Chapter 123 Sing?

123  Sing?

Meanwhile, a while ago, inside one of the rooms in the warehouse, something was about to haopen.

The room itself exuded an air of foreboding, its atmosphere thick with tension and uncertainty. Dim light filtered through a small, grated window high on the wall, casting elongated shadows that danced across the cold, concrete floor. The walls, rough-hewn and painted a drab, industrial gray, bore the scars of past interrogations, marked by gouges and streaks of unknown origin.

Metallic fixtures hung from the ceiling, their function obscured by years of neglect and disuse. A single, flickering overhead light barely illuminated the space, casting eerie glimmers on the water-streaked walls. The air carried the faint scent of dampness, a testament to the room's neglect and isolation.

In one corner, a stack of wooden crates stood as silent sentinels, their contents a mystery to anyone who dared enter. They bore the signs of rough handling, their surfaces marred by scratches and gouges. A metal chair, stark and utilitarian, sat in the center of the room, its presence a stark reminder of the room's intended purpose.

At the far end, a heavy metal door, bolted and reinforced, stood as the only exit. It bore the marks of attempted breaches, scuffs and dents marring its surface. Wire strings, remnants of past interrogations, dangled from the ceiling, their purpose inscrutable.

The room seemed suspended in a perpetual state of anticipation, as if holding its breath for the next act in the unfolding drama. Each corner held its own secrets, each surface bore the weight of its history. It was a place of shadows and echoes, where whispered secrets and harsh truths mingled in the stale air.

Within the confines of the heavily fortified door, an ominous scene unfolded. Three men, clad in matching black suits, stood guard, each wielding a menacing red-glowing bat. Their stoic expressions gave away nothing, but the aura of danger was palpable.

A fourth figure, seated on a nondescript chair, surveyed the scene with a calculating gaze. His appearance defied easy categorization; his jet-black hair cascaded over part of his face, framing sharp features. The sunglasses he wore added an air of mystery, concealing his eyes and heightening the enigmatic aura that surrounded him. Despite his outward calm, a sly grin danced upon his lips, betraying a sadistic anticipation.

The captive before him lay sprawled on the ground, drenched and bound by wire strings. Her clothes clung to her body, a testament to the harsh treatment she'd endured. The room, suffused with an oppressive silence, seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the next move.

"Tell me. Who is your gang leader? How many more of you are left? Which one of you dealt the final blow to Silo?!!" The man's voice sliced through the stillness, each question punctuated with a sharp intensity. His gaze bore into the captive, demanding answers that she seemed unwilling or unable to provide.

For Keyla, the stakes were high, and every word weighed heavily on her. Her mind raced, calculating her options in this perilous dance of survival. She knew the consequences of divulging too much; in these high-stakes interrogations, information could be a double-edged sword.

'I didn't even know they were a gang to begin with, but I can't exactly tell him that now,' Keyla pondered, her eyes fixed on the man who held her fate in his hands. She understood the brutal calculus of this situation. Any answer she provided could be her undoing, and silence, for now, was her ally.

'My best bet is to wait it out till I have the right chance to strike. These strings can't exactly hold me. But if I break lose now, I'd have to face all four of them. Not an ideal equation,' Keyla thought.

The wire strings that bound her, though confining, offered a potential weapon. Keyla knew she possessed the skill to free herself, but the odds were not in her favor. Breaking free now would mean confronting all four adversaries, an equation that favored the opposition.

The man's voice, tinged with frustration, cut through Keyla's thoughts. "So you won't talk, huh? I guess it's time we made a shift in the interrogation method. Let's say, something more fun." His words oozed with a sinister promise, his predatory gaze fixed squarely on his captive.

In that charged moment, the balance of power hung in the air, a palpable force that would shape the course of Keyla's fate.


"What's the plan?" Kan queried, deferring to Ellie's instinct and experience in situations like this. Her familiarity with the environment gave her a distinct advantage, one that Kan was eager to tap into.

Ellie's response was straightforward, a reflection of their limited options in the face of uncertainty. "Burst open the door, I guess?" she suggested, her tone tinged with a hint of uncertainty. It was a reminder that even the most seasoned fighters were not immune to moments of doubt.

Kan nodded in agreement, recognizing the challenge that lay before them. It was a stark realization that, in this instance, they were operating on a combination of instinct and necessity. "It all doesn't make sense. Why was she taken to begin with?" Kan mused, his voice carrying the weight of concern and frustration. The mystery of Keyla's abduction lingered in the air, a question that demanded an answer.

Ellie's response offered a plausible explanation, a glimmer of insight into the motivations of their adversaries. "I don't know for sure but I'm guessing they think she's one of us. Holding her perhaps was supposed to mean they have the upper hand," she proposed, her words laced with a sense of strategic analysis.

Kan absorbed this information, his mind racing to formulate a plan that would tip the scales in their favor. "If they are in there like you said, then we should seek a better alternative than just walking into the room," he suggested, his gaze scanning their surroundings for potential resources or advantages.

Ellie turned to him, her eyes expectant and determined. "Ideas?" she inquired, placing her trust in Kan's ability to devise a strategy that would lead them to victory.

Kan's response was accompanied by a mischievous grin, a glimmer of confidence in the face of uncertainty. "Yeah, I think I have one," he said, his voice laced with a touch of anticipation. He turned to their surroundings, his eyes narrowing in on a potential solution.

In a flash of inspiration, Kan issued a command to the system, a strategic move that could prove to be a game-changer. "Use extra level up point on singing skill!" he directed, his tone resolute and focused.

As the system processed the command, Kan felt a surge of energy course through him, a tangible manifestation of his heightened abilities. It was a calculated risk, a move born of necessity and a deep-seated determination to secure Keyla's safety.

Armed with their newfound advantage, Kan and Ellie stood poised for action, their resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. The stage was set for their next move, a testament to their unwavering commitment to the mission at hand.

[Skill Level Up Complete]

[Singing at Level 6]


Kan's voice held a newfound resonance, a testament to the effectiveness of his leveled-up skill. With each note, he felt a surge of power and confidence, an unexpected fusion of skill and circumstance. It was a moment of transformation, one that set the stage for their audacious plan.

"Okay. Here's what we are going to do," Kan murmured, his voice laced with a mixture of determination and anticipation. He leaned in closer to Ellie, ensuring that their strategy remained a closely guarded secret. As he outlined the details, Ellie's expression morphed from curiosity to disbelief, a clear indication of her initial skepticism.

In an attempt to assuage her doubts, Kan raised his hands in a gesture of reassurance, his eyes locked onto hers. He offered a persuasive smile, a silent plea for trust and cooperation. Gradually, Ellie's resistance began to wane, replaced by a reluctant acceptance of the audacious plan.

With their roles defined and their plan in motion, Kan and Ellie retreated from the door, positioning themselves strategically behind large crates within the warehouse. The tension in the air was palpable, a reflection of the risks they were about to undertake.

Kan's heart raced, his fingers tightly crossed as he prepared to embark on the audacious plan. The odds were stacked against them, but he was willing to defy the odds for the sake of their mission.

"Okay, remember, wait for my signal," Kan reminded Ellie, his voice a hushed yet resolute whisper. It was a crucial instruction, a reminder of the synchronized timing that would be essential to their success.

As the moment of truth arrived, Kan took a steadying breath, his gaze fixed on Ellie from his concealed position. With a clear throat, he began to sing, his voice resonating through the warehouse. The sound was ethereal, carrying an otherworldly quality that held both beauty and a subtle undercurrent of foreboding.

Ellie's eyes widened in astonishment, her initial surprise giving way to a sense of awe and disbelief. Kan's voice seemed to transport her to an entirely different realm, an unexpected display of his hidden talents. Yet, even as she marveled at his vocal prowess, Ellie knew that their focus had to remain steadfast on the plan at hand.

'What can he not do?!' Ellie thought.

The harmonious notes hung in the air, creating a surreal atmosphere within the warehouse. It was a moment of unexpected artistry, a fusion of skill and circumstance that defied the chaos surrounding them. As the last echoes of Kan's voice faded, they were left with a charged silence, a prelude to the critical moments that would follow.


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