Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 421 Bonus

In the heart of a dense, ancient forest, Chris faced an imposing adversary: an enormous ogre, its grotesque features twisted in a menacing grin. 

Andrew Dawn had told him to come to this area to see if there were monsters around to keep him busy.

This was Chris' initial request as he had asked the emperor to give a task to keep him busy.

Chris, however, did not expect to encounter an ogre.

The ogre, a hulking mass of muscle and brawn, brandished a massive club. 

With a thunderous roar, the ogre charged forward, shaking the very ground beneath it.

As the ogre swung its colossal club downward with terrifying force, Chris moved like a dancer, his feet barely skimming the forest floor. 

With a fluid motion, Chris parried the attack, the impact sending shockwaves up his arm. 

Chris countered with a swift and precise strike aimed at the ogre's exposed flank.

The ogre, startled by the human's agility and skill, bellowed in pain as Chris's blade bit deep into its flesh. 

Thick, green blood oozed from the wound, further enraging the beast. 

It retaliated with a barrage of swings, each more ferocious than the last.

But Chris was unyielding.

  With each swing, he gracefully sidestepped, ducked, or blocked, turning the ogre's power against itself. 

Chris' sword sang through the air, striking with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel.

The duel between man and ogre raged on, the forest echoing with the clash of steel and the ogre's enraged bellows. 

Despite its immense size and brute strength, the ogre found itself outmatched by Chris's finesse and unwavering resolve.

Chris's strikes were relentless, targeting the ogre's legs, arms, and torso with unerring accuracy. 

Fatigue crept into the ogre's movements, and its roars grew weaker.

As Chris and the ogre continued their relentless battle, the forest seemed to hold its breath, the ancient trees bearing witness to this epic struggle.

Each swing of the ogre's colossal club sent shockwaves through the earth, creating small tremors that rattled the leaves and branches overhead. 

Chris remained unwavering, his feet moving with the precision of a seasoned dancer. 

The ogre's brute force was undeniable, but Chris had a weapon more powerful than sheer strength—his unyielding resolve and mastery of the sword. 

With each parry, dodge, and counterattack, Chris chipped away at the ogre's defenses, slowly wearing it down.

Chris's swordwork was a breathtaking display of skill and precision. 

His blade danced through the air, finding its mark with unerring accuracy. 

The ogre's thick, green blood flowed freely from its wounds, staining the forest floor.






Despite the pain and fury burning within the ogre, Chris noticed a subtle change in its movements. 

Fatigue had begun to creep into the beast's actions. 

Its roars, once deafening, now sounded more like desperate cries.

As the fight raged on, Chris's instincts sharpened. 

He studied the ogre's every move, looking for any hint of weakness. With each clash of steel, he could sense victory inching closer. 

Chry breaths, though heavy, were steady, a testament to his unwavering determination.

The ogre, realising that brute strength alone could not secure its victory, attempted to change its tactics. 

It feigned exhaustion, luring Chris into a false sense of security. Then, with astonishing speed, it unleashed a devastating overhead strike.

Chris, relying on his finely honed reflexes, narrowly dodged the attack. 

With the ogre's colossal club buried deep in the forest floor, Chris seized the moment. He knew that brute force alone would not be enough to bring down the towering behemoth.

Drawing upon another facet of his formidable abilities, Chris called forth the magic that flowed within him. Flames erupted from his hands, swirling and dancing in intricate patterns. Fire, fierce and unyielding, engulfed his blade, turning it into a blazing weapon of destruction.

The ogre, stunned by Chris's sudden transformation, attempted to free its club from the earth, but it was too late. Chris was upon it with a fiery vengeance. With a mighty swing of his flaming sword, he struck the ogre's neck.

The impact was cataclysmic. The ogre's grotesque head separated from its massive body in an explosion of searing flames and emerald blood. The forest bore witness to the fiery spectacle as the ogre's colossal form crashed to the ground, defeated.

Chris stood there, his chest heaving with exertion, his sword still ablaze with magical fire. 

The fight was over, and he emerged victorious.


Dear Readers,

I hope this message finds you well. First and foremost, I desire to extend my heartfelt apologies for the long break in my writing. I know many of you have been eagerly waiting for updates on the story, and I truly appreciate your patience and support.

Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way, and I found myself dealing with personal and professional responsibilities that demanded my immediate attention. During this hiatus, I often thought about the wonderful community of readers who have been with me on this journey. Your enthusiasm and encouragement mean the world to me, and I am deeply sorry for any disappointment my absence may have caused.

I desire to assure you that I am back and fully committed to continuing the story that we've embarked on together. Your passion for the characters and the narrative has always been a driving force for me, and I'm excited to bring you more adventures, mysteries, and emotions as we delve further into this world.

Thank you for sticking by me, and I promise to do my best to make it worth the wait. Your feedback and support have been invaluable, and I'm looking forward to sharing more of the story with you very soon.

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Thanks for all your support till now and let's strive to make an miraculous novel.

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