Chapter 118 Be still (+R18)

Chapter 118 Be still (+R18)

In that charged moment, Sabrina leaned down, her lips trembling with a mix of desire and uncertainty. Her touch was tentative, a delicate exploration of the connection that had ignited between them.

Kan felt the softness of her lips, warm and yielding, against his own. It was a gentle caress, a tender meeting of two souls drawn together by an undeniable force. The taste of her lingered on his lips, a sweet and intoxicating blend of magic and longing.

As they kissed, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the electric current that pulsed between them. Time lost its meaning, and the boundaries that had once separated them dissolved in the fiery embrace of this newfound intimacy.

Sabrina's fingers traced a path along Kan's jawline, a feather-light touch that sent shivers down his spine. Her closeness was electrifying, a fusion of their shared magic and the raw, unbridled desire that had brought them to this precipice.

Every brush of their lips sent ripples of sensation through both of them, a symphony of pleasure and connection that resonated with every beat of their hearts. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken promises and a future fraught with endless possibilities.

In that stolen moment, they surrendered to the currents of fate, allowing themselves to be swept away by the tide of their emotions. The world outside ceased to exist, leaving only the two of them, bound by a kiss that defied reason and ignited a flame that would forever burn between them.

The vines pulsed with a vibrant green energy, a living extension of Sabrina's power. They wrapped around Kan's body, exerting a gentle pressure that was both firm and yielding, like the embrace of a lover. The verdant tendrils seemed to respond to the rhythm of Sabrina's desires, their pulses synchronized with the beating of her heart.

As they wound around him, there was a palpable sense of intent, as though they were attuned to Sabrina's every whim. They held him in a delicate but secure embrace, ensuring he was fully within her grasp. The energy coursing through them seemed to hum with a potent vitality, a manifestation of Sabrina's own inner fire.

Yet, despite their tightening, there was a careful restraint, a knowing touch that balanced the line between passion and comfort. They pressed against his form, creating an intimate connection that was both electrifying and comforting, a testament to the intricate dance between Sabrina's magic and her emotions.

The green radiance that pulsed through the vines cast shifting shadows across the room, painting the walls with ephemeral patterns of light and dark. It was as if the very air was charged with the energy of their entwined desires, creating a heady atmosphere that hung around them like a cocoon.

In this moment, Kan was not just a person; he was a focal point, a conduit for Sabrina's deepest longings.Kan's breath came in ragged gasps, each inhale tinged with a heady mix of anticipation and urgency. It was as if the world had narrowed down to this singular point of contact, where Sabrina's lips met his in a searing kiss.

As their mouths moved together, Kan's senses were ablaze with the taste and texture of Sabrina's lips, soft and inviting. Every brush, every press, sent a surge of electric heat through his body, igniting a fire that seemed to burn from his lips down to his very core.

He could feel the rapid cadence of his heart, its beats syncopating with the rhythm of their kiss. It was a melody of desire, a symphony of need that resonated through every fiber of his being. Each pulse seemed to echo the fervor of Sabrina's touch, a chorus of passion that threatened to consume them both.

The world outside seemed to blur into insignificance, leaving only the intensity of this moment. Time lost meaning as they kissed, the minutes stretching and contracting in a dance of their own. In that breathless exchange, there was a sense of surrender, a letting go of all else but the intoxicating connection they shared.

Kan's chest rose and fell with the rapid tempo of his breath, a testament to the intensity of the kiss. He was lost in the sensation, in the heady rush of Sabrina's presence, in the magnetic pull that drew them together.

Sabrina however pushed on, searching for more. Digging through kan's cavity like a pirate in search of a treasure. Unwilling to believe that it was all Kan had to offer. Kan could feel her body tremble with want, desire threatening to overcome her. She was not in need of a kiss, no, far from it. What she wanted was far from the soft palates Kan provided. She needed a much more longer conductor to address her wants.

Kan was right on top of the case either way. But first, he was greedy. He needed to attend to his own wants as well. He searched around Sabrina's sexy, sweaty, soft body, massaging every inch of it like he was a professional masseuse all while keeping up with the pace of Sabrina's lips. He was multitasking at this point and some might say he could get a job anywhere because pressure was what he was working under and excelling well at.

Kan finally groped Sabrina's fat ass. The two buns were like cakes freshly brought out of the oven, soft, delicious looking and heavenly with the touch. Kan dug his hands into her ass hole, feeling the warm, stickiness of her much more vulnerable areas. This action of his was rewarded with a moan.

"Mmmm.." Sabrina mouthed amidst a mouthful of Kan to be candid.

She didn't hesitate to plunge her tongue into kan's mouth, still searching for what only she knew. Perhaps her purpose, yes, she was searching for her purpose in Kan's mouth and she liked the taste of what the future held in it as she reached deeper into it.

Kan however worked his hands down her ass and into her pussy with his middle finger. Plunging it slowly in, Kan got yet another moan from Sabrina.

'She's fucking tight!!' Kan noted as his single finger couldn't go any further. But he knew he had a bigger giant waiting its turn to go in. He had to loosen up the entrance a bit so Kan started to finger Sabrina.

"Annnnnnghhh..." Sabrina moaned as kan's rude invasion not only sent currents upon currents of pleasure through her but made her want something in particular even more. She wined ontop of Kan, inviting him, begging him with both actions and through her eyes which shut open. She wanted to be fucked and kan understood this. But he was a student of the game and understood the assignment.

'Dont worry, you will get the dick!' Kan promised silently as she watched her boobs sway left and right in front of him. A perfect orchestra in motion.


Meanwhile, the forgotten streets were a realm unto themselves, a place where shadows seemed to gather, and echoes whispered of times long past. This was the domain of the Ebony Shadows, where the forgotten found solace, and the misfits carved out their own reality.

Mendy, the craftsman of the group, was hunched over a workbench cluttered with an array of gadgets and contraptions. His nimble fingers danced across the surface, a symphony of precision and purpose. Every now and then, he'd mutter to himself, lost in the intricate dance of creation.

Nearby, Ellie reveled in the chaos and laughter of the riot twins, those wild spirits that had found a home within their ragtag family. She chased them through the maze of forgotten alleyways, her laughter a bright contrast to the muted tones of their surroundings. With every leap, every twirl, they etched a memory into the very fabric of the place.

Jessica, the pragmatic cook of the group, had set up a makeshift kitchen in a corner. Pots and pans clanged in a rhythm known only to her. Her fingers moved with a practiced grace as she conjured a meal from the limited supplies they had. It was a testament to their resilience, turning scraps into sustenance.

Unbeknownst to them, a shift was unfolding beyond their haven. A gang, faceless behind masks, moved with a calculated purpose through the forgotten streets. Their footfalls were a solemn percussion against the cobblestone ground. In their hands, they clutched batons aglow with an eerie, pulsating light.

As they drew nearer, the atmosphere seemed to thicken, as if the very air held its breath. Their presence was an intruder in this sanctuary of the forsaken, an anomaly in the delicate balance they had forged.

Mendy, lost in the intricate world of gears and wires, felt a subtle shift in the air. He paused, his senses attuned to the subtlest disturbances. It was a skill honed by survival, an instinct to detect danger before it drew too close.

Ellie, ever the vigilant protector, sensed the shift in energy. She stilled, the riot twins mirroring her instinctual pause. Their laughter faded, replaced by a palpable tension that hung in the air.

Jessica, still in the throes of culinary alchemy, frowned as a shiver ran down her spine. Her knife paused in mid-air, the vibrant colors of her ingredients a stark contrast to the sudden foreboding.

Back at the entrance of their base, the gang in masks drew closer, the glow of their batons casting an eerie halo around them. Their intent was obscured, their purpose a mystery that hung like a veil over their presence.

In a rare moment of unspoken unity, the members of the Ebony Shadows shared a collective glance. It was a silent language they had forged over time, a communication of shared danger. Without a word, they knew that whatever approached held the potential to disrupt the fragile harmony they had found in the forgotten streets.

With a fluidity born of necessity, they moved into a defensive formation. Mendy's creations gleamed in the dim light, ready to spring to life at his command. Ellie's stance was one of fierce determination, a guardian prepared to shield her family from harm. Jessica's kitchen utensils transformed into extensions of her will, poised to defend as much as they served.

As the masked figures drew nearer, the tension in the air crackled like electricity. The forgotten streets, accustomed to the ebb and flow of its inhabitants, held its breath, awaiting the outcome of this unforeseen intrusion.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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