Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 407 Temptation

"How can that bastard be more powerful than me?!"


"How can he be ranked that high?!"


"Am I that weak?!"


"Shit! I'm even weaker than Adara!"


"Just a little more Brian", A gloomy voice echoed in the dark dungeon room.

"Do you desire power? Then free me. I'll give you power" The voice spoke again.

While Brian was unsure of why a voice would be calling out to him in this random one time dungeon he found ever since he had entered, he still pressed on.

While everything was very suspicious, Brian dark hidden thoughts started to cloud his mind.

With his thoughts becoming more twisted under the tempting thought of more power, he fought the undead guardians that stood in his way to the boss room.

Brian's fists blazed with fiery intensity as he punched and kicked his way through hordes of undead guardians. Their rotting forms crumbled under his relentless assault, but their sheer numbers seemed endless. Each strike fueled his frustration and desire for more power.


He couldn't shake the memory of the arrogant rival who had surpassed him in rank and strength. That thought alone fueled his determination to prove himself. With every defeated undead, he channelled his anger into his flames, causing them to burn even hotter.


As he battled, the mysterious voice continued to whisper in his mind, tempting him with promises of untold power. Its words were alluring, offering him the strength he craved. Despite the unsettling feeling it brought, the allure of power was too strong to resist.


Adara flashed in his mind, and his self-doubt deepened. He couldn't bear the thought of being weaker than her, of being left behind.


"Just a little more, Brian," the voice echoed again, its gloomy tone now tinged with urgency.






The undead guardians seemed to increase in number, their relentless assault pushing him to his limits. Yet, he couldn't back down. He couldn't let himself be overshadowed by anyone, especially not his rival.


As he fought on, Brian could feel his inner fire intensifying. The thought of gaining more power, even at the cost of making a pact with this mysterious entity, seemed like an appealing trade-off.


Sweat dripped down his brow, his breaths coming in ragged gasps, but he pressed forward. He knew that whatever awaited him in the boss room was likely even more formidable, but the allure of power was too great to ignore.


The voice's promises echoed louder, drowning out everything else. Brian's doubts began to fade, replaced by a burning desire to grasp the strength he so desperately craved.


With each resounding bang, Brian's fiery assaults grew more intense, scorching the undead guardians into oblivion. The dungeon room echoed with the sounds of battle as he continued his relentless onslaught. The walls were adorned with cracks from the sheer force of his elemental powers, evidence of the tremendous energy coursing through him.

As he fought, memories of his Ace's always confident face haunted him. The mere thought of that arrogant individual being ranked higher than him fueled a fierce determination to prove himself. He refused to accept that he was anything less than extraordinary, and with every defeated undead guardian, he channelled his anger into his fiery blows.

Amidst the chaos of battle, the gloomy voice persisted, whispering promises of power and tempting Brian with untold strength. It was a seductive offer that fueled his growing desire for dominance. His dark thoughts started to cloud his judgement, making him consider the offer more seriously.

With every guardian he defeated, Brian's desire for power grew stronger, and the allure of the voice's promises became too difficult to resist. He began to question whether his strength was truly sufficient. Adara became a point of comparison, and he could not bear the thought of being overshadowed by her.

"Just a little more, Brian," the voice urged, its tone growing increasingly urgent, as if sensing his inner turmoil. The undead guardians seemed to multiply, surrounding him in an unending wave. Their bony hands clawed at him, and their hollow eyes bore into his soul.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Brian pressed on, fueled by the desire to prove himself and the allure of the voice's power. His fists blazed with an intensity that matched the flames dancing in his eyes. He became one with the fire, a force to be reckoned with.

Sweat streamed down his face, mixing with the ash from his fiery attacks. His muscles strained and his breaths came in ragged gasps, but he fought on, determined to embrace the power that beckoned him.

The dungeon room seemed to tremble under the weight of his elemental fury, and the undead guardians' numbers began to dwindle. Yet, the voice's promises continued to echo in his mind, drowning out all other thoughts. It was a constant fight between his desire for power and the knowledge that the source of this tempting offer was veiled in mystery.

As he neared the boss room, Brian's heart pounded in anticipation. Whatever awaited him there was formidable, but the allure of power continued to gnaw at him, pushing him forward. The voice's promises grew louder, vying for his attention and making it difficult to concentrate on anything else.

In the midst of the battle, Brian's true test lay not in defeating the undead guardians, but in conquering his inner turmoil. Would he succumb to the temptation of power and make a pact with this enigmatic entity, or would he find the strength within himself to resist the allure and embrace his own potential? The answer remained uncertain as he stood on the precipice of a life-changing decision.


Dear readers,

Grateful for your presence in today's chapter. Your support fuels my passion. Join me tomorrow for more twists and heartwarming moments. Your feedback guides me on this creative journey. Until then, may the magic of storytelling unite us.

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