All Time Marksman

Chapter 175 - Death From Above

[Radio: This is T2 to T1]

[Radio: Go ahead T2 report]

[Radio: T1, the enemy communication compound seems to have a depot behind the communication building over]

[Radio: can you describe the layout of the whole compound over?]

[Radio: From my position there are 3 building behind the communication building and it looks like the building we destroyed earlier. And the whole compound has 4 towers, 2 on each side and a single tower for both front and rear. The armed loyalist guards numbered around 50 they are position all around and there is no specific location for them to guard. Over]

[Radio: Okay, return to the APC for the planning]

[Radio: Copy that T1 over and out]

Qi Meili stood up and turns around there she sees a man standing holding a pistol aimed at her. Qi Meili got shocked to see a civilian holding a gun she thought that only the security forces are the only people allowed to have weapons in the city. The civilian got scared and his hand was shaking as he was aiming at her.

"This person's aim is not that good, so I better move quickly and dodge it easily or else I will be the one laying on the ground," Qi Meili thoughts as she grip the bow tighter. She to take a small glimpse of the bow that she was holding and there she remembered that there was an arrow that was on it.

"Hey! Look at me! Drop your bo-" but before the man could finish his sentence. Qi Meili raised her bow fired the arrow from her bow *Goowsh* the arrow travelled fast as it aimed at the neck of the civilian.

The arrow that Qi Meili has let loose struck the neck of the civilian easily. It then pierced through his neck to his nape at the back then came followed by the blood that was spraying from the neck. The man tried to apply pressure to stabilize the bleeding, but it did not work.

Because damaging of the spinal cord will make his whole body paralyze, which the man could no longer apply pressure on the wound. The man dropped to the ground, his face is in deep anger at how did Qi Meili execute that kind of archery skill in front of him while aiming a pistol.

Qi Meili looks at him as she walked towards the civilian. Qi Meili spits on his face and then walks out of the rooftop. After that she goes down from the stairs meeting many people waiting for someone to go down.

The people's faces were all shocked when they saw that Qi Meili was the one who coming down from the rooftop.

Their frightened faces reveal, and then a woman blocked Qi Meili while holding a knife. And there the woman shouted, "You are! The killer of my husband! My husband! My Dear husband! Why!" Qi Meili's reaction was normal there was no fear or anything as she faced the woman.

"Look at this woman trying to take revenge of his husband who tried to kill me," Qi Meili thoughts as he draw an arrow from her quiver and quickly aimed at the woman that was blocking her. "Get out of the way or else you will follow your husband to hell"

The tears of the woman drips from her cheeks as Qi Meili said those words. The woman, who was tightly gripping on the knife, replied

"Who do you think you are!? taking over this peaceful city and ruining each of the communities living to their fullness of lives! you N.D.A.M have left only made our city worse. And from there, the rebel cells are the people who gave us a way out of our problems! And to them we will serve"

Qi Meili giggle and sigh "We are not from N.D.A.M we are from a different city so shut up!" and Qi Meili let loose of the arrow *Gwoosh* the arrow then travelled towards the woman and it hits her left shoulder with that the knife she was holding dropped on the ground and she too dropped on the ground because of the force that the arrow have. The shoulder that was struck by the arrow bleeds rapidly. Qi Meili rushed down and opens the door.

There Fang Shirong was outside, same with Han Zian waiting for her. When Qi Meili as near the APC Fang Shirong asked "What happened to you inside the building you took so damn long"

She looked at him and said "Well some haggard woman tried to block me because I killed his husband who was trying to kill me so I ended the man life and wounding the woman" Han Zian then commented "Are you injured in a sort of way?"

Qi Meili replied with "No, no need, so what is the plan for the attack on that place" then Jin opens the door and Jin heard Qi Meili's question, so he answered

"Well, I am going to use my sub class for bombing the front gate and then bombing the communication building, so we knock down the first objective. After that, Han Zian will summon his angels. Fang Shirong will go in and take the depot at the back while you take the front. And the communication building. Questions?"

"No Question sir," they all replied, and Jin stood in the middle of the road and then slings his FXR-Raven at the back.

He then whispered "heavy Artillery" [Skill Chosen: Heavy Artillery] [Action Granted] [Initiation performance grid activate] [Activating] and suddenly window tab appeared in front of Jin. He looked at the window tab and there he saw the place where he was standing and there was also a human figure in him.

On the side is the Heavy Artillery that he can use. As of now he can only use is the Dragon's Mouth-XGR 23. Which is a two barrel artillery with two round fires. He clicked on the Dragon's Mouth-XGR 23 and then in front of him there was a blueprint of the Artillery. "So I can put the Artillery anywhere as long on this place on the window tab.

It amazed the others who were watching on the sidelines to see a giant gun being placed in front of them. Jin tapped the location and the location he choose was in front of him. And then the Dragon mouth-XGR 23 slowly materializes as the blueprint does its job to create the Dragon's Mouth-XGR 23.

He looked at their reaction and all of them have their jaw dropped as the Artillery materialize slowly in front of them. And after the artillery materialize in front Jin. He then ordered, "Get into position we are going to take down that place."

[E intersection 1st Street]

"Secure the first few buildings! Where is the scanner?" the squad leader of the Purple Armored Knight called out as he give some orders. Then they saw 10 hooded figures walking towards them their hands where covered by clothes because of the long robe they were wearing.

The Purple Armored Knight looked closely, using the binoculars' enhancer inside of his helmet. And as the binocular zoom in, he saw their faces not recognizable as it also enhances and scans the faces to those who were to be targeted by the binocular inside his helmet.

"Alright aim at those hooded figures! Prepare to Fire!" he ordered at the same time he raised his rifle and aimed at the hooded figure. Suddenly, small cracks on the ground appeared. The hooded figure on the left opened his palm. A flash of light suddenly dazzle the squad of Purple Armored Knight.

"Ahhh Shit FIRE!" and their guns started blazing but because of the light that dazzled in front of them, they could not aim at the enemy and they just fired at the straight. And then the light that dazzled them suddenly vanished and came back to normal.

The sky already was slowly being shined by the sun as it rises from the horizon. But after the light vanished, the bodies of the Purple Armored Knights were all on the ground. It ripped apart their bodies and their armor were all destroyed holes were all around their bodies.

Some received slash wound on their armor and some their armor melted from an unknown substance. The hooded figures were standing on the corpse of the dead squad leader.

The hooded figure raised its hand and pointed at the direction of the next Purple Armored squad that is also coming towards them.

[Back on the communication building north]

Jin walked over and sat on the gunner's seat he looked at the monitor in front of him. He then clicked the location of the first round at the front gate of the compound, that were a few meters away from them. The Dragon Mouth-XGR 23 moves at it aimed at the front gate. And then on the monitor it says.

[Target locked] [Trajectory calculated] [Impact explosion round] Jin pressed on the red button in front of him. And then the round loaded, and the artillery barrel fired. The guards from the front gate heard that artillery fire, but they ignored it as they thought it was from another place.

But then they hear something coming from above and when they looked up, they saw a black dot. But not that clear because of the skies still dark as the sun was still rising and not fully risen. And when round struck on the ground.

The explosion followed *KABOOM* it then incinerated the front gate after the explosion. As it also created a crater that almost a few meters wide. And the depth was enough to fill in water and create a small pond.. The gate easily got destroyed, and the tower got destroyed from the blasts and explosion and falls on the ground because of the impact power of the artillery round.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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