Chapter 128 Last dance??.....

Chapter 128  Last dance??.....

From the other end, Kan rose up from the ground, seething with more rage than ever. Although the warning had come from the system that he had limited time left to use the berserker skill, it made no difference.

The whole skill blinded his reasoning to a high degree making what the system showed him inconsequential.

For all he knew, the enforcer right in front of him was a pain, a sharp twig in the eye that needed to be removed.

In an instant, distracted by Ellie, Kan kicked off from the ground, covering the distance between him and the enforcer in mere seconds.

The only thing that informed the enforcer of his coming was the explosive force by which Kan moved and the cracking of the ground.

*Gbam!!!* The sound of impact reverberated through the area as the enforcer was sent bouncing off the ground at the shores of the beach.

But as he tumbled over and over, he was quick to regain his footing, grabbing onto the sand which didn't do much to halt his movements so he dug into the sand with his entire forearm buried in it.

Ellie who was also transformed and in her werewolf form looked back at Kan with shock on her face.

"His Aura, it's just like a Beta but slightly different. How is an Elf giving off the aura of a Beta wolf and even so, those eyes, they are just like mine!!" Ellie muttered to herself as she saw Kan walk by her almost like she was a ghost.

In a blink of an eye however, Kan had disappeared from her view, blasting off like a rocket towards the enforcer and leaving her in a cloud of beach sand.

"His speed...what is happening?!" Ellie muttered yet again as she didn't really understand how the person she knew as the love of her life had features she wasn't aware of at all.

"That day that Kane got injured. I saw him feintly in this form but I thought it was an elf thing. Now that I'm seeing it upclose, it's clear he is demonstrating the traits of a werewolf. Even his speed!!" She began to contemplate.

But her thoughts were momentarily distracted as she saw kan's body fly past her and onto another boat anchored by the shore.

"He needs my help. This guy we are fighting is just like the one I fought. Mendy was right, they are no just ordinary humans. That drug seems to enhance everything about them!!"

With that said, Ellie herself moved from her position, blistering towards the enforcer who noticed her from the side of his eyes and in defence swung his arms out, aiming to swat her like a fly.

But Ellie was more nimble than the enforcer had predicted. Mid run, she twisted her body as she launched herself into the air, avoiding the blow which sent a shockwave that tumbled a boat upside down.

She then grabbed the enforcers head midair and landed with his head planted into her knee, causing the enforcer to jolt backwards in pain.

"Raaggh!!" Ellie rushed back into the attack, not giving the enforcer any chance to breath as she swung her paws out and out of it were five yellow auras that met the enforcer and slashed his chest.

"Hmmm ... You are a trained one. Good skills and pose a bigger threat than that mindless one over there. I'll deal with you first and then end him as well!" The enforcer growled noticing the mark on his chest wasn't healing like the others.

The confrontation between Ellie and the enforcer had escalated into a whirlwind of power and precision. Each move was calculated, each strike aimed to cripple. The beach seemed to echo with the intensity of their battle.

As Ellie launched herself into the air, the enforcer's eyes widened in surprise. Her agility and precision were beyond what he had expected. The impact of her knee against his head sent shockwaves of pain through him, momentarily disorienting him.

Regaining his footing, the enforcer roared in defiance. He could feel the sting of Ellie's strikes, a sensation he hadn't experienced before. She was indeed a formidable opponent.

Ellie, undeterred by the enforcer's resilience, pressed on. Her claws danced through the air, leaving trails of golden auras in their wake. Each strike found its mark, leaving the enforcer reeling.

As the battle raged on, a realization dawned on Ellie, one that she had originally taken note of while she was fighting the lieutenant.The enforcer's wounds weren't healing as swiftly as they should. It was a vulnerability she could exploit.

With renewed determination, Ellie pressed on, targeting the enforcer's weakened points. She fought not just with strength, but with strategy, aiming to wear him down.

In the midst of the chaos, Keyla watched, her eyes wide with a mix of awe and concern. She could see the stakes, the gravity of the battle unfolding before her. Every move, every strike, held the potential to shift the tide.

The beach was now a battleground, the sand bearing witness to a clash of titans. The enforcer, while fierce, was slowly succumbing to the combined onslaught of Ellie and Kan. The tide was turning.

"I wish I can get involved but I'd just get in the way. Their speed is too much for me" Keyla who stood by the side bit her lips saying.

Just then kan rushed back into the scene with an object in his hand.

Kan's return with the anchor was a moment of both shock and revelation. The sheer audacity and creativity in using the anchor as a weapon left Keyla momentarily speechless. "Is that... an anchor?" she asked, her voice filled with incredulity and admiration. It was a move that defied conventional tactics, but in the midst of this supernatural showdown, it seemed oddly fitting.

Kan then swung it towards the enforcer who was locked in battle with Ellie, letting go of the chain and causing a whip sound to resonate through the air.


The anchor sailed through the air with a whooshing sound, finding its mark with precision. The impact sent shockwaves through the enforcer's body, eliciting a guttural cry of pain. But Ellie was the least merciful as she pushed the side attaching the anchor to the chain even more.

Ellie's relentless pressure only amplified the agony.

With Kan at the other end of the chain, a deadly dance of coordination unfolded. The enforcer was lifted from the ground, his struggles futile against the combined might of Ellie and Kan. Then, in one decisive motion, the enforcer's head was severed from his body, a horrifying testament to the power they wielded.

The head tumbled in the sand, coming to rest amidst the chaos. The battle seemed to pause for a heartbeat, the weight of the moment sinking in. The enforcer, once a formidable force, now lay defeated, his body crumpled and lifeless.

Keyla's breath caught in her throat. The intensity of the scene before her was both mesmerizing and terrifying. She had witnessed a battle of epic proportions, one that would be etched in her memory forever.

Silence settled over the beach, broken only by the gentle lapping of waves. The adrenaline-fueled chaos had given way to a strange stillness, a stark contrast to the violence that had just transpired.

Kan and Ellie, their forms slowly reverting to their original states, stood amidst the aftermath, their breathing heavy. The enforcer's reign of terror had come to a brutal end, thanks to their unwavering determination and sheer force of will.

But just as they all turned and smiled at each other, a distant sound brought a horrifying realization on all their faces.

As the turbulent waves crashed against the shore, a massive boat emerged from the churning sea, dwarfing the smaller vessels nearby. Its prow cleaved through the water with a determined force, propelling it forward in a majestic display of nautical power.

The boat's hull, sturdy and weathered, bore the marks of countless journeys across the open ocean.

The emblem, proudly displayed on the boat's prow, bore the unmistakable mark of the demon clan. A fearsome fang, encircled by a continuous, unbroken line, represented their unyielding power. The fang's sharp contours hinted at the clan's precision and strength, while the open circle affirmed their boundless potential.

As the boat approached the shore, the emblem seemed to cast a shadow of foreboding, a prelude to the impending arrival of the clan's figurehead in royal red. It was a symbol of dominance, poised to rewrite the coastal narrative with indelible force.

It loomed on the horizon, its presence both awe-inspiring and foreboding. The scent of salt and seaweed hung in the air, mingling with the distant cries of gulls.

Amidst this grand maritime spectacle, a chorus of horns resounded from the ship's deck. The triumphant notes echoed across the beach, a proclamation of arrival that carried with it an air of authority.

Figures in crisp, uniformed attire lined the deck, their posture rigid and disciplined. Each one bore the unmistakable countenance of a soldier, their expressions a mixture of stern determination and unwavering allegiance.

At the heart of this formidable assembly stood a figure that commanded attention. Cloaked in a resplendent dress of regal red, she exuded an aura of authority that matched the grandeur of the vessel she had arrived on. Her presence was magnetic, drawing the gaze of all who beheld her.

Her eyes, sharp and unwavering, fixated upon the trio of Kan, Ellie, and Keyla with a defiant intensity. It was a look that spoke of unwavering resolve, a silent challenge to whatever forces had dared to disrupt this coastal sanctum.

The wind played with the edges of her crimson attire, creating an almost ethereal frame around her. She stood at the forefront of this disciplined naval procession, a beacon of power and sovereignty.

As the boat neared the shore, the rhythmic pounding of its colossal engines became palpable. It was a symphony of machinery, a testament to the might that propelled this vessel through the open waters.

The soldiers maintained their stoic positions, their eyes fixed forward, awaiting the next command. The imposing boat, now within reach of the beach, exuded an air of controlled power, a silent reminder of the force that lay at their disposal.

In that charged moment, the convergence of land and sea, of defiance and authority, hung in the balance. The trio of Kan, Ellie, and Keyla stood at the epicenter, their presence a testament to the unforeseen events that had unfolded on this once tranquil shore.

The arrival of this enigmatic figure and her formidable entourage signaled a new chapter in the unfolding saga, a chapter fraught with uncertainty and intrigue.


"Is that who I think it is?" Keyla asked with a look of shock on her face.

"What is the demon queen doing here?!!" Ellie asked herself.

"Is that.." How can it be?! ...

"No...she should be dead!!" Kan muttered as he was still reeling from the after effects of the Berserker mode, struggling to stay on his feet and barely able to see properly.

"How..what is my wife doing here?!"..

*Tobe continued.....

[Currently going through a lot at the moment. I'd have to pause updates for a while until I get my shit together]

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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