Chapter 122 My wife!

Chapter 122 My wife!

Kan looked around, what appeared to be the war between two gangs whereas it was just the few of the outcast gang members tearing through the ranks of the Gecko Brotherhood. It was apparent then that Jessica's stance concerning the hierarchy was impossible to ignore. Undeniably, humans were resilient but against beings like werewolves and the likes, they simply stood no chance.

Kan himself still didn't know what the riot twins were but he saw for sure that the humans even with their glow bats were struggling to contain the two. Sussy and Sully were completely on a rampage.

But all the more, what worried Kan the most was the pressing issue on ground. Ellie's where about. His wife's location!

[You can track the location of all those that are your followers or in your harem and even call to them remember?!] Hela was quick to remind him of certain capabilities and opportunities the system provided that he himself, Kan, was quite honestly unaware of.

"Then what are you waiting for?!!" Kan yelled out in his head to Hela and very quickly, a map display was pulled up on the system interphase.

[The red dot is your current location. The green dot is who you need to find, baby. Go, find your wife] Hela instructed and in the brink of an eye, Kan tore off in a race. Leaving Mendy, Jessica and all the other gang members behind, he navigated his way through a sea of men that were nonetheless lifeless on their own.

He fizzled through their ranks like a wisp and before anyone could tell, he had managed to wriggle himself out of the fight and was not in a more secluded place. He kept on running however as he knew time could be the telling difference. The map did show him where Ellie was at but didn't say anything about her state.

And judging off of experience alone, Kan knew Ellie wouldn't hesitate to jump into a fight and from all he had seen, this was a fight that he wasn't sure even a werewolf of her calibre could handle all by herself without hitting a road block.

The sprawling warehouse district stretched out before Kan, a labyrinth of towering containers and looming structures. Each metallic behemoth bore the marks of time, their surfaces weathered and scarred from countless journeys across the seas.

Kan crouched low behind one of the containers, his breath steady but heart pounding. The air was heavy with the scent of rust and salt, mingling with the distant echoes of battle that still resonated in the air. The sharp clang of metal on metal and the occasional muffled shout served as a grim reminder of the perilous situation at hand.

His eyes scanned the landscape, seeking out vantage points that could give him an edge. To his left, a stack of containers provided a potential perch, offering an elevated view of the warehouse's entrance. Further ahead, a series of narrow alleys wound between the containers, offering a maze-like path for stealthy movement.

"This must be where they are at!" Kan's voice held a bitter edge, his jaw clenched in determination. He could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on him, the urgency to locate Keyla and confront their adversaries driving him forward.

As he weighed his options, Kan's gaze fell upon a metal staircase at the far end of the warehouse. It spiraled upwards, leading to a platform that overlooked the entire area. It was a risky move, but the potential for valuable intel was too great to pass up.

With calculated precision, Kan began to move. He slinked through the shadows, his footsteps soundless on the worn concrete. The air was electric with tension, each moment ticking away as he closed the distance to the staircase. Every sense was on high alert, attuned to the slightest shift in the environment.

Reaching the foot of the staircase, Kan's heart pounded in his chest. He ascended, each step a deliberate motion towards a potential breakthrough. The metallic clang of his boots echoed through the structure, a stark contrast to the hushed anticipation that hung in the air.

Finally, he reached the platform. From this vantage point, the entire warehouse sprawled out below him, a maze of crates and shadows. He could see figures darting between cover, their movements purposeful and coordinated. The tension in the air was palpable, a silent symphony of impending conflict.

Kan's eyes narrowed, scanning for any sign of Keyla or their adversaries. He knew that time was running out, and the need for decisive action grew more urgent with each passing second. The warehouse held its secrets close, its metallic walls echoing with the weight of the unknown.

As he watched, a flicker of movement caught his eye. Down below, near a stack of crates, he spotted a flash of familiar clothing.

As Kan's gaze honed in on the figure below, a surge of recognition and relief swept through him. It wasn't Keyla, but Ellie. She was alive and in the thick of the fray, executing her own daring plan. His heart swelled with a mixture of pride and gratitude for his resourceful companion.

From his elevated vantage point, Kan had a clear view of Ellie's calculated movements. Like a shadow weaving through the darkness, she moved with an eerie grace that betrayed her deadly intent. Her steps were silent, her presence barely registering against the backdrop of looming crates and metal.

A proud smile played across Kan's face as he observed Ellie's lethal ballet. With precision born of years of survival, she dispatched her adversaries one after the other. Her movements were fluid, a deadly dance choreographed by instinct and honed skill.

He watched in awe as Ellie approached an unsuspecting guard. With the grace of a predator, she closed the distance, her movements deliberate and controlled. In one swift motion, she snapped the man's neck, his body crumpling to the ground in silent surrender. It was a testament to Ellie's lethal efficiency, a reminder of the unforgiving world they navigated.

Kan couldn't help but admire the seamless execution of her plan. Each action was purposeful, every strike calculated. It was a stark reminder of the harsh realities they faced, where survival often hinged on the ability to outmaneuver and outmatch their foes.

As Ellie continued her stealthy advance, Kan felt a renewed sense of determination surge through him. They were in this together, bound by a shared goal and the unspoken understanding that their lives depended on their ability to adapt and overcome. He knew that their success hinged on their ability to work in tandem, to leverage each other's strengths.

With newfound resolve, Kan began his descent from the platform. The metallic steps echoed with each footfall, a resolute cadence that carried him closer to the heart of the action. His eyes never left Ellie, his admiration for her unyielding spirit bolstering his own resolve.

As he moved through the warehouse, Kan couldn't shake the feeling that their fates were intertwined with the ebb and flow of this relentless dance. Each step was a testament to their resilience, a declaration that they would not yield to the forces that sought to snuff out their light.

Finally, he reached the level where Ellie was engaged in her silent skirmish.Kan's landing was swift and silent, his boots barely making a sound against the cold, hard floor. As he approached Ellie, his presence seemed to materialize out of thin air, an unexpected beacon of support in the heart of chaos.

"Hey beautiful," Kan greeted, his voice pitched low to match the tense atmosphere. Ellie's eyes widened in both surprise and relief at the sight of him. It was a moment of unspoken understanding, a silent acknowledgment that they were in this together.

"What are you doing here?!" Ellie inquired, her voice a hushed symphony of concern and curiosity. The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their shared mission.

Kan couldn't help but flash a charming smirk, a glimmer of levity in the midst of their perilous situation. "What? I came for my wife!" he quipped, his tone infused with playful determination. The words were a declaration, a reminder that he would stop at nothing to ensure Keyla's safety.

Ellie's response was swift and to the point, her focus undeterred by Kan's attempts at levity. "This is no time to flirt. They have Keyla in one of these doors but I can't exactly go around asking for directions!" Her words were a stark reminder of the urgency that fueled their mission.

"In that case, let's show ourselves around, shall we love?" Kan replied, his tone holding a touch of mischievous determination. It was his way of acknowledging the gravity of the situation while offering a brief respite from the weight of their mission. Teasing Ellie felt like a small victory, a testament to their unbreakable bond.

Together, they navigated the maze of doors and passages, their steps synchronized in a dance of silent purpose. Each door held the promise of a potential lead, a glimmer of hope in the face of uncertainty. The air was charged with anticipation, a palpable sense that their actions held the power to tip the scales in their favor.

As they moved through the warehouse, Kan couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the cusp of a pivotal moment. Their determination was a beacon, illuminating the shadows that sought to conceal their objective. They were warriors, united by a shared purpose and an unyielding resolve.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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