Chapter 133 All men down...

Chapter 133 All men down...

Ellie approached where she had left the gang before. As she got nearer, her heart sank and her footsteps became gentle, and her fists folded with frail hope.

She noticed none of the gang was insight so her one other option was the base.

"I don't see any member of the Geckos about. Maybe they retreated?" Ellie thought as she rushed towards the base to look for the others. But the entire time, she couldn't get something out of her head.

"The howls...the scent lingering. Please, let it not be true..." Ellie prayed as she ran.

Ellie approached her base, slowing down as she saw the new scene in front of her.

The sight that met Ellie's eyes was a tableau of devastation. Her steps slowed involuntarily, her breath hitching in her throat as she took in the grim tableau before her.

The once-familiar base now lay in ruin, a somber testament to the fierce battle that had raged within. Ellie's heart pounded in her chest as she approached, each step heavy with dread. Her eyes, once full of determination, now held a fragile hope, a plea for the safety of her gang.

Smoke hung heavy in the air, casting a haze over the devastation. The acrid scent stung her nostrils, a bitter reminder of the violence that had transpired. The floor was strewn with debris, broken crates, and shattered glass, a chaotic landscape bearing witness to the brutality.

Amidst the wreckage, the fallen bodies of her comrades lay, a painful tableau of sacrifice. Some were still, their faces etched with an eerie calm, while others groaned in agony, their voices a haunting echo against the cold walls. Ellie's breath caught, a lump forming in her throat at the sight of her fallen allies.

She moved forward, her steps measured and deliberate, as if afraid to disturb the solemn silence. Her fists, once clenched with determination, now folded in a gesture of quiet desperation. Her werewolf senses heightened, picking up every faint sound, every distant groan, every heartbeat that struggled to find its rhythm.

As she knelt beside one of her fallen comrades, a wave of sorrow washed over her. His face, once full of life and camaraderie, now bore the marks of battle, a stark reminder of the cost they had paid. She closed his unseeing eyes with a gentleness that belied the turmoil within her.

Ellie's eyes fixated on the battered figure sprawled before her, a haunting testament to the brutality that had unfolded. Her trembling hands reached out, gently trying to coax life back into the broken form.

"Jess... come on. Jess? Get up!" Her voice wavered, a desperate plea, but the only response was a cruel silence. The magnitude of Jessica's wounds rendered even a creature of her caliber powerless. The gaping hole in her chest told a grim tale.

Not even a vampire of her degree was getting up from that.Ellie began to sob, looking around, her eyes glancing past bodies she couldn't recognize.It was clear the battle was fiercer on this side. And it had shifted all the way back to the base.From what she could see, it was evident that her group got overwhelmed and looked to retreat. However, the results now showed they had lost at the end.

Tears welled up in Ellie's eyes, blurring her vision as she looked around at the fallen comrades, their faces now unrecognizable in the aftermath of the onslaught. The battle had shifted, turning their stronghold into a somber battleground.

A tremulous voice broke through the heavy air, a fragile beacon of life amidst the carnage. Ellie's gaze shifted, her heart clenching at the sight of Mendy, his own form ravaged and fading.

"We... we had won. We managed to beat most of them," his words were a painful revelation. The glimmer of hope they had clung to now felt like a cruel illusion.

Ellie's fists clenched, mirroring the anguish that etched itself on Mendy's features. His trembling form bore witness to the agony coursing through him.

"He came... El... I... tried to stop him but he was too strong... He came..." Mendy's voice was a strained whisper, his eyes bearing witness to a pain deeper than any wound.

Ellie managing to let out the words asked ..."who? Who is HE?" she asked.

"Ja... Joaquin..." Mendy stuttered.

The name sent a shiver down Ellie's spine, a name she had hoped never to hear again. "Joaquin..." The word hung in the air, heavy with dread.

Tears spilled from Ellie's eyes, mingling with the bloodstains on the ground. The weight of loss pressed down on her, threatening to suffocate.

"I'm sorry..." Her voice was a fragile tremor, carrying the weight of a world suddenly upturned. The ground beneath her seemed to sway, a cruel reminder of the fragility of life.

"Where's Sully... and Sussy?" The question pierced through the haze of grief, a desperate plea for a glimmer of hope.

Mendy's gaze fell, unable to meet Ellie's eyes. The truth hung heavy in the air, a bitter pill to swallow. "I... I'm sorry. I couldn't save them. He took them..."

The world seemed to shatter around Ellie. Her scream echoed through the desolation, a raw outpouring of grief. She crumpled to the floor, the weight of loss pressing down on her.

In that harrowing moment, the warehouse bore witness to the shattered remnants of a once indomitable spirit. The echoes of battle still whispered through the air, but they were drowned out by the haunting silence of those who would never rise again.

Ellie's gaze swept the room, taking in the faces of her gang members, each one a friend, a companion in this treacherous journey. She felt a surge of anger rise within her, directed at the Gecko Brotherhood for the pain they had wrought. But beneath the anger was a raw vulnerability, a sense of loss that cut deep.

Her breaths came in shallow gasps, each inhale filled with the scent of blood and smoke. She rose, her legs unsteady, yet determination flaring in her eyes. She couldn't afford to falter now. Her gang needed her, and she would not let their sacrifices be in vain.

With newfound resolve, Ellie set about the grim task of assessing the wounded. She tended to their injuries with a practiced hand, offering what comfort she could in this desolate place. Her voice, usually strong and commanding, now carried a soothing lilt, a balm for the wounded souls around her.

The minutes stretched into hours, but Ellie worked tirelessly, her focus unwavering. She refused to let despair take hold, drawing strength from the memories of those who had fought beside her. Each life she saved was a testament to their resilience, a tribute to the unbreakable bond that held them together.

As the echoes of pain began to subside, replaced by quiet murmurs of gratitude, Ellie allowed herself a moment of solace. She looked around at the faces of her gang, some still bearing the scars of battle, others resting in a fragile slumber. In their eyes, she saw a reflection of her own determination, a shared commitment to rise from the ashes.

The warehouse, once a symbol of their strength, now stood as a testament to their resilience. They had weathered the storm, emerging from the crucible of battle stronger than before. And as Ellie stood amidst her comrades, she knew that their fight was far from over. With renewed purpose, she vowed to lead them forward, carrying the memory of those they had lost as a beacon of hope in the darkness.


Before Kan's eyes lay a creature, a massive entity that seemed to be an amalgamation of nature's fiercest elements. Its body was the size of a bull, but its head bore the fearsome features of a crocodile.

"That's no ordinary beast," Keyla observed, her eyes fixed on the formidable creature.

Kan's gaze shifted, revealing a scene of carnage. Numerous other creatures, equally imposing, lay lifeless around them.

"What could have taken down so many high-ranked beasts?" Keyla's voice held a mixture of awe and concern. "These are Class V creatures, among the most formidable you can encounter!"

'Class V?' Kan's mind echoed. He was unfamiliar with such a classification system.

[Yes, beasts are ranked based on their origin and affiliation. The beast ranking is similar to the social rankings. Here's the beast ranking]

[D-Class(Demonic class) : Extremely dangerous beasts with the potential to cause catastrophic harm.

W-Class (Werewolf class): Very dangerous beasts that pose a significant threat and require careful handling.

V-Class (Vampiric entities): Beasts with a moderate level of danger, but they are less likely to cause severe harm

E-Class ( Elvian class) : Beasts with the lowest level of danger, and they are generally considered safe for interaction or handling.


"Thanks, Hela" Kan thanked the system for the new information.

As Keyla began to investigate the fallen creatures, Kan followed suit, noting the unease etched across her face.

"Something's amiss. These creatures are powerful on their own. What in the world could have overwhelmed them like this?!" she wondered aloud.

"I can't say for certain," Kan admitted, "but you're right. The air has a chill to it. We should leave."

Keyla started to rise, preparing to follow Kan, but her movement halted as her gaze locked onto something in a nearby tree.

"...I think I've found our culprit," she announced, her voice tinged with apprehension.

A sense of foreboding washed over Kan as he joined her side, his eyes narrowing on what had captured her attention.

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