All Time Marksman

Chapter 174 - Opening And Closing

After 30 minutes, all of them regrouped back at the main yard of the depot and the APC that they stole was behind them. "Alright, lets go," Jin ordered as he entered the APC and the clones vanished and goes back to Fang Shirong.

The APC drove out of the depot and all of them pushed the button for the explosion. And like fireworks in the sky, 3 consecutive enormous explosion erupted.

Even the Loyalist armed forces that were far from the border of the Western Sector saw the enormous explosions mixed with the fiery flame that reached over 4 floor of a building. "Alright, we are moving to the north sector communication building.

After disrupting their communication line there. We are going to their security office, which is also in the north sector.

Jin manned the machine gun that was mounted on the APC. "We got company up ahead, turn left and then a full speed Ahead" Jin exclaimed, and like what Jin ordered, the APC goes into full speed. Jin pulled the trigger and the machine gun fired mercilessly on the enemy positions that were entrenched facing the Black Armored Knights offensive.

"What the heck-" one of the loyalist armed soldier shouted as he saw an incoming bullets heading towards their positions.

"Isn't that one of our APC?" a loyalist armed soldier stated, "Enemy at both front and rear we are getting pinned down here!" the loyalist armed officer called for reinforcement but there was no call back from their city hall.

"Fang Shirong hold the APC and I will put an oppressive fire on this position. So that the Black Armored Knight would advance." Jin ordered and Fang Shirong stopped the car when they were about to turn.

[Meanwhile, on the other side]

"Sir, isn't that APC from their side why is it firing in their direction sir?" one of the Black armored knights said as he looked at his squad leader.

"Base on where they came from and the explosion from earlier they are the squad, the elite force of the attack. So we are going to push forward and that is their signal!" the squad leader of the Black Armored knights shouted. And his squad moves forward.

They pulled their trigger as they move forward, the loyalist armed soldiers that were too pinned because at their rear a machine gun fire that almost make them unavailable fire back at the incoming frontal assault by the Black Armored knight.

"HOORAH!" soon enough, one of the loyalist soldier raised a white flag and trying to surrender, because of the mental pressure on their position they were defending and to fight back. But one of the Black armored knight still fired upon him.

"RAHHH!" the black armored knight shouted as he takes down a loyalist armed soldier. "Take them down we are going to take this city once and for all!" the banner squad armored knight yelled as he was at the middle of the group advancement. With that boost of morale, their movements increased, and the firefight became too chaotic.

But it slowly became one sided as the Black Armored Knight was at the upper hand taking down the loyalist armed soldier that have to take refuge at a building as they try to hold on and fend off the incoming forces of the Black Armored Knights.

"What the hell! The robots have already occupied the first trench that we have dug! Call for rei-" and the platoon leader of the loyalist soldiers inside the building got shot in the head by the bullet coming from Jin's machine gun.

"SIR!" his adjutant shouted as he saw his commander dropped onto the floor and bleed from the bullet wound. "We need to retreat, try to find an escape route we need to retreat or else we are going to get massacred these people doesn't give us mercy!" the adjutant officer ordered as he was trying to pull the body of the fallen platoon leader on the floor.

The bullets keep flying over their head the walls of the building were already full of bullet holes. There were some that were not lucky and instantly got hit once they try to return fire. And soon enough, one of the loyalist soldier tried to destroy a wall so that they could create a make way for them to escape.

But then the Black armored Knight aimed their grenade launcher inside the building. And when the Black Armored Knights pulled the trigger, the grenade exactly shots into all the targeted windows. And after the grenade impact to an object, it exploded. *KABOOM* 3 consecutive explosions followed in the first explosion.

After that, the guns from both sides stopped firing. And the door slammed open and comes out, loyalist soldiers burning. Some of the Black Armored Knights fired at them so that they won't suffer more.

"Alright let's move!" the squad leader of the Black Armored Knight moves forward to their target. "Alright we are done here let's move" Jin ordered and Fang Shirong stepped on the gas and the APC drives on. The APC turns left and then ended to the border checkpoint towards the northern sector.

The checkpoint was quite tough as they saw that there are 3 machine gun positions. One at the left and one at the right and there was an machine gun position on top of a building that is overlooking the check point.

"This place looks deadly they really have prepared luckily our APC is the APC that the loyalist forces used. So the check point immediately opened at them. And because of that, Jin and the rest of the squad were able to pass through safely. And then the APC stopped when they were about to turn right. Jin aimed the turret at the rooftop positioned machine gunner. And Jin pulled the trigger.

*BRRRTTTT* *BRRRTTTT* *BRRRTTTT* three rapid fire and the machine gunner position got decimated with the bullets, creating holes in their defenses, even the machine gun itself easily destroyed. And it shocked the two machine gun positions on the ground to whom the fired shot came from and when the loyalist turns around, they saw the APC fired upon the rooftop machine gun position.

"The APC is an enemy vehicle fire! Fire!" the checkpoint squad leader shouted, but it was too late as the turret have already aimed at them and Jin pulled the trigger and the machine gun fired at them. 3 loyalist soldiers dropped on the ground the two machine gun position on the ground could not retaliate as their gunner was head shots by the bullet that Jin have fired.

"Take cover!" the bullets fly over their heads. And then one of the loyalist soldier saw that there was a silhouette from afar. "Multiple unknown assailants on our rear!" he shouted, but then it was also too late as the Black Armored Knights opened fire at the checkpoint.

It was two sides firing at a single target that is in the middle. The loyalist soldiers tried to stand up and raised their hands, but the weapons of both sides only gunned them down. It was a full on massacre after the few support that Jin have given; he stopped firing and reloaded the turret machine gun.

Fang Shirong stepped on the gas pedal and the APC moves forward. Soon enough, they came across the civilians that were trying to survive out in the streets.

Qi Meili saw some children malnourished because the lack of nutrition that they have received because their city has given little to none help and also because of the civil war that broke out 6 months ago as it became rampant that some people in Jelkala have died because of starvation and the lack of proper clothes.

The APC moves on and then reaches its primary target for the north sector, the communications building of the north sector. The APC stopped close to the front gate of the communications building.

Jin saw that there were 4 armed loyalist guards at the front of the gate. And then he said "Qi Meili go out of the APC and then go to that building and try to look if there are guards at the front door of the communication building."

Qi Meili nodded and opened the door at the side of the APC. And then she whispers "Wind Walk" and after she said that her body suddenly felt an increase of agility and speed and then her body slowly become transparent after that a timer at the left side corner appeared. The timer was 7 minutes "So I can only use this kind of skill for 7 minutes".

Qi Meili smiled, "I never thought that I can use this skill for the first time" she exclaimed as she runs towards the building door across the APC.

While she was running towards the door of the building across from the APC, she draws out 1 arrow from her quiver so that if there is an enemy trying to kill her; she can fend for herself. Qi Meili opened the door and upon opening the door, she saw 2 women trying to hug each other. The 2 women thought that the strong wind have blown the door opened, but they did not know that it was Qi Meili opened it.

Qi Meili immediately rushed towards the stairs and climb faster than expected soon she would have reached the rooftop of the building and there she sees that the communication building have other buildings inside its compound which was at the back of the communications building was the depot for the supplies of the north sector.

"So they also have a depot here this is quite a simple piece of cake type of aim," she exclaimed.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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