Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 437 Almost There

Chapter 437 Almost There

[Author's Note: Greetings, dear readers! I'm sure you've noticed that I'm back to daily uploads, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to vote for the book. Your support not only helps me but also boosts the book's visibility, making it more likely for Webnovel to promote it further. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. See you again tomorrow, and please don't forget to leave a comment if you can!]


"Are we lost, boy?" Ace muttered from Blue's back as he gazed at his surroundings below, a landscape that appeared both familiar and strangely unfamiliar.


Blue emitted a screech, conveying to Ace that they shouldn't consider themselves lost; it was just that everything looked notably different.

In reality, Ace understood they weren't truly lost, but the sudden unfamiliarity of the surroundings created a sense of uncertainty about their current location. He knew precisely why they felt this way.

Back when they still possessed the map, it was safe to say that neither they nor most other people bothered to memorise their routes, even those they frequented regularly. All they had to do was follow the map, and they'd never lose their way. But circumstances had changed.

The map was now gone, and so were the individuals who had relied on it for their sense of direction. What saved them in this new world was that as they evolved into stronger beings, their cognitive abilities had advanced as well, including their capacity to remember effectively.

Ace and Blue relied on their fragmented memories of the surroundings to find their way back to the settlement. These memories were the result of the brief glances they had taken at the landscape while soaring through the air, allowing their strong memory to absorb the scene.

While the surroundings looked somewhat familiar from their memory snippets, they hadn't taken the time to commit every detail to heart, which contributed to the unsettling feeling of unfamiliarity.

Blue, despite not having a blue panel to rely on like Ace, still had a more keen awareness of his surroundings. However, their typically high-speed flights meant they rarely had the opportunity to thoroughly familiarise themselves with the terrain. As a result, he found himself in the same predicament as Ace.

As they continued to glide through the sky at a significantly slower pace, which felt agonisingly sluggish compared to their usual speed, Ace's thoughts raced back to everything that had transpired since he had awoken in the settlement.

After the intense battle with the emperor, he had remained unconscious for a considerable time. Something within him had stirred, which he suspected was connected to his half-bloodline. While he knew this bloodline was responsible for the recent turn of events, he refrained from making any definitive claims about it, given his limited understanding of the bloodline's intricacies, particularly the vivid and realistic visions that continued to baffle him.

Beyond the physical enhancements and the newfound flames, Ace was acutely aware that there were other changes occurring within him. He sensed an alteration, something different, but he dared not delve too deeply into it. There was an instinctive feeling that poking at this change could lead to dire consequences.

There was an overwhelming amount of information to decipher, and Ace couldn't help but wonder if he would have the time to unravel these mysteries before something else, potentially beyond his control, happened.

Despite the sudden and almost volcanic eruption of changes within his body, Ace couldn't deny that he welcomed these transformations. The visible alterations, such as his enhanced physical capabilities, expanded mana pool, purer mana, and the acquisition of new elemental powers, left him both satisfied and eager to explore these newfound abilities more.

His physical strength alone was now on par with bona fide Rank 2 monsters, and not just the ordinary ones. Ace had been strong before, but his newfound power far exceeded his previous capabilities.

He believed that if the ranking section on his status board were still a thing, his current strength would likely place him among the top 30. While reaching the higher top twenties might be a stretch, the lower top twenties seemed like an achievable goal with his newfound power.

Ace couldn't help but wonder if there were any others with unique situations like his, although he had his doubts. He recognized that he was one of the few most powerful humans on his planet, perhaps even one of the most unique individuals.

Ace hadn't even reached level 50, which was the limit for Rank 1 species, and he was still more than 20 levels away from it. Yet, he could hold his own against some Rank 2 monsters and even emerge victorious.

Assuming the world hadn't gone completely mad, Ace believed that his strength was genuinely unique, underscoring his own uniqueness. However, he couldn't help but wonder what the ultimate cost of these transformations might be.

Suddenly, a loud screech interrupted his thoughts.

Ace and Blue had come upon a very familiar hill, one they both recognized. They were almost back at the settlement, and all that remained was to follow the well-known trails, which they did.


Dear cherished readers,

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your continued support and for choosing to accompany me on this thrilling literary journey. Your presence here today is not taken for granted, and it's a source of immense inspiration for me as a writer.

Your comments and votes mean the world to me.

Your active participation in the story's development, your thoughts, and your feedback have all played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative. Your engagement is what breathes life into the characters and makes this world come alive.

I value your input immensely.

Remember, your support is the lifeblood of this novel, and I am deeply grateful for your continued presence. I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow for the next chapter, as we continue this epic adventure together.

Thanks for reading!!!

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