Chapter 134 It’s just a succubus

Chapter 134 It's just a succubus

Keyla's gaze remained fixed on the piercing red eyes staring down at them from the tree, and her heart quickened in pace. Her breath grew heavy as tension coursed through her body, knowing that whatever lurked in the shadows was responsible for the dead beasts on the ground.

The figure above had a slim body, two short horns, and a tail, but the rest of its features were shrouded in darkness. Kan, too, stood still, his gaze locked onto the tree. "What the hell is that?" he wondered, his heart racing.

Keyla and Kan began a cautious retreat from the tree, keeping their eyes trained on the enigmatic figure above. Their intention was to gain some fair distance before fleeing for their lives.

But the bloodthirsty creature leaped down from the tree with calculated movements, an eerie smoke trailing behind her. What baffled them most was the complete absence of sound as her feet touched the ground, as if they were in perfect harmony with the earth and no force from her feet that sent any leaf or dust particles away.

As the creature revealed her pale face, a long black line ran from beneath her raven-black hair, above her red fierce eyes, and down to her cheeks. Her long claws were coated with blood, and she wore no clothing, her bountiful breasts hanging freely in the air.

"Horns, red eyes, I see why those other creatures stood no chance!! It's a D-class beast!!,"

"Let me handle it," Keyla said, noting that the creature wans't fully at its peak power yet, and she believed her own strength and might could prevail.

[No, tell her to stand down!! She's right about it being a D-class but this one is different. Very rare and dangerous!!] Hela warned inside kan's head.

"No, wait!" Kan protested, but it was too late. Keyla leaped into the air, aiming to crush the creature with a powerful kick that tore the very air. However, her attack was weakened due to her depleted mana, a fact she was unaware of.

The creature sensed Keyla's approach and bared her teeth, swiftly shifting her stance into an attacking posture. She waited for Keyla to draw near before striking back.

With a fierce swing of her legs, the beast struck Keyla in the stomach.


Creating a deafening impact that sent her flying through trees and breaking them apart. The pain was excruciating, causing Keyla's eyes to widen with agony as she was thrown several meters away, sliding on the ground and causing dust to rise until her head collided with a stone, rendering her unconscious.

Kan moved to aid Keyla but was abruptly halted when he noticed the creature's deadly eyes now focusing on him, an unsettling, almost-smile on her face. She bent her head slightly to the right before returning to an upright position, her red eyes and teeth staring at Kan.

Before he could react, the creature sprinted toward him with extraordinary speed and power that bore holes on the ground, leaving Kan bewildered. What puzzled him more was that as she neared, she appeared as a smoky figure, her body barely visible.

Kan attempted to strike the creature with his foot as she approached, targeting her face with the hope of disrupting her or causing fatal damage. However, his foot passed through the smoke without making contact, and he missed entirely.

Kan wasn't sure if he actually missed his target or she dodged the assault. Confused, he turned to see the creature who had just dashed past him, only to find nothing behind. "Where did she go? She was right behind me!" Kan stammered with a trembling voice, scanning the area for any sign of her.

His elvish ears caught a slight movement behind him, he turned to see what it was. But before he could react, he felt a powerful blow to his back, sending him crashing to the ground with blood filling his mouth. He managed to push himself up with his hands swiftly despite the pain, he spun with instincts and landed a skull-crushing blow on the creature's head, causing to stagger back and fall.

Meanwhile, Keyla remained unconscious a few meters away, oblivious to the ongoing battle.

Kan quickly regained his footing and prepared for the creature's next move, spitting out the blood from his mouth and wiping the thin blood running down his mouth as he watched the creature on the ground.

A strange fog gathered around the creature and lifted her from the ground, her eyes closed. When she stood, facing Kan once more, he noticed the wide cracks and damage on her face.

"Yeah, one more hit with my foot, and she's done for," Kan muttered to himself, his breath still shaky.

Kan stood his ground, waiting for the creature's next move, well aware that any hasty attack on his part could prove fatal. When the creature finally opened her eyes, her face started healing and instantly returned to its smooth state, and her red eyes locked onto Kan.

"Holy shit!!" Kan said as he knew he was in for a bigger trouble.

[If you would just let me finish!!] Hela said.

The red-eyed creature stood before Kan, her body seemingly unscathed despite the forceful blow. This sight left Kan baffled and a creeping sense of dread settled in the pit of his stomach.The creature's eyes locked onto his, and Kan could sense the raw power emanating from her.

He knew that facing her directly was a grave mistake, but he couldn't leave Keyla unconscious and defenseless.Kan's mind raced, considering his options. He needed to find a way to protect Keyla and get both of them out of this perilous situation.

His gaze flickered to Keyla, still unconscious nearby, and determination surged through him.As the creature advanced, Kan took a calculated step back, his senses heightened. He needed to keep a safe distance while formulating a plan.

[Keyla was only correct half way. The horn and blood red eyes are giveaways. But this is not a normal beast. Notice it's appearance?. What you are going up against now is a succubus]

"A what now?! Aren't those supposed to be like sex demons?!" Kan caught up immediately.

[Yes, generally, they are termed sex demons but this one in particular is different. She must be a youngling who hasn't had her first time. That explains her rampage, going around and killing anything just to satiate the thirst. However, what she's unaware of is that blood is only a substitute for her main diet. You can't beat her. Not with how many beasts she has killed] Hela warned sternly.

"So what do you suggest?" Kan asked.

[Have you not been following?! I don't know what she's doing here or how she even got here but one thing is clear, she's a sex demon, her weakness and strenght come from there. You know what you must do!] Hela said.

"Wait, you want me to..." Kan asked.

[Yes baby, unless you want to end up like those beasts. The more she fights and draws blood from you, the stronger she gets. Not to mention, she looks so deprived. Which means she's lost most if not all touch with her social intelligence aspect. Getting through to her in the long run will be incredibly difficult if you keep fighting her]

"Again, you want me to...a demon?!!" Kan asked yet again, refusing to believe he was hearing right.

Kan's face twisted in disbelief and a hint of horror. "You can't be serious! I'm not...I can't..."

[Listen, baby, you're not dealing with just any demon here. This is a succubus, and trust me, she's not after your life, well not apparently. She's hungry, just in a different way.] Hela's voice chimed, matter-of-factly.

Kan's eyes darted back to the young succubus, who now stood there, her red eyes focused on him. It was a dangerous and delicate situation.

[Remember, she's feeding off blood because she doesn't know any better. You... well, let's say you're her main course, baby. This is a survival game now. If you want to make it out alive, you're going to have to embrace that role.]

Kan's mind raced, processing the gravity of the situation. His heart pounded, but he knew he couldn't let fear dictate his actions. If there was a chance to get out of this alive, he had to take it.

With a resigned sigh, Kan approached the succubus, his heart pounding in his chest. He steeled himself, preparing for what he had to do. It was a matter of survival now, and he couldn't afford to falter.

As he drew nearer, the succubus's red eyes locked onto his, a mixture of hunger and confusion in her gaze. Kan swallowed hard, summoning every ounce of resolve within him. This was his only shot.

He extended his hand towards her, his voice steady but filled with an underlying desperation. "Hey, it's okay. We don't have to fight. I... I can help you."

The succubus regarded him with a mix of curiosity and wariness. She hadn't encountered kindness in a long time, and it showed in her guarded demeanor.

Kan took a deep breath, his hand still outstretched. "I know you're hungry, but... blood isn't the answer. There's something else you need. Something... more intimate."

The succubus's gaze flickered with uncertainty, a glimmer of recognition in her eyes. It was as if a spark of understanding had ignited within her, a connection to a part of herself she had lost.

Kan's heart pounded in his chest, his entire being focused on the delicate balance of the moment. He couldn't afford to misstep. This was their chance at survival, at finding a way out of this perilous forest.

As the succubus took a tentative step forward, Kan held his breath. It was a small victory, a glimmer of hope in the midst of chaos. He knew there was still a long road ahead, but for now, they had a chance.

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