Chapter 121 Ellie's gone?!

121  Ellie's gone?!

Kan's heart raced as he bolted towards his gang's base, a sense of urgency propelling him forward. He boarded a bus, his mind focused solely on reaching his destination. As he disembarked, he wasted no time, sprinting through the streets towards the base.

Yet, before he could reach it, a grim tableau unfolded before him. Lifeless bodies, members of what he assumed were the rival Ghetto Brotherhood, lay strewn across the ground. Each one held a glowing bat, and the scene was a gruesome testament to the fierce battle that had taken place.

His heart sank. "Ellie... they did this," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew he needed to locate his gang and offer them his support.

Kan's eyes scanned the area, taking in the carnage. These fallen individuals were mostly unfamiliar to him, but they all bore the unmistakable mark of the glowing bat weapon. He crouched down and retrieved one, its weight substantial in his hands.

As he moved forward, stepping carefully over the bodies, Kan couldn't help but marvel at the destruction that had been wrought. The base, once a place of camaraderie and belonging, was now unrecognizable. Blood painted the walls, and severed limbs hung grotesquely.

"I have to find them," Kan resolved, the urgency pressing upon him. It was evident that his gang had fought valiantly. He knew he had to locate them swiftly and offer whatever aid he could.

With the bat in hand, he navigated through the wreckage, determined to reunite with his comrades and stand alongside them in this dire moment.


The air crackled with tension as Kan ventured further into the battleground, his heart pounding in his chest. The scene that unfolded before him was nothing short of epic.

Mendy, a whirlwind of determination, wielded two glowing bats with a skill that seemed almost supernatural. With every swing, he dispatched Ghetto Brotherhood members left and right, leaving them dazed and incapacitated in his wake.

The riot twins were a symphony of elemental chaos. Sully conjured torrents of water, manipulating them with finesse and precision. Sussy, her fiery counterpart, sent waves of flame dancing across the battlefield. Their movements were a synchronized ballet of destruction, leaving no room for their foes to regroup.

Jessica, fierce and unyielding, held her ground with a whip that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. It wasn't a mere weapon; it was an extension of her will. With each crack, it cut through the air, leaving a trail of crimson energy.

In a dazzling display of combat prowess, Jessica twirled her crimson whip, a macabre dance of precision and fluidity. As the enemy closed in, she planted her feet firmly, drawing power from the earth beneath. With a guttural roar, she lashed out, the whip slicing through the air like a streak of crimson lightning.

The ground quivered beneath her, responding to her power. It tore apart, sending shards of concrete and dirt flying in all directions. The enemy stumbled and faltered, thrown off balance by the sudden upheaval. With their formation disrupted, Jessica seized the opportunity.

Darting forward, she struck with blinding speed, her whip a whirlwind of crimson arcs. It crackled with an ominous energy, leaving trails of red light in its wake. Each strike found its mark, leaving gruesome marks on her opponents. The air was filled with the sickening sounds of impact and the pained cries of those who dared to challenge her.

The enemy, undeterred by their losses, regrouped with a newfound determination. They hurled their glowing bats towards Jessica, hoping to overwhelm her with sheer force. Yet, Jessica was unfazed. With a swift motion, she deflected the projectiles, sending them hurtling back towards their origin.

Her movements were a symphony of lethal grace, a testament to years of rigorous training and unmatched skill. She countered every attack with calculated precision, turning the enemy's own aggression against them. It was a dance of death, and Jessica was the conductor, orchestrating the chaos with ruthless efficiency.

As the battle raged on, the ground beneath them continued to tremble, echoing the intensity of their clash. Fissures snaked through the concrete, revealing the raw power that Jessica commanded. With every strike, every parry, the earth responded, amplifying the destructive force she wielded.

The enemy, now battered and disoriented, began to waver. Their once-coordinated assault devolved into chaos, their ranks splintering under the relentless onslaught. Jessica pressed forward, her eyes aflame with a fierce determination. She would not yield, not until every last one of them was vanquished.

In the midst of the maelstrom, she stood like a tempest, a force of nature that could not be tamed. Her red eyes blazed with an inner fire, reflecting the carnage that surrounded her. With every breath, every movement, she radiated an aura of unyielding power.

The clash of abilities and steel against steel echoed through the base. The walls bore scars, and the ground was littered with fallen adversaries. Kan couldn't help but be awestruck by the sheer display of power and skill.

In the midst of the chaos, Mendy's voice rose above the fray, barking orders and coordinating their movements. "Sully, left flank! Sussy, cover the rear! Jessica, hold the line!"

Mendy emerged as a beacon of leadership amidst the chaos, his every movement a testament to his fearlessness. He engaged the enemy with a calculated precision, weaving through their lines like a phantom of destruction. In his hands, their own weapons became instruments of their downfall, their blows falling short against his skill and agility.

With a craftiness that spoke of experience, Mendy deftly planted self-made explosive devices amidst the rival gang members. Each device was flat and black, blending seamlessly into the surroundings. Their inconspicuous appearance belied their deadly potential. Mendy's eyes gleamed with a mix of determination and cunning as he set his traps, ensuring that the enemy would be met with devastating surprises.

As the explosions resonated through the battlefield, Mendy's leadership shone through. He rallied his comrades, his voice cutting through the chaos like a clarion call. His strategic mind worked tirelessly, assessing the ever-shifting tides of battle and directing their forces with a tactical brilliance that left no room for doubt.

In the midst of combat, Mendy's movements were a dance of calculated aggression. He struck with a lethal precision, exploiting openings in the enemy's defenses with ruthless efficiency. His blows were swift and merciless, leaving opponents reeling in their wake.

Yet, it was Mendy's ability to think on his feet that truly set him apart. He adapted to the evolving battlefield, shifting tactics with a fluidity that spoke of years spent honing his combat prowess. When faced with adversity, he responded with resourcefulness, turning the tide of battle in their favor time and time again.

Mendy's comrades looked to him not just for his combat prowess, but for his unwavering resolve.

The twins moved with fluid precision, their elemental powers dancing in harmony. Sully summoned a cascading wall of water, deflecting an oncoming onslaught. Sussy followed suit, creating a barrier of fire that blazed fiercely, warding off their attackers.

The riot twins, Sussy and Sully, moved in perfect synchrony, a deadly ballet of elemental devastation. 11:24

Sussy's form crackled with the energy of fire, while Sully emanated the raw power of earth. They The riot twins, Sussy and Sully, moved in perfect synchrony, a deadly ballet of elemental devastation. Sussy's form crackled with the energy of fire, while Sully emanated the raw power of earth. They flowed seamlessly from one ability to another, a seamless transition of destruction.

As the enemy advanced, the twins stood their ground, determination etched into their expressions. With a silent exchange of glances, they launched their assault. Sussy's fists blazed with searing flames, each strike leaving behind a trail of scorched air. Sully's blows were a testament to the unyielding force of earth, each impact reverberating through the ground.

The enemy, caught off guard by the twins' onslaught, attempted to counter. But it was in vain. The twins' coordination was unmatched, their movements a flawless dance of offense and defense. With every punch, every kick, they sent men hurtling through the air, crashing into their comrades with bone-rattling force.

Midway through the battle, the twins seamlessly switched their elemental focus. Sully's fists ignited with fiery intensity, while Sussy's blows became solid and unyielding like the earth itself. The sudden change caught the enemy off balance, leaving them vulnerable to the twins' devastating assault.

Sully, in particular, unleashed a ferocity that was awe-inspiring and terrifying in equal measure. His punches were like battering rams, driving through bodies and sending them hurtling into walls with bone-crunching force. The very ground seemed to tremble beneath him, echoing the raw power he channeled.

Meanwhile, Sussy's movements were a dance of precision and control. Her fiery blows left trails of blazing arcs in their wake, each strike a testament to the destructive potential she held. She moved with a fluid grace, every motion calculated to maximize the impact of her attacks.

As the battle raged on, the twins' dominance became increasingly apparent. Their enemies, once confident, now faltered under the relentless onslaught. The very environment around them bore the scars of their power, with walls shattered and debris scattered in their wake.

In the heart of the chaos, Sully's eyes gleamed with an almost feral intensity, a reflection of the primal force he channeled. Beside him, Sussy's gaze blazed with a focused determination, her every movement a testament to the control she held over her elemental abilities.

Together, they were an unstoppable force of nature, a tempest that swept through their enemies with merciless precision.

Jessica's whip crackled with energy as she lashed out, striking down any who dared to approach Mendy. Her movements were graceful yet deadly, a testament to her combat prowess.

As the battle raged on, Kan's gaze swept over the chaos, searching for any sign of Ellie. His heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of fear and determination coursing through his veins. He couldn't lose her, not now.

"Where's Ellie?!!" Kan asked as he saw an opening and ran to Mendy whom appeared to be regrouping behind a broken wall.

Mendy's eyes were steely, focused on the unfolding battlefield. He had a few open cuts that were bleeding but seemed not to bother him too much.

"She's gone!" he declared, his voice a mixture of urgency and determination. He scanned their surroundings, piecing together the fragments of their dire situation.

"Gone? Gone where?!" Kan's voice was laced with concern, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"They took Keyla!" Mendy's words cut through the chaos, painting a grim picture of the events that had transpired.

"What?!" Kan's grip on his weapon tightened, his knuckles turning white. The news hit him like a thunderbolt, coursing through his veins with a surge of adrenaline.

"Which way?!" Kan's voice was a thunderous command, cutting through the turmoil with a steely

resolve. His eyes bore into Mendy's, a silent plea for direction in the midst of their dire circumstances. Time was of the essence, and Kan knew he needed to act swiftly if they were to have any hope of retrieving Keyla and averting further disaster.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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