Chapter 116 Fuck a Druid?

Chapter 116 Fuck a Druid?

The neighborhood unfolded before Kan's eyes, a vivid tapestry of life and activity. People bustled about, their faces lit with purpose and familiarity. It was a stark contrast to the quiet streets near Kan's home, which often seemed to slumber under the weight of routines.

As Sabrina led the way, she greeted several people by name, exchanging cheerful banter and warm smiles. It was evident that she was an integral part of this community, her presence woven into the fabric of their daily lives.

The road to her house meandered through a maze of quaint shops and vibrant stalls. The air was redolent with the fragrances of fresh produce and blooming flowers, creating an olfactory symphony that danced around them.

They turned into a narrow alleyway, Sabrina's house stood at the end of the alley, a burst of color and vitality against the backdrop of urban gray. The fa?ade was adorned with pots of various sizes, each overflowing with a riot of blooms. It was as if the very walls exhaled life, welcoming all who approached.

As they stepped inside, the coziness of the space enveloped them. The living room was an eclectic mix of colors and textures, a reflection of Sabrina's vibrant spirit. Knick-knacks and mementos adorned the shelves, each with a story to tell.

"Make yourself at home, Kan," Sabrina urged, her eyes warm with hospitality. "I'll be right back. Just need to sort a few things out."

Kan nodded, his eyes roaming around the room. He admired the way Sabrina had curated her space, each piece seemingly chosen with care and affection. It felt like a haven, a place that nurtured creativity and comfort.

As Sabrina disappeared into another room, Kan couldn't help but feel a sense of intrusion. This was Sabrina's sanctuary, and he was a guest in her world. He considered slipping away, not wanting to overstay his welcome.

However, when Sabrina returned, her arms laden with bags, she looked at him with a determined glint in her eyes. "You're not leaving just yet, Kan. You've helped me carry all this, the least I can do is offer you some refreshments."

Kan attempted to protest, but Sabrina's insistence was unwavering. She ushered him to a comfortable seat, her hospitality enveloping him like a warm embrace. He watched as she flitted about the kitchen, her movements graceful and purposeful.

When she returned with a tray of snacks and refreshments, the aroma of freshly brewed tea mingling with the subtle spices filled the room. They settled into a comfortable conversation, the initial awkwardness dissipating like morning mist.

"You know, Kan," Sabrina began, her voice carrying a note of curiosity, "relationships are a bit like magic, don't you think? They can be enchanting, mysterious, and sometimes a little tricky to understand."

Kan smiled, recognizing the metaphor. "You have a point. Both are about creating connections and sharing something special with another person."Sabrina tilted her head thoughtfully.

"Exactly. So, tell me, Kan, do you have someone special in your life?"Kan hesitated for a moment, then decided to be candid.

"Yeah, I do care about a lot of people actually," Kan said, thinking about why she would even bring up such topic.

"Is the blond girl that visits you at the hospital one of them? Sorry I'm asking too much. I thought we could he friends and what better way than to start by knowing each other?!" Sabrina said, her dimples deepening into her cheeks.

"Yes. Her name is Ellie. She's... amazing, in so many ways." Kan said and immediately, Sabrina sat up straight, her eyes twinkled with interest.

"Ellie, huh? Is she the blond girl? She must be quite a remarkable person to have captured your attention like this."

Kan couldn't help but smile at the thought of Ellie. "She is. Ellie has this incredible strength and resilience, and she's fiercely loyal to those she cares about. Plus, she's brilliant and has a way of seeing things that I find truly inspiring."

Sabrina's gaze held a hint of something deeper, as if she was reading between the lines. "It sounds like you two share something truly special. So is it just admiration or it's something else?" Sabrina asked, taking a sip of her tea as she awaited kan's reply.

Kan's brows furrowed, slightly taken aback by the directness of the question. "Well, I... I mean, we're close, but I'm not sure if..." Seeing Kan struggle so much, Sabrina quickly waved her hand, her expression softening...

"Oh, I'm sorry if I'm prying too much. It's just that sometimes, it takes an outsider's perspective to see what's right in front of us," She said.

Kan chuckled, appreciating Sabrina's concern. "No, no, it's alright. I value your insights, Sabrina. And you might have a point. Maybe it's time I... consider things differently,".

'So he doesn't have anything to do with that blond girl or at least he is not outrightly admitting it. This should make me feel less guilty about what I'm about to do!' Sabrina thought.

Sabrina's gaze turned thoughtful as she glanced towards the setting sun filtering through her curtains... "You know, Kan, relationships are such intricate things. They're like delicate threads that weave people together, sometimes in ways we never expect."

Kan nodded, intrigued by her perspective. "You're right. They can be complex, but also incredibly rewarding,"

She turned back to him, her eyes holding a spark of something he couldn't quite place. "And you know, there are those connections that are... beyond explanation. They defy logic and just... happen." Sabrina shrugged.

Kan felt a curious tension in the air, as if a veil of unspoken words hung between them. "Yeah, I've heard of those kind of connections. They say it's like the universe aligning in your favor." Kan could feel the shift in their conversation, the undercurrent of something more. "It's a powerful thing, isn't it? To feel that kind of connection with someone."

Sabrina's gaze held his, her eyes darkening with a subtle intensity. "It's... rare. And when you find it, you should hold on to it with everything you have, you agree, don't you?"

Kan swallowed, suddenly aware of the charged atmosphere surrounding them. "I can imagine it's something worth cherishing."

Sabrina suddenly drew closer, the air between them becoming charged with an electric tension. "You know, Kan, sometimes we discover things about ourselves in the most unexpected ways. We realize desires we never knew we had."

Kan's heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty coursing through him. He met her gaze, his voice barely above a whisper. "Life has a way of surprising us, doesn't it?" Kan said, chuckling a bit but not for long as he noticed something about Sabrina had changed.

Sabrina's fingers brushed against his, a gentle touch that sent a jolt of electricity through him. "Indeed, it does. And sometimes, those surprises lead us exactly where we're meant to be."

"Yeah...they do" Kan muttered silently as he noticed Sabrina was drawing closer to him by the second.

That was when he decided to do something.

[Arousal activated]

[Target's sexual state - 208%]

"Good googamooga!!"

"How is it even up to this level?!" He wondered and that was when Hela intervened.

[Different race have different sexual levels. This is why you'd probably find arousing an Elf easier than other race or vice versa!] Hela said.

"Show me...her info again!" Kan responded internally to Hela while still holding gaze with Sabrina. This was happening all in mere seconds.

[Target: Sabrina Creame]

[Race : Druid]

[Status: Had sex two years ago (T


[Kinks - Massage, praise]


"So I'm going to fuck a Druid today!" ...

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