Chapter 129 Beast reserve?

Chapter 129 Beast reserve?

Although the drawbacks of using the Berserker mode was starting to kick in, Kan was more than sure that the figure he could see with his enhanced vision on the haul of the boat coming from afar was indeed what could only be explained as impossible.

"My wife?!" Kan muttered, not sure if even he believed what he had just said.

However, it was unmistakable. The face, the figure he saw was like a nightmare reimagined.

It didn't make any sense that the woman whom he blamed for all his miseries in his past life would wind up being in his new one, in a different world and still looking the same.

"It's the demon queen. I don't know what she's doing here but her presence must mean bad news. We have to leave here now!!" Keyla said and didn't wait to see what opinions the others had about it before blasting off, assisted with her elf magic, she was moving incredibly fast.

Ellie looked back to see Keyla had covered a large ground in no time and couldn't blame her. She didn't expect her to stick with them in the situation that they were in for any reason what so ever.

"We...we have to go, Kan!" Ellie said and turned around to leave but noticed Kan wasn't moving.

She looked back at the beach to see the boats approaching weren't too far off again and with her great werewolf eyesight, she could see the imposing figure of the demon queen, staring blankly at them.

As she looked back at Kan, she could see him struggling to stay upright, he had already fallen on his knees and weirdly, he had a concerned look on his face as he stared at the beach.

"Come here!!" Ellie said and wasted no time, sw swiping Kan off his feet and making a run for it.

Kan was already passed out in her arms but she didn't hesitate to carry his weight. With her natural strenght, even without a transformation involved, Kan was simply paper weight to her.

She knew the battle was far from over but at the moment, escape was the only thing on her mind, considering the state Kan was in.

She took off, leaving the coast area, towards where she thought it would be safe for her and kan.

At that moment, she could only think about the other gang members who were in a heated battle with the Gecko brotherhood gang.

She knew for a fact that they only had the initial advantage simply because of their powers. The numbers were heavily stacked against them and her worst fear was that they would soon catch up.

However, at the mean time, kan's safety was her priority. Whatever it took, she was ready to do for Kan.

"Hang on, we will be in the clear soon," Ellie promised as she ran with kan's body in her arms.

The scent of salt and brine whipped through the air as Ellie raced inland. Her lupine senses were an asset, each step calculated for maximum speed and minimum exposure. The coast became a distant memory, replaced by a dense thicket of trees and shadows.

She focused on a distant clearing, a temporary sanctuary to assess their situation.

Before Ellie stretched a clearing, revealing a scene from a distant past. The old gate, battered and worn, displayed symbols resembling animals, though they bore more semblance to beasts.

A weathered signboard stood resiliently amidst encroaching greenery, its letters bearing the weight of many seasons. It proclaimed "Beast Reserve," though the title felt more like a tribute to what once thrived there, rather than a description of the current state.

The clearing held traces of a place once vibrant with life, where untamed creatures had once roamed freely. The ground, once trodden by powerful hooves and padded paws, now lay quiet and overgrown. Nature, steadfast and unyielding, had begun its reclamation, weaving vines and foliage around the remnants of higher intelligence efforts.

It was a bittersweet tableau of neglect, an overlooked chapter in the city's history. The reserve had been a refuge, a testament to the coexistence of humans and the wild. Now, it stood as a relic, a whisper of a time when such unity was conceivable.

Ellie's sharp eyes scanned the clearing, taking in the dance of light and shadow. The air hung heavy with a sense of quiet, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant calls of unseen birds.

Kan stirred in her arms, his consciousness dancing on the edge of wakefulness. His eyes fluttered open, revealing a mix of confusion and gratitude.

The berserker mode had taken its toll, leaving him disoriented and weak. Yet, there was a glint of determination - a fighter's spirit unbroken.

"We're almost there," Ellie assured, her voice a soothing balm against the chaos that threatened to engulf them. She glanced back, the forest providing a shroud of concealment. Her thoughts flickered to the rest of their group, battling against overwhelming odds. They were a family, bound by more than mere circumstance.With the clearing in sight, Ellie's pace remained unyielding.

She gently laid Kan down, his breaths steadying. The forest whispered its secrets, leaves rustling in time with their shared heartbeat. They were safe, for the moment. The ordeal on the coast felt distant, replaced by a sense of temporary reprieve.Ellie turned her gaze to Kan, concern etched in her features. His strength would return, but the toll of the berserker mode was evident.

She brushed a strand of hair from his face, a silent promise of protection.As the minutes stretched, Ellie's thoughts turned to the others. They were warriors, each with their own battles to fight.

She couldn't shake the worry that clawed at her heart. They needed to regroup, to plan their next move."We'll wait here for them," Ellie murmured, more to herself than to the unconscious Kan. Her eyes scanned the clearing, ever watchful, ever vigilant.

With Kan nestled in her arms, Ellie found herself in a whirlwind of emotions. Her fingers gently traced the contours of his hair, a tender touch amidst the chaos surrounding them. Her mind, however, was a torrent of uncertainty.

The sounds of battle echoed in her mind, a reminder of the comrades she left behind. Guilt tugged at her heart, but the weight of Kan's fragile form held her rooted. The conflict within her was palpable, torn between loyalty and love.

Unsure if it was right to abandon her other gang members who were still battling.However, as bad as it may seem, her desire to be by Kan overshadowed her will to go back and help her gang members fight.She was at a position where she had to choose and while it was unfair to her, she had clearly made a choice.

As the night settled into an eerie calm, the beast sanctuary provided an unexpected respite. The cool breeze played with her hair, lulling her towards a fitful slumber. Exhaustion from the earlier transformation coursed through her, demanding its due.


In that instant, a haunting howl pierced the tranquility. Ellie snapped awake, her senses heightened.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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