Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 15 Frame-up

Chapter 15 Frame-up

At that time, a group of doctors wearing white coats and nurses carry someone and walk towards the clinic from the opposite side of the road. The leading person is Wang Hui.

Wearing a white coat and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, Wang Hui does look like a reputable doctor.

They arrive at the door of Happy Clinic and gather there in the half-moon shape, besieging the clinic.

Wang Hui steps forward and points at Li Yong, scolding, “Quacks are evils! Quacks are evils! You quack killed my patient with your poor medical skills. You must give us an explanation! Give the dead an explanation too!”


Not only is Li Yong surprised but also Sun Qiang who was trying to show off in front of Li Yong also steps back and hides behind him out of astonishment.

After all, it involves a human life. Stupid as he is, he knows well that for some things, he has to hide as far away as possible.

“You fraud, you killed my sister with your poor medical skills! Just wait and see. We have called the police and they will have you arrested when they arrive.” At the time, a woman comes near and curses Li Yong while putting fingers at him.

Suddenly, all the people at present start to point fingers at Li Yong, attacking him with various cursing and mocking words.

Li Yong does nothing but keeps silent. He glances at Wang Hui only to find him full of anger and sorrow. He looks like as if the dead patient was his family member. However, his faking facial expression cannot pass with Li Yong’s eyes. Li Yong has seen through him and knows he is in a state of pure elation.

Then, Li Yong looks at the dead patient’s sister who is wearing a mourning dress and recognizes her immediately. She is the beauty he has met in the bar before, the one called Hu Yuexue.

Their eyes happen to meet. Hu Yuexue also recognizes Li Yong and she looks a bit surprised. She turns her eyes away instantly and looks at the dead patient with sorrowful eyes full of tears.

Li Yong can tell that her tears are not fake and she is sad for real.

In the end, Li Yong starts to look over the dead patient. She was a woman in her 30s, who seemed to go through a lot of ups and downs. He has no impression on her at all and he is certain that he doesn’t know her, not to mention giving her any medical advice.

It is obviously a frame-up by Wang Hui. Li Yong didn’t expect Wang Hui to go for such a dirty move. He should bring some dead patient here and claim that Li Yong is the killer.

Crap! Whoever is trapped in such a frame-up can never be a doctor anymore.

It is so evil.

Although Li Yong is furious, he stays rather calm inside. He uses his clairvoyant vision to check the dead patient’s body and knows her cause of death, that is, cancer.

According to the current medical level, if someone is diagnosed with cancer, he will die for sure. No matter he is treated by any doctor, he will die of it eventually. But blaming him for getting a patient killed because of misdiagnosis, it is unbearable for him.

Cursed by the crowds, Li Yong has his eyes fixed on Wang Hui finally, saying in an extremely calm tone, “Doctor Wang, as I look at her correctly, the woman was supposed to die of advanced breast cancer. No matter who gave her medical advice, she would die anyway. Moreover, I have never treated her before. How can you say I have her killed with my medical skills?”

Wang Hui is startled. Rumor has it that Li Yong can tell the patient’s cause of illness with only one glance, which is proven true now. However, Wang Hui is well prepared though. He will not just step back for that. Instead, he yells with anger, “It’s you who get her killed. Now are you trying to deny it? We’ve got the dead patient’s family as witness and we can also be the witnesses.”

“We can testify.” The doctors from Wang Hui’s Clinic of course take their boss’s side.

Even Hu Yuexue tells the people at present loudly, “I brought my sister here to get the medicine yesterday. Yet, after having his medicine for one time, my sister died late at night. Hee, hee...”

Good Lord! Li Yong didn’t know Hu Yuexue was such a fake. He really wants to run forward and slap her in the face. Of course, the one he wants to hit most is Wang Hui, but violence is not the solution. He knows if he cannot hold in his anger and hit Wang Hui, he will not be able to run the clinic here.

Then, he will be kicked out of here by Wang Hui.

Li Yong tries to calm himself down and says simply, “Fine, let’s call the police. Let the police take care of this. I think the police will make a righteous judgement.”

“Yong, it’ll be okay. Director General of the Public Security Bureau is my uncle. I will not let you suffer.” It is at the moment that Sun Qiang finds the value of his existence and instantly shows off his capability.

“After all, it involves a human life. Even if you have relatives working in the Public Security Bureau, it will not change the fact that you get a patient killed.” Wang Hui has got sharp ears and on hearing what Sun Qiang says, he shouts out loud immediately.

“Screw you! You have known someone in the Public Security Bureau, so what?”

“Even though your uncle is the Director General of the Public Security Bureau, you don’t have the right to do evil!”

“Let’s report on them...”

It immediately provokes the present folks’ hatred of the officer, which makes Sun Qiang so seriously scolded that he goes to hide in the clinic in a hurry and has no time to care about Li Yong.

At that time, two police cars come by. Several well-armed policemen get off the cars and then rush towards the crowd, asking, “Who is Doctor Wang Hui?”

Wang Hui thinks the police come here to take care of the death now. Since this patient died in his clinic last night, he has come up with a good idea. He didn’t expect to put Li Yong into jail and he is aware that his evidence is not enough if the police have it investigated. What he wants to do is to sully Happy Clinic and make him unable to be a doctor anymore.

Hearing the policemen asking for him, Wang Hui tries to play up to them and says with smiles, “I am Wang Hui. This patient is dead because of Li Yong’s maltreatment. Please have him arrested right now.”

One of the policemen stops him immediately and says seriously, “You hired a killer to murder others and you are wanted now. This is the arrest warrant. Take him!”

The cold handcuffs are put on Wang Hui’s chubby wrists. While everyone is still confused, two policemen take Wang Hui who is trembling away and get him into the car.

Hiring killer to murder others. Wang Hui’s mind is filled with these words.

It is not until then that he remembers that he has hired a balding killer with 400,000 yuan. He didn’t know the killer already took action and failed.

Last night, after he paid the deposit of 200,000, the balding killer left. The killer just mentioned he would gouge the eyes of Li Yong and didn’t speak of when he would go for it.

This morning Wang Hui noticed Li Yong was still able to come to the clinic, thinking the killer was still making preparation. And it should have been a few days later when he gouged Li Yong’s eyes. He cannot stand others opening clinic and providing medical services, so he brings his doctors and the dead patient here, trying to find some fun and ruin Li Yong’s reputation.

He didn’t expect that he would be arrested by the policemen when he was watching Li Yong suffer and laughing at him inside his heart. Extreme joy begets sorrow. Wang Hui is so frightened that his face appears as pale as ashes and he even wets his pants in terror.

Hiring killer to murder others. This is so shocking!

It is not until Wang Hui is taken away by the policemen that the crowding people realize what is going on. They sigh and hiss first and then gradually leave. The doctors and nurses of Wang Hui’s Clinic also scatter afterwards. In the end, only Hu Yuexue stands beside the dead patient, scarcely knowing what to do.

“Take your sister and leave then.” Someone shouts, which gives a reminder to Hu Yuexue. She turns around to flee, leaving the so-called sister behind.

Li Yong cannot stop the police and has no time to stop the doctors and nurses who are manipulated by Wang Hui. When he notices Hu Yuexue about to flee, he catches up with her soon and grabs her arm.

“Ms. Hu, are you leaving too?” Li Yong shouts at her angrily.

“It’s none of my business. I have no relationship with the dead woman.” Hu Yuexue keeps begging while struggling, “Please let me go. Please. Let me go.”

“None of your business? You were crying so hard about her a while ago and now you have no relationship with her?” Li Yong cannot believe what he hears. This woman is so good at faking!

“I am really not related to her. Please let me go!” Hu Yuexue seems to shed tears soon.

“It’s okay to let go of you, but you must explain the truth to everyone.” Li Yong points to the crowding onlookers and shouts. Reputation is the most important thing for a man alive. As a doctor, Li Yong cares most about his reputation too.

Hu Yuexue has no choice but to explain to the crowding people.

It turns out that Hu Yuexue is only an intern nurse in Wang Hui’s Clinic and gets bribed by Wang Hui with 1,000 yuan to act as a victim’s sister. She thought it would be a good chance to play up to her boss, so she exerted to her utmost to play the role.

When Hu Yuexue finishes explaining to the present crowd, none of them scold her and some of them even show pity for her, persuading Li Yong into letting her go.

Gees! So beautiful girls can easily get away with their faults? Can they just frame others up at their will just because of their beauty? Can they have sympathy for their faults just because of their beauty?

Li Yong doesn’t let go of her. Instead, he drags her along and waits for the police to come. Li Yong does have compassion for women, but this incident is such a great blow to him that he cannot just easily let go.

If it were not the policemen who took away Wang Hui, he would not know what to do with the following situation.

Now it is time for Sun Qiang to show off again. He was seriously scolded just now. At present, he starts to blame others then. While yelling at others angrily, he makes a call to the Director General of the Public Security Bureau, giving a detailed description of what happens here. Consequently, the police have come before he finishes his description.

Sun Qiang hands over his phone to the leading policeman. After answering the phone call, the policeman begins to learn about the situation from the crowding people. Sun Qiang is counted as one of them and he talks without ceasing about the incident to the leading policeman. When the leading policeman hears him out with a smile, he takes the rest policemen to Wang Hui’s Clinic and arrests all the doctors and nurses who participated in the frame-up just now.

This is a vile frame-up case that is schemed in advance. As a party concerned, Li Yong also goes to the police station and spends the whole day giving statements.

At dusk, he returns to the clinic and sees Zhang Yurong waiting for him at the door. When he gets off Sun Qiang’s luxury car, Zhang Yurong steps forward to welcome him as if she is welcoming her long-parted husband.

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