Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 420 Duplicate

[Ace POV],

A low, pained groan escaped my lips, the simple act of groaning exacerbating the throbbing ache that seemed to have taken up residence in my head. The sensation was akin to my skull being on the brink of shattering into a million pieces, an unrelenting agony that clenched its grasp tighter with every heartbeat.

Then, a touch, gentle yet profound, graced my forehead, offering a counterpoint to the searing pain. The splitting headache that had monopolised my senses momentarily relinquished its grip as a soft hand made contact with my fevered skin.

Even with my eyes firmly shut, there was no need for sight to discern the origin of that touch. My heightened senses, attuned to the ebb and flow of mana, immediately identified the signature. It was unmistakably Emma. Her mana, like a soothing whisper, radiated a reassuring presence, a balm to my anxious state.

With a practised finesse that suggested a familiarity with such situations, her hand embarked on a delicate dance, tracing patterns on my forehead. The touch was a delicate caress, each stroke a coaxing plea to the pain to dissipate, the tension unfurling like a tightly wound spring.

"Easy, Ace," her voice, a melodic offering of solace, reached my ears, each word a tender melody that seemed to cradle my throbbing head. Her words carried a warmth that felt like a cocoon of safety, gently nudging me towards a calmer state of being.

Before I could respond, a warmth, almost like a gentle current, unfurled from where her hand rested, spreading from my forehead to the farthest reaches of my body. The sensation was akin to a tide of comfort, a gentle flow of solace coursing through my veins. It was manifest that Emma was harnessing the power of her elemental magic, channelling its healing potential to alleviate my torment. The palpable presence of mana around my forehead served as a testament to her proficiency.

Remarkably, whatever her touch and magic were weaving seemed to work. The vice-like grip of the intense headache that had seemed insurmountable just seconds ago began to recede, the intensity waning with every passing heartbeat. It was as though the pain was being lulled into a gentle slumber, serenaded by her touch and the subtle energies she commanded.

With a cautious hesitation, my eyelids fluttered open, my gaze greeted by the sight of a simple wooden ceiling above me. The familiarity of the setting washed over me like a gentle tide; the rustic surroundings unmistakably marked the safety of the settlement.

As the realisation dawned, Emma's voice once again wove through the air, drawing my attention back to her. Her golden eyes, filled with genuine concern and care, met mine, their warmth unwavering. She spoke, her words peeling back the layers of uncertainty that shrouded my awareness.

"The emperor brought you back in quite a dire state," her words painted a vivid tapestry of the recent events. "I was entrusted with your care. I managed to address the worst of your wounds, though your body's resilience played a significant role in its own healing."

Her revelation sparked my curiosity. "My body?" I echoed her words, my gaze fixed on her.

"You had some broken bones when you arrived," Emma's words flowed gently, her tone carrying the weight of a recent memory. "But before I tended to them, I noticed something remarkable—they're already in the process of healing naturally." She paused, her gaze fixed on me with a mixture of fascination and curiosity. "Your body, Ace, it's quite unique."

I briefly disregarded her presence, focusing instead on adjusting my position to sit. Although she extended a helping hand, I found myself declining the gesture. My body, despite the recent turmoil, felt strangely energetic, a resurgence of vitality that allowed me to manage the simple act of moving.






With newfound stability, I propped myself up, casting a careful gaze upon my own form. Considering the prior revelation of broken bones, my state of health was nothing short of astonishing. Emma's intervention undoubtedly played a role; no signs of open wounds or injuries remained to betray the ordeal my body had undergone.

As I scrutinised my rejuvenated form, a subtle transformation caught my attention. There was an underlying strength that seemed to suffuse every fibre of my being, a vigour that rendered my body almost unfamiliar. Empowered by this newfound vitality, I turned my attention back to Emma, the questions on my lips poised to be released.

My voice emerged from this renewed state of being, carrying a note of curiosity. "Where are my clothes?" I inquired, an odd expression on my face forming as I acknowledged my rather undignified half-naked state, clothed only in underwear.



Ultimately, I found myself urged to purchase an entirely new ensemble from the local store. Emma had insisted that my previous attire was beyond salvation, deeming them unworthy of even a glimpse of daylight.

In the present moment, I soared through the sky astride Blue's back, our trajectory carrying us far from the bustling settlement. This journey held a specific purpose—I needed answers that the confines of the settlement could not provide. Accompanying me was Blue, who had chosen to spend the night in my company. 

Meanwhile, Mia, for reasons undisclosed, had found herself in the company of the queen. Emma had mentioned that Anna and Chris were conspicuously absent due to their apparent involvement in a matter initiated by the emperor himself.

The settlement was a whirlwind of activities and preoccupations, each member engrossed in their own concerns. My impending activities, too, were soon to occupy my attention.

My conversation with Emma, while seemingly ordinary, carried an undercurrent of change. Though she maintained silence about it, the intensity of her gaze suggested alterations in my appearance. I postponed any investigation, deciding that the matter warranted closer inspection once Blue and I returned to solid ground.

As we soared through the skies, searching for a suitable landing spot, I finally spotted a location that seemed appropriate for my purpose. With a glance at my trusted companion, I voiced the decision. 

"Let us descend, Blue," my words resonated, guiding us towards a gentle touch

down on the ground below.

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