Chapter 42 She’s a bad girl, I like it!!

Chapter 42 She's a bad girl, I like it!!

Kan's departure from home was swift, his steps purposeful as he left behind the chaotic atmosphere that had engulfed his morning. The door clicked shut behind him, and he was greeted by the embrace of the fresh morning air. The streets were beginning to bustle with life as the city woke up to a new day.

As he approached the bus stop from a distance, his gaze was drawn to a captivating figure that stood out amidst the mundane surroundings. A lady, her miniskirt catching the sunlight in a way that seemed to make her legs shimmer, commanded attention. Her hair, neatly styled in twin buns, framed her face in a way that highlighted her features. Kan's heart skipped a beat as recognition struck him—there she was, Ellie, waiting diligently as she had promised.

"Hehehe...looks like someone doesn't sleep? Are you a vampire? I'd give my blood to you either way," Kan's voice carried a teasing undertone as he closed the distance between them.

"Hey there, Kan203!!" Ellie's response was accompanied by a playful grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She couldn't resist poking fun at his chosen ID name.

"You will never let that go, will you?" Kan's playful complaint only earned him a mischievous smile from Ellie. Without hesitation, she grabbed his hand, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through him, and began to pull him along.

Kan's protest was cut short as the bus arrived, its mechanical hiss and the opening of its doors temporarily drowning out their banter. The urgency of the situation was clear—they needed to catch that bus or risk being late for school.

"Screw that! I have a better idea," Ellie's voice held a tone of determination as she spoke, her gaze locking onto his with an intensity that was hard to resist. Her smile, equal parts charming and daring, held a promise of adventure.

Kan found himself captivated by the twinkle in her eyes, his initial resistance crumbling under the weight of her charisma. His lips curled into a smile, a mix of amusement and curiosity. "Trust me, homeboy, there's more to the city than you know of. Allow me to show you things you've never seen before."

With that, Ellie tugged at his hand, and Kan found himself willingly following her lead. The bus, forgotten in the background, continued on its route as the two embarked on a journey of their own. The cityscape seemed to shift around them, their steps guided by an unspoken connection.

Kan couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through him, a sense of anticipation that mingled with Ellie's magnetic presence. As they ventured deeper into the heart of the city, Kan couldn't help but wonder what new experiences awaited him on this unexpected detour. And, for the first time in a long while, the weight of his troubles seemed to lift, replaced by the exhilarating promise of the unknown.


Ellie's impromptu adventure had led them to an unfamiliar, desolate alley—a place that seemed untouched by the bustling life of the city. Kan's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but inquire within his own mind, seeking guidance from the ever-present companion, Hela.

"Hela, any ideas where we are at?" Kan's internal query held a hint of confusion.

[Not really. Certain parts of the city are not exactly mapped. But I could show you the nearest popular stop to where we are at now,] Hela's response came, hinting at the enigmatic nature of the location.

"Guess this place has no name," Kan mused, his brows furrowing in bemusement.

"Welcome to no man's land!!" Ellie said with her arms spread open.

Ellie's proclamation, "Welcome to no man's land," resonated with a mix of mystery and rebellion, setting the tone for their escapade into the desolate alley. The narrow passage seemed to stretch on forever, a forgotten corner of the city that time had overlooked.

The buildings that loomed on either side appeared weathered and worn, their bricks stained by the passage of years. Windows, many of them shattered, stared blankly at the world outside, revealing glimpses of darkness within. These structures had clearly seen better days, bearing the scars of time and neglect.

As Kan's gaze roamed over the surroundings, he was struck by the sight of vibrant murals adorning the sides of these dilapidated buildings. Graffiti paintings covered the walls, an explosion of color amid the otherwise muted landscape. The artists behind these works had poured their creativity onto the canvases of brick and concrete.

Shapes and figures danced across the surfaces, each piece telling its own unique story. Some of the murals depicted scenes of urban life, capturing moments of bustling streets, diverse faces, and the ceaseless motion of the city. Others ventured into realms of imagination, portraying surreal landscapes, fantastical creatures, and dreamlike scenarios that seemed to defy logic.

Kan's eyes were drawn to a particular mural that seemed to spring to life before him. A fantastical creature, half-human and half-beast, was depicted in stunning detail. Its eyes seemed to follow him, its expression a mix of curiosity and challenge. Kan found himself captivated by the intricate details—the play of light and shadow, the precise strokes that gave life to every contour and feature.

The graffiti paintings were a stark contrast to the worn surroundings, breathing life into the forgotten alley. It was as if the artists had injected a vibrant pulse into the heart of this forgotten place, a testament to their creativity and defiance. Kan couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he took in the kaleidoscope of colors, the vivid tales told by these murals.

However, Ellie's melodramatic announcement cut through the uncertainty, accompanied by the casual thud of her bag hitting the ground.

With a swift motion, she undid the twin buns that framed her face, her blond hair cascading down and catching the sunlight. The transformation before Kan was nothing short of captivating, accentuating her charm in ways he hadn't anticipated.

She shed her uniform, revealing an entirely different ensemble beneath—a shirt bum short trouser paired with a white armless t-shirt that bore rips and holes. The contrast between her earlier appearance and this new, daring one left Kan momentarily stunned. He blinked, trying to reconcile the transformation before him with the Ellie he thought he knew.

"She's a bad girl, I like her," Hela's voice echoed in Kan's thoughts, mirroring the mixed emotions he was experiencing. Kan's eyes flickered with a blend of surprise and intrigue, his mind racing to keep up with the unexpected turn of events.

Ellie's impish grin remained, but the edge of danger in her new appearance gave her an alluring mystique that he couldn't deny. It was a potent combination, stirring his thoughts and igniting his imagination.

As Ellie finished her change of clothes, her attention snapped back to Kan, who still stood somewhat dazed by the sudden shift. Her playful tone broke through the momentary silence. "Why are you nodding...and staring like that? Come on, let's go!"

With a jolt of energy, Ellie was off, her movements defying gravity as she bounded into action. Kan's surprise shifted to awe as he watched her scale a wall with an uncanny ease that defied every natural law he knew.

His mind raced to keep up, struggling to process the fact that he was witnessing a girl—who he had initially considered as just a fellow student—move with such supernatural speed and agility.

Her laughter echoed through the alley as she nimbly weaved between structures, effortlessly traversing the terrain. Kan, no slouch himself, found himself in hot pursuit, his feet pounding the ground as he tried to close the gap between them.

"Her's unnatural!" Kan's thoughts were consumed by the incredulity of the scene unfolding before him. He pushed his limits, driven by a mix of determination and sheer disbelief, as he chased after Ellie, who had taken the high ground and continued to taunt him with playful glances and infectious laughter.

"Hey, if you need a pair of my boots to keep up, just let me know!" Ellie teased with a mischievous grin as she continued to lead the way.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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