Chapter 41 Shut up mother!!

Chapter 41 Shut up mother!!

Kan's eyes fluttered open as he gradually emerged from slumber. The warm embrace of sleep still clung to him, and he stretched lazily, feeling the tangle of sheets around him. But as his senses fully awakened, he realized something was different. The room seemed to carry an unusual air of activity, a subtle disturbance to his usual morning routine.

As he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his gaze shifted towards the bathroom, where the soft glow of light hinted at an unexpected presence. Kan's brows furrowed in puzzlement. He stood up and approached the bathroom door cautiously, pushing it open to reveal a sight that caught him completely off guard.

His mother, Brenda, was already inside, her figure obscured by a cloud of steam. The scent of fragrant herbs filled the air, a telltale sign that she had prepared a bath. Kan's eyes widened in disbelief. This was a ritualistic gesture, an intimate practice of bonding that was deeply ingrained in elf culture as he was told.

"Hey Kanakan, good morning!!" Brenda, kan's mother said.

"You are home, today" kan said in a low tone, staring at the naked figure of Brenda.

"Yes, now let's catch up on all that has happened. Come here let me bath you," Brenda invited.

"I think I'll be fine on my own," Kan managed to stammer, his voice laced with surprise and a touch of awkwardness. He wasn't entirely sure how to handle this situation, as his mother's actions seemed to defy his understanding of their current dynamic.

One moment it seemed they were fine and then the next she acted like he didn't matter to her. He understood that different world meant unfathomable amount of changes but this version of Brenda, this version of his mother since the night he saw her with that man was not the same.

Brenda turned towards him, her expression a mixture of surprise and concern. "Oh, Kanakan, are you still mad over what happened?" Her tone carried a note of reproach, as if she couldn't quite fathom his reluctance to embrace the tradition. "I honestly don't know what is giving you the idea that any of what you saw was wrong. But if I'm to guess, I'm willing to stake my money on Layla. She's been the one feeding you all this nonsense and—"

"Just...just...shut up, mother!!" Kan's exasperation erupted, his hands raised in a gesture of frustration. He stared at Brenda with a mix of indifference and irritation, his emotions a chaotic blend. It was hard to discern whether he was genuinely angered or if the remnants of a poor night's sleep were playing tricks on his mood.

Brenda fell silent, her words caught in her throat by the force of Kan's outburst. Her surprise was evident, and for a moment, the air hung heavy with tension. Kan's heart raced as he grappled with the conflicting emotions swirling within him.

As the steam from the bath enveloped them, a palpable silence settled in the room. The strained atmosphere spoke volumes, revealing the strained relationship between mother and son.

Kan's anger was palpable, etching lines of tension across his face. His brows furrowed, and his eyes blazed with a newfound intensity. He refused to let his mother's words slide, not this time. The air in the room seemed to crackle with his frustration as he stepped closer, his voice cutting through the silence.

"You do not speak about do not speak about Aunt Layla in that manner, ever again, you understand me?" Kan's words carried a weight that resonated with his underlying emotions. The anger he had suppressed for so long was now out in the open, a tempestuous force that demanded to be acknowledged.

"Now, like I said, leave me alone," Kan's voice was firm, unwavering as he directed his mother towards the exit. Brenda's gaze lingered on him for a moment, a mixture of surprise and hurt in her eyes, before she turned and walked out of the bathroom, the door closing softly behind her.

Kan stood there for a moment, his chest rising and falling with the rush of his emotions. He shook his head, trying to dispel the lingering turmoil that had settled within him. With a sigh, he turned on the water, the sound of its flow serving as a backdrop to his thoughts.

[You know, at some point you are going to have to understand that this is how things are. Emotional attachment leads to weakness. Weakness is not something you can afford to have. Everyone here has a block for a head. Sooner or later, you are going to have to start mixing your own concrete,] Hela's voice broke through the silence, her tone unusually solemn, devoid of her usual sarcasm.

Kan's grip on the faucet tightened, his expression one of inner conflict. He remained silent, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. The bath that followed was a solitary affair, the absence of Brenda's presence casting a shadow over the ritual. The water's embrace was no longer soothing; it was a reminder of the complexities that had entangled his life.

When Kan emerged from the bathroom, his body wrapped in a towel, he felt a mixture of relief and unease. He dried himself off mechanically, his movements almost robotic as he went through the motions. As he reached for his school uniform, a message notification blinked in his field of vision, momentarily diverting his attention.


[You have one message]

Eliizarh - Good morning Khela203 :?-?), you'd be late for school if you don't stop dawdling. Now get ready already, I'm waiting at the bus stop for you.


A wistful smile tugged at the corners of Kan's lips as he read Ellie's message. It was a stark contrast to the storm of emotions that had filled the room earlier. Suddenly, his unpleasant mood seemed to vanish, replaced by a sense of anticipation. He hurriedly dressed in his uniform, the fabric falling into place with practiced ease.

[Hehehehehe, that's my baby!! You should probably pack some good morning gift for her too,] Hela's playful suggestion danced in his mind.

"You have seen the state of the house, what could I possibly give her? Please, get out of my head!!" Kan's retort was laced with a mix of exasperation and amusement. He swung his bag over his shoulder, his movement brisk and purposeful. With newfound determination, he left his room behind, the echo of his steps resonating with a sense of purpose. The bus stop awaited, and so did a new chapter of his day.

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