Chapter 130 Take off my clothes?

Chapter 130 Take off my clothes?

The sound reverberated through the clearing, striking a chord of recognition in Ellie's heart. It wasn't just an eerie howl; it was a deathly omen. She'd heard it before, and she knew what it signified.

With urgency etched on her face, Ellie sprang to her feet. She couldn't afford to hesitate. She bolted towards the source of the ominous sound, propelled by concern and an instinctual need to protect.

But her rush was halted by an approaching figure. It was Keyla, panting heavily, clearly on a quest to find them.

"Slow down, where's the fire?" Keyla quipped, her voice laced with concern. "The battle's still raging, and with my ears, I can tell it's not over yet. It might be best to wait it out."

Yet, Ellie's focus was elsewhere. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, her senses attuned to every nuance. The urgency couldn't be tempered. She glanced back, a look of determination in her eyes.

"Watch over Kan, he's right there!" The words were swift as Ellie thrust the responsibility onto Keyla. Without further ado, she surged forward, leaving behind a whirlwind of dust and leaves in her wake.

Keyla's eyes followed Ellie's gesture, landing on the still form lying amidst the hushed grass. The ragged uniform and unmistakable pointed ears left no room for doubt—it was Kan.

Without hesitation, she hurried over to him, studying him for a brief moment. "You are a strange one. What you did at the warehouse, it's something I have never seen before," she muttered to herself, her legs brushing through the tall grasses. She then sat down, curling into a protective ball, hands pressed tightly against her ears in an attempt to drown out the distant cacophony of battle.

In her solitude, her thoughts raced. This gang war was a far cry from anything she'd encountered with the Ebony Kings. Their disputes seemed like petty squabbles compared to this colossal clash. This was an entirely different league.

Meanwhile, the sanctuary's native creatures stirred, reminding her that even amidst the decay, life persisted in this forgotten corner of the world.

Keyla's mind retraced the steps that had led her to this chaotic juncture. It felt as if she'd stumbled headfirst into a carefully laid trap, an unwitting player in a drama she had no prior knowledge of.

Considering the encounters she'd had with Kan and Mendy at school, it was almost comical how they seemed the least likely candidates for a gang war. It was a stark reminder that one should never judge a book by its cover.

Her initial attempts at extricating herself from this web of conflict had been in vain. The unfamiliarity of her surroundings had only compounded the challenge. It was like trying to escape a maze without knowing where the exit lay. In her desperate bid, she had inadvertently steered herself closer to the heart of the battle.

Eventually, her frantic journey led her face-to-face with Ellie.

Perched in the grass, Keyla began to question the wisdom of her choice to tail Kan from school. In the hush of the surroundings, the faint sounds of distress reached her ears.

Turning, she found Kan starting to stir. His movements were sluggish, a sign that consciousness was gradually returning to him.

Without hesitation, she hastened to his side and gently laid her palm on his forehead. It was a silent reassurance, a check-in to gauge his condition.

Yet, even in his regaining awareness, Kan was still feeling the drowsy effects of being unconscious.

As Kan's eyes fluttered open, he was met with Keyla's concerned gaze. His first inquiry cut through the air, "Where's she?"

"Ellie? She's gone back to help the others, I think?" Keyla responded, concern lacing her voice.

"You should rest now, you seem drained of energy," she advised, but Kan's determination seemed unyielding. He pushed himself up, ignoring her advice.

"Where are we?" Kan questioned, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. It was a query that lingered, for neither of them possessed a clear answer.

Kan's eyes then fell upon the faded signboard that read 'Beast Reserve.' The distant howls he'd heard earlier suddenly made sense. While seemingly unconscious, like a dream, he could hear sound around him and the werewolf howls stood out the most. But seeing where they were at, it made a sense to him so he didn't go on questioning anymore.

Although, his initial question was not about Ellie's whereabouts, he recognized that Keyla was too much of a newcomer in all of the carnage to know anything that was going on.

Moreover, if she claimed that Ellie had gone from the scene, it meant that she was the one who would have more than likely brought him to where he was because he knew quite well that with how weak he was feeling, it was unlikely he walked to where he was by himself. Moreso, he couldn't remember exactly how it happened.

All of the questions bugging him, he planned to ask Ellie when she returned with the ithers. He too could also hear the distant sound of fighting but his senses were a little dulled so he couldn't pinpoint the exact location just yet.

Although not severely injured, the Berserker mode sure did have its drawbacks on him.

As he turned back to Keyla, a notification suddenly materialized before him.

[Target acquired]

[Host is too weak]

[Extract target's Mana to regain some energy]

[This is what you were looking for right, baby? Now the chance is right in front of you!] Hela's voice chimed in, causing a load of pain in Kan's head, like a headache, he was forced to his knees, holding his head from the pain.

"Are you alright?!" Keyla rushed over, grabbing him by the hand and bending to check what was wrong with him.

[Contact is being made with you, would you like to activate any of your seduction skills?] Hela quickly asked.

"I'm fine... I think," Kan struggled to say, prompting keyla to be even more concerned as she watched Kan gingerly drag himself to rest his back on a wall which was formerly an enclosure for a beast.

"Is there anything I can do?" Keyla approached kan again, not sure how she could help.

'A lot actually. You could start by taking off your clothes,' ..

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