Chapter 117 Strap on [R18]

Chapter 117 Strap on [R18]

Target: Sabrina Creame]

[Race : Druid]

[Status: Had sex two years ago (Tight)]..

[Kinks - Massage, praise]

[You must be wondering so I'll just tell you : Druids are often seen as spiritual figures who revere the cycles of nature and work to maintain harmony between the natural world and the civilizations that inhabit it. They may serve as protectors of forests, healers, or wielders of elemental powers tied to the earth, plants, and animals]

As Kan viewed this information, his excitement levels went up. He dismissed the information knowing already what he had in front of him. A druid, more like Elves was tied down to nature as well. And using their nature attuned powers, they could do a number of things including healing which exposed how Sabrina was able to heal but also, how she had a bunch of greens crawling and lying around her house.

"Tell me Kan, do you know when there's an instant connection between you and someone you just met?" Sabrina asked, her eyes locked onto Kan, she had shifted so close to Kan that with his Elf ears, he could pick up her irregular heartbeat or at least that was what it sounded like since it didn't conform to the usual rhythm he was used to.

"I don't know...what is it like?" Kan asked, staring back at Sabrina, feeling the heat off her body. There was a slight scent in the air, almost enchanting or perhaps seductive that came from her. This scent drew him closer to her, he could feel his body involuntarily drawing near her, wanting to eat her up that very moment.

[Pheromone, she's nature attuned, it makes sense that hers is this strong] Hela was able to give insight to Kan as to why he was losing his mind suddenly over her. It was evident then that she was trying to seduce him. Which to Kan, he found very funny because he too wanted to be seduced and felt it didn't even require that much planning nor execution. But since she was going through all that trouble to get him on bed with her, he decided to let her play her cards, at least let her feel she had done something.

However, kan was too focused on Sabrina to notice the changes occurring in the room. The room underwent a breathtaking transformation, as if Mother Nature herself had decided to reclaim the space. The once familiar interior was now cocooned in verdant foliage.

The ground, once a flat expanse, was now a lush carpet of vibrant green vines. They wove intricate patterns, their tendrils reaching towards Kan's feet, a testament to their vitality. The couch he sat on, once a piece of furniture, was now ensconced in a living embrace. The wooden frame disappeared beneath the winding tendrils, the leaves brushing against his skin with a gentle, almost tender touch.

The windows, adorned with curtains, were swiftly claimed by this botanical invasion. The vines curled around the fabric, pulling it together in a natural, makeshift curtain. Shafts of twilight struggled to pierce through the gaps, casting fleeting patterns of light and shadow.

Even the door, the portal that separated them from the outside world, was not spared. It morphed into a living, breathing entity, covered by an undulating mass of plants. The knob, once solid and unassuming, was now a part of this organic tapestry.

Kan's eyes widened in astonishment, taking in this surreal metamorphosis. It was a manifestation of Sabrina's power, a display of her mastery over the natural world. The realization dawned on him - the plants were not mere decoration; they were an extension of her very being.

As the room shifted and darkened, Kan's attention was drawn back to Sabrina. Her hand emitted a radiant emerald glow, the source of this botanical ballet. Her fingers danced with an ethereal grace, their movements akin to a conductor leading an orchestra.

In the midst of this arboreal spectacle, Sabrina's eyes bore into Kan's, wide with a mix of desperation and vulnerability. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, betraying the turmoil within her. It was as if a tempest raged beneath the surface, threatening to consume her.

And then, the words spilled forth, raw and unfiltered. "Help me, put out the fire you lit in me!!" Sabrina's plea hung in the air, laden with a potent mix of longing and urgency. Her voice trembled, carrying the weight of a confession, a revelation of desires unspoken.

Kan felt the gravity of her words sink in. He was both witness and participant in this extraordinary moment. The room, now a living testament to Sabrina's power, seemed to pulse with an energy that resonated with his own heartbeat.

The room pulsed with an energy that seemed to originate from the very heart of nature itself. The once familiar surroundings had morphed into an otherworldly garden, every surface adorned with verdant life.

Vines, supple and alive, slithered across the floor like serpents on a prowl. They rose with a deliberate grace, winding their way up the couch where Kan sat. The wooden armrests, now adorned in living green, held him in a gentle yet unyielding embrace.

Without warning, she grew tired of kan's inability to make the move and took charge herself.

Sabrina's fingers danced with a fluid elegance, their movements a silent command to the plants. As if responding to an age-old call, the vines reached out, entwining themselves around Kan's hands. They held him firmly, pinning him against the armrests in a tender but unbreakable hold.

In a breathless moment, the room seemed to hold its breath, suspended in the magic that Sabrina had summoned. Her power was both awe-inspiring and delicate, a testament to the intricate dance between sorcerer and nature.

With another subtle gesture, the vines obeyed her command. They slithered, snaking across the floor with a purpose of their own. Like sentient beings, they reached for Kan's legs, encircling them, spreading them apart. It was a dance of desire and restraint, a symphony of entwining forces.

Yet, amidst this enchanting display, there was a flicker in Sabrina's eyes. A shadow of regret and uncertainty danced within her gaze. It wasn't the act itself that troubled her; it was the path she had chosen to tread.

Kan, pinned by the living embrace of the vines, looked into her eyes and saw the storm that raged within her. It was a tempest of longing and need, a reflection of a desire too potent to contain.

"What has come over her?" Kan's voice, tinged with a mix of awe and concern, cut through the charged air.

Hela's response echoed in his mind, its satisfaction palpable. [The first touch. I told you it lights them up!!] Her words held a smug assurance, as if its reveled in the unfolding of this moment.

In this moment, the room seemed to hold its breath, a sanctuary of wild magic and heightened desire. Sabrina, bound by the potent forces she had summoned, was now free to pursue the impulses that had surged within her.

'What are you doing, Sab?! Stop now!!' she thought to herself but did different things in real time.

Her inner voice, once a resounding caution, now seemed distant and muted against the crescendo of her desires. It echoed within her mind, a desperate plea to halt the impending storm, yet her actions betrayed her intent.

On all fours, she moved with a predatory grace, the carpet of vines parting to accommodate her advance. Each movement was deliberate, calculated, and fraught with the anticipation of what was to come.

Finally, she found herself atop Kan, their gazes locking in an unbreakable connection. In the depths of her eyes, he saw a tempest of emotions—longing, need, and a burning intensity that threatened to consume them both.

Her hands, now glowing with an ethereal light, pressed against his chest. It was a touch both tender and electric, a connection that sent sparks of magic coursing through them. Sabrina straddled him, her breaths coming in ragged gasps, the heat of their proximity almost tangible.

As if responding to her unspoken command, the vines wove their way up her body. They caressed her, entwining themselves around her clothes, every strap, every button, every fabric that bound her. There was a sensuality to their movements, an intimate dance between nature and desire.

Then, in a breathless instant, the vines tightened their grip. With a gentle yet inexorable force, they pulled against her clothes. The material yielded, surrendering to the power of nature. It tore away, leaving Sabrina exposed, her skin bathed in the soft glow of the vines' radiance.

Her round, firm and plump breasts laid bare in Kan's view. Her pink nipples were like the full stop her creator added once he was done making her. They were perked and perfect in every sense of the world.

The room seemed to pulse with a combined energy, a symphony of magic and longing. Sabrina's silhouette, illuminated by the interplay of light and shadow, was a testament to the raw power that coursed through her veins.

Kan's own breath hitched, a mix of awe and desire swelling within him. He was a captive audience to this mesmerizing display, unable to tear his gaze away from the captivating enchantress who held him in thrall.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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