Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 14 Serial Killer

Chapter 14 Serial Killer

The clinic is not far from Zhang Yurong’s house. They arrive home in more than 10 minutes.

On the way home, as Li Yong keeps flirting with her, Zhang Yurong blushes and gets wet. She cannot stand the dirty talk of Li Yong anymore so she jumps off the electromobile and goes upstairs first.

On one hand, she does want to sleep with Li Yong and she is ready for it; on the other hand, she is afraid too. Just like now, she is really afraid that Li Yong hugs her from behind and gets on top of her.

After Li Yong parks the electromobile at the garage and locks the gate, he tries to catch up with her.

However, when he just reaches the stairs, he feels danger from behind. He turns his head back only to find an ugly balding man with poker face, who looks like a yaksha from deep ocean, walking slowing right towards him. His eyes are full of malevolence.

Under the dim moonlight, the scar on the balding man’s head appears like a black jade, which looks quite dazzling.

“Are you Li Yong?” The balding man asks in a gloomy voice as it he comes from hell.

“Yes, I am. What are you up to?” Surprised that the man should know his name, Li Yong frowns and asks.

“Someone is paying me for your eyes. I hope you can be obedient and not try to fight back. Otherwise, I don’t mind taking off other organs of yours.” The balding man says randomly and takes out a bright machete.

Li Yong gets tense instantly, for he feels a powerful imposing momentum from the balding man that is quite unusual. Yet, he is not flurried. Instead, he clenches his fists and asks, “Who sends you here?”

“I’ll tell you after gouging your eyes. How about this? If you take them out yourself and give them to me, I will surely allow you to suffer less. Just think about it.” The tone of the balding man suddenly gets warmer and yet appears more horrible.

“No need to think the crap about it.” Li Yong curses in rage.

“You asked for it.” The balding man says in a cold voice and strides forward, raising the machete with his left hand and reaching out his right hand to grab Li Yong’s neck.

In his eyes, Li Yong is like mutton for punishment, who is doomed.

As long as he pushes Li Yong against the ground, he will take out Li Yong’s eyes while Li Yong is struggling. He loves to do this. No matter the victim is male or female, the desperate scream turns him on.

However, Li Yong doesn’t scream and instead, stands there calmly, staring at the front with his eyes reflecting the malicious face of the balding man.

As a matter of fact, he has a chance to escape but he doesn’t. He is aware that since he becomes the target, he can run away for a while but not a lifetime. He makes up his mind and rushes towards the balding man. In regardless of the sharp machete, he swings at the balding man with his fist.

The balding man is a bit surprised and lifts his machete towards the wrist of Li Yong.

More surprisingly, Li Yong’s fist turns into a palm suddenly, grabs his machete and takes it away.

How can it be? The balding man loses his weapon and gets nervous. He has been practicing this for years and has never met such a weird thing like it. He knows his capability well and only those capable people can take away the weapon from him. But Li Yong, a young man aged around 20, can never be that capable.

Grasping the machete, Li Yong feels in delight. The ability embedded in his memories does work well. Not only the medical skill is quite awesome, but also the martial art movements work like charm. He has never practiced the movement of catching sword by hand before. It just pops up in his head at a critical moment so he naturally uses it then.

Amazingly, he should succeed taking away the machete.

It gives Li Yong great confidence, but Li Yong is not overwhelmed by joys. He knows that the biggest danger is not the machete but the balding man. He goes at the balding man hitting his head with the machete.

The balding man is obviously a martial art expert. Under a series of attacks of Li Yong, he should successfully dodge them all, though he cuts a sorry figure.

Yet, the more movements Li Yong uses, the more proficient he gets. Through the first unfamiliarity, he gradually becomes a master of martial arts. After 10 moves, he makes an ultimate movement, knocking the balding man down.

He cannot name the ultimate movement, just feeling it is awesome.

He also finds it unbelievable that many movements of martial art will pop out while fighting with others. Just like when he is diagnosing patients, many prescriptions will arise in his mind.

Hearing the noise outside, Zhang Yurong comes back only to see Li Yong hitting a man with a machete. She screams and rushes forward, catching Li Yong’ arm and saying, “Xiaoyong, don’t do that. You cannot kill people...”

“Ms. Zhang, I’m not killing anyone. I’m trying to ask him who sends him to gouge my eyes.” Li Yong explains.

“What? Is he going to gouge your eyes?” Zhang Yurong is astonished. The reason why she stopped Li Yong from killing the man is because she is afraid that Li Yong will break the law for that. Even if you kill an evil man, it is illegal too, because ordinary people do not have the legitimate right to do that.

Now knowing that the balding man wants to gouge Li Yong’s eyes, she can’t wait to gouge the balding man’s eyes instead.

Nevertheless, reason overcomes anger. She says, “Xiaoyong, let’s call the police.”

Li Yong takes out the phone and says to the balding man, “Are you gonna tell me or not? Otherwise, I will call the police.”

“Don’t call the police. I’ll tell you everything.” The balding man, flurried and nervous, says in a hurry.

“Who sends you here?” Li Yong asks again.

“Wang Hui.” The balding man sells his boss out though he is unwilling to.

It is Wang Hui. Li Yong keeps the familiar name in mind and calls the police anyway.

“You liar!” Seeing Li Yong explain what’s going on here, the balding man flies into a rage.

“I lied. So what? If you are capable, come on and let’s fight again.” Li Yong says with contempt, “For evils like you, asking the cops to arrest you is the love for you. Everyone should pay a price for what he does. The jail is the best place for you to do some introspection.”

“I’ll kill you.” The balding man says fiercely and is about to get up.

Consequently, Li Yong steps on his face and he falls to the ground after a scream. Hurt by the ultimate move by Li Yong, he has little strength to fight back.

In 20 minutes, the police arrive. After learning the situation from Li Yong, they take away the balding man.

After half an hour, when Li Yong is sitting on the bed and ready to practice the cultivation method, he gets a call from the police only to hear the other side saying in great excitement, “Li Yong, congratulations. You help us arrest the serial killer, for which, you will be rewarded with 200,000 yuan from us.”

200,000 yuan would be such a greatly delighting fortune for Li Yong in the past. But now, he doesn’t feel a thing at all. After hanging up, he starts practicing immediately.

Now the most important thing is to enhance his capability.

Since there is a balding man coming at him for his eyes, there could be a more capable balding man coming for his life. He has to become stronger, at least strong enough to protect himself.

The next day, Li Yong goes to the police station to pick up his award of 200,000 and tell them Wang Hui is the manipulator behind this. He hopes Wang Hui can be arrested.

The policeman takes down what Li Yong says carefully and claims that they will get their hands on it.

Li Yong deposits the award into his bank account and then goes to the clinic.

In front of the clinic there is a luxury car. Li Yong recognizes it belongs to Sun Qiang.

Walking into the clinic, he finds that Sun Qiang with shining hair, wearing a suit of famous brand, is talking happily with Zhang Yurong. Sun Qiang is so good at flirting with girls that he can make Zhang Yurong laugh with a few words.

Noticing that Li Yong is back, Sun Qiang gets up immediately, exclaiming out of excitement, “Yong, you are so impressive! My illness has been healed. I’m fine now. I used your medicine for only three days and it didn’t take a week at all. Yong, I come here today to pay you. Tell me, how much should I give you in return?”

“I cure you and you help you. We are even now. Forget about the payment then.” Li Yong knows the Tianhu Gang would not let go of him easily unless Sun Qiang came forward. It is a give-and-take world. Though Sun Qiang is a rich man’s son, he is a bit lovely.

Sun Qiang rubs his hands together, saying, “Yong, how can it be? I helped you, which is a small favor, but your help saves my dearest part. Yong, you are literally my life-savior. I must pay you the money.”

“Fine, 10 yuan then.” Li Yong says randomly.

“10 yuan?” Sun Qiang appears miserably painful and cries out, “Yong, is my dearest part only worth 10 yuan? Even an ox penis cost more than 10 yuan for per jin. Yong, don’t humiliate me like this.”

Li Yong can’t help frowning. Judging from Sun Qiang’s face, 10 yuan is too little, but the medicine is only worth 10 yuan for real. It is a reasonable price actually, for which he is blamed though.

Sun Qiang keeps saying, “Yong, think about this. If you go to a night club for some fun, you have to spend at least 1,000 yuan while you are only charging 10 yuan for saving my life. Yong, you are not showing me respect!”

“How much in your mind then?” Li Yong asks.

“One million, at least. I’ve brought the money with me. What’s your bank account number? I transfer the money to you now.” Sun Qiang takes out his phone immediately and opens the app of Alipay.

“One million!” Zhang Yurong is awed and looks at Li Yong with admiration.

After all, the money of rich men’s children is not earned in a decent way. Li Yong thinks it is no harm accepting the money anyhow. Hence, he tells Sun Qiang his bank account number. Soon, he receives a receipt message from the bank.

From this matter, Li Yong does learn something. In future, if he is giving medical advice to others, he will ask them to decide on the charge. When they are healed, they can pay however much they are fine with. For the poor people, he is willing to treat them for nothing.

Thinking of this, Li Yong takes out the writing brush and adds a few words on the sign in front of the door–”You name the price for the medical service. Everyone is fairly treated here.”

Sun Qiang watches Li Yong write on the sign and reads the words out delightedly, asking, “Yong, what does it mean?”

“It means you are an idiot.” Li Yong does think Sun Qiang is an idiot, but he likes him.

“Thanks for the complement, Yong.” Sun Qiang says gratefully and proudly.

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