Chapter 127 Beta wolf rage?

Chapter 127  Beta wolf rage?

The resonant crash sliced through the charged air, a cacophony of chaos and disruption. Kan swiveled, his path to Ellie abruptly halted, replaced with an impending nightmare. Hurtling down towards him was the enforcer, transformed and monstrous, a terrifying amalgamation of menace and malevolence.

In a heartbeat, Kan was ensnared, lifted with the effortless ease of a doll. The subsequent swing sent him hurtling through the warehouse, a mere plaything in the hands of an implacable force. Container after container met his body, each collision a testament to the raw power of his assailant.

Finally, he collided with one, the impact so severe it bore through, leaving Kan ensnared in a cocoon of twisted metal. Yet, like a phoenix from the ashes, his form emerged, defiant and undaunted. His right hand, a casualty of the onslaught, hung severed from its socket.

But Kan was unyielding. The loss seemed inconsequential in the face of the battle raging around him. His focus was singular, his resolve unshakeable. Another container hurtled towards him, a final gambit in a deadly game.

With an instinctual surge, Kan tore through the container's wall, evading the calamity that would surely have spelled his demise. The impact was thunderous, the destructive force leaving a chaotic tableau in its wake.

Within this maelstrom, the enforcer stood, the orchestrator of Kan's torment. Yet, he was transformed, a chilling testament to the unpredictable nature of this perilous encounter. The enforcer who had seemed vanquished now loomed, a specter of Kan's darkest fears.

In this warped dance of fate, Kan and his adversary stood, two titans poised for a cataclysmic clash. The warehouse bore witness battle yet to unfold.

The enforcer once again blasted forth with speed that defied believe.

In mere moments, he had closed the distance to where Kan stood and with a swing of his hand, what Kan saw next was his own hand being swung like a bat at him.

Reacting with instinctive ferocity, Kan intercepted the grisly missile, the impact sending a gruesome spray of crimson across his features. Kan blocked the impact and caused his severed hands to shatter into pieces of meat chunks, painting his face red.

Yet, there was no time for reprieve. The enforcer, now imbued with the pulsating power of G-viagra, emanated an aura of impending doom.

Then with a sickening grin, the enforcer who was now charged with the G-viagra and his entire body, right from his head to his feet pulsating with energy did something quite unbelievable.

"I'm gonna break you!!!" The enforcer threatened in guttural roar as he swung yet another fist at Kan. A malevolent grin crept across the enforcer's face, his energy-infused form quivering with unrestrained might. His voice, a guttural growl, oozed with menace as he vowed to shatter Kan.

The speed of the punch was blinding but Kan was able to evade it at the last minute. However, the moment he did this, he was met with the shock of his life as the wave of the enforcer's punch had split a container into clean halves.

Kan looked back to see the giant piece of metals falling to the ground. But with the Berserker skill activated, he only had a range of emotions available to him and shock wasn't one of them.

However, rage was a vital part of the whole Berserker mode.

Kan dodging the quick blow retaliated with a heavy one of his own, blowing back the enforcer's hair as the punch connected and to their struggle, its walls echoing with the intensity of their clash. And as the dust settled, the air hung heavy with the promise of a reverberated the enforcers skin.

However, that was all that it was. "Nice trick!" The enforcer said in a taunting tone before the next second, Kan was uprooted straight from the ground.

The enforcer tore through the warehouse, sending Kan hurtling through walls and out onto the open port, where boats were docked. Kan's body crashed against the sand, skidding to a halt. He looked up, meeting the triumphant gaze of the enforcer.

A message flashed on Kan's interface:

[Two minutes left for berserker mode to be sustained]

[Minimize damage intake to increase duration]

It was a mere formality; Kan was wholly consumed by the battle.

The enforcer, radiant with an otherworldly glow, advanced on Kan with an air of unyielding resolve. Each step seemed to summon the sand, a magnetic pull towards his formidable presence. His power dwarfed any opponent Kan had faced.

To put it square, he had taken less dose than even Silo had but what made him even more dangerous was the sheer fact that his body adapted better than Silo's body ever did. He and Silo were simply worlds apart at the moment.

"You all. Elves, vampires, demons...whatever you are. You think, you think humans are feeble?!! No, you are the ones who are weak!! Without your powers, you'd be nothing!!" The enforcer's voice thundered. With a single wave of his hand, the beach sand erupted in a fierce ripple, tearing the shore asunder.

Instinctively, Kan evaded, but some boats weren't as fortunate, crushed under the force of the enforcer's onslaught.

"I feel so much power right now, I could go against a demon!!" The enforcer proclaimed, ready to press the assault. Yet, just as he made his move, a spherical object hurtled towards him, connecting with his head.

The enforcer froze, the scene transforming before him.

Emerging onto the scene was a vision cloaked in crimson, her flowing ebony tresses trailing down her back. Breathless, she heaved with the intensity of the moment.

The enforcer's eyes widened at the sight. "What did you do to him?!!" he thundered, realizing what the newcomer had done. A head that appeared to have been mauled by a wild animal as numerous claw marks were on it laid next to the enforcer. And in front of him was the one who had thrown the head to him in the first place, it was Ellie.

"Leave my man alone!!" Ellie growled, her eyes ignited with a fierce yellow blaze. Fangs elongated, claws unsheathed, she stood larger and more formidable than ever before. Her breasts were larger and only held by frags of her attire.

Her thighs as well were thicker, essentially tripling in muscle mass. The veins around her neck were more pronounced as she stood facing the enforcer who had just come to the realization that the lieutenant had been killed by the girl who just entered the scene.

A colossal surge of Aura radiated from her, reshaping the entire battlefield. It was evident that a new force had entered the fray.

"Ha!! A beta? Your little yellow eyes tell me you aren't even the best of your kind!! I'll make quick work of you!!" The enforcer declared, lunging towards Ellie, only to be met with a force he hadn't anticipated.

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