected her so deeply. 

Her very self had been stirred from the moment she laid eyes on Ace. 




The same went for Anna and Chris, but they were hesitant to admit or display their feelings. 

Standing close to Ace in the beginning had been a bit overwhelming. 

It wasn't because of the occasional strange aura emanating from him, but rather the overwhelming sense of power he exuded.

Ace himself was somewhat oblivious to just how potent his abilities were. He had spent a lot of time in the company of a powerful king, and that had influenced his perception of strength. 

Having witnessed the battles between Andrew Dawn and the dragon phantom, as well as Andrew Dawn and the ogre king, Ace still believed he wasn't powerful enough. 

Despite being stronger than most humans in the true world, he had no idea of the true extent of his prowess. 

His rank within the top 50 was no mere accolade, and the fact that his teammates were unaware of this only added to the mystery surrounding his strength.

All three of his teammates shared the curiosity of knowing the true extent of Ace's power. The thoughts of Ace and his pet dominated their minds the most. 

The only one seemingly unconcerned about most of the things Ace's teammates were pondering was Mia. She was entirely captivated by the majestic figure of Ace's pet, her focus on the awe-inspiring blue creature. 

Mia mind wandered to thoughts of playfulness, wondering if the creature was soft to touch and if it liked to play catch.

If Ace and his teammates knew what Mia was thinking, their reactions would surely be amusing and surprising. But for now, they were consumed by their own contemplations.

As Ace observed the various expressions on his teammates' faces, he felt a sense of contentment, even though he could not explain the reasons behind it. However, that was not his primary goal for wanting to see his teammates. 

Ace had sought permission from the emperor to bring them along, not for mere satisfaction, but because he knew their strengths would be invaluable in the upcoming battle.

Initially, Ace believed that his teammates could make a significant difference in the fight between the emperor and the ogre king if they're utilised effectively. 

However, after reuniting with them after a long time, he became even more certain that they would be formidable allies and capable warriors in the war against the ogre army. 

But those thoughts could be addressed later. 

For now, the priority was reaching the settlement, and Ace knew t

he quickest way to do so—by flying.

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