Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 438 Back

Chapter 438 Back

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Finally, after what felt like an interminable journey, Ace and Blue found themselves approaching the towering walls of the settlement.

The emperor's soldiers, in stark contrast to the somewhat lax atmosphere when Ace had initially arrived, now patrolled with heightened vigilance.

Ace couldn't help but attribute this increased security to the looming threat of an impending war.

As they soared over the walls, the people on the ground simply gazed up at them.

Though Ace had scarcely interacted with anyone within the settlement, save for a select few important individuals, he and Blue had become somewhat legendary figures among the locals. News of their formidable strength had spread like wildfire throughout the settlement, partly due to their recent confrontation with the ogre king.

Furthermore, nearly everyone who paid attention to the comings and goings within the settlement knew that Ace, along with a handful of others, held a special status as important guests of the emperor.

However, the thoughts and speculations of the settlement's inhabitants were not Ace's primary concern. After traversing the skies for a while longer, he and Blue began their gradual descent to the ground, eventually touching down not far from the residence the emperor had graciously provided for Ace's stay.

After landing, Ace paid no mind to the curious gazes he and Blue received from the onlookers. Instead, he decided to take a brief walk, hoping to spot his teammates in the vicinity. Yet, despite his search of the area close to his residence, he found no sign of them.

Disappointed but undeterred, Ace eventually made his way back to his temporary abode, where he planned to rest.

Blue followed him to the front of the building and settled down for a nap, his massive form contrasting dramatically with the grand architecture.

Inside his residence, Ace initially attempted to sleep. However, after a few minutes of restlessly closing his eyes, he found it impossible.

Despite the morning's strenuous combat, his body remained charged with energy, making it difficult for him to even consider the notion of sleep in his current state.

After a restless bout of shifting positions on the bed, Ace decided to abandon his futile quest for sleep. He recalled that he had a responsibility to the emperor, namely the task of creating pills. While he possessed a considerable stash of pills in his storage ring, he believed it was prudent to bolster his supply and complete his obligations to the emperor.

Most of the herbs currently at his disposal held little value to Ace. His body's remarkable recovery rate for both health and mana had outpaced the efficacy of the pills.

However, Ace still recognized the utility of one type of pill: the basic stamina pills.

Even though his stamina replenished quickly during battles, there were moments when he needed to maintain relative stillness to allow his stamina to recover naturally, and such circumstances were intolerable in combat situations. Consequently, the stamina pills remained indispensable.

The health and mana pills maintained their worth as well, but Ace's current condition and capabilities rendered him less reliant on them than before.

As Ace refined various pills, the room was soon filled with the aroma of herbs, a scent that revived a familiar atmosphere he had missed while occupied with combat rather than his usual alchemical pursuits.

The ambiance of tranquility and solitude during the pill-making process was cherished by Ace, reminding him of the importance of this task.

He contemplated his future as he continued to work.

Once I've completed my duties for the emperor, I should return to the alternate dimension and plan my next course of action.

Despite the upheaval that had occurred in their lives just a month ago, Ace acknowledged that there was a multitude of tasks to undertake in this new world.

It was remarkable how quickly they had adapted, and he believed that their rapid adjustment was a key reason why the people of Planet SPE were perceived as extraordinary and the tutorial phase had been expedited.

Ace was also aware of the presence of several exceptionally powerful individuals in this world.

Ace acknowledged that there were numerous individuals in this world who far surpassed his level of strength.

Even on his own planet, there are more than 20 individuals stronger than him and he considered himself incredibly strong. This realization reinforced his understanding of why the Primordial Chronicle had chosen to accelerate the tutorial phase.

When he measured himself against these formidable individuals, it wasn't out of arrogance or a competitive spirit; rather, Ace used it as a means to gauge his own progress.

Ace's aspiration was straightforward: to become stronger, not necessarily to be the strongest or one of the strongest.

The desire to acquire the strength necessary for self-defence and to pursue his goals was the driving force behind his efforts.

However, he acknowledged an essential issue.

As an alchemist, he depended on specific materials for his craft.

The disappearance of the store left him with a significant challenge: how would he secure the materials he needed for his alchemy?



Dear cherished readers,

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your continued support and for choosing to accompany me on this thrilling literary journey. Your presence here today is not taken for granted, and it's a source of immense inspiration for me as a writer.

Your comments and votes mean the world to me.

Your active participation in the story's development, your thoughts, and your feedback have all played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative. Your engagement is what breathes life into the characters and makes this world come alive.

I value your input immensely.

Remember, your support is the lifeblood of this novel, and I am deeply grateful for your continued presence. I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow for the next chapter, as we continue this epic adventure together.

Thanks for reading!!!

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