Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 239 239: The Unpredictable Dangers Of The Forest - The Fight For Survival Continues

In a truly surprising turn of events, Mabel found herself facing an unexpected chapter in her life when Amon, who was supposed to be only a Level 1 Inate, achieved the unimaginable: he defeated a Level 2 wild beast. This remarkable feat left all of the girls stunned and in awe of Amon's hidden talent. However, Barbara and the other girls, though equally surprised and impressed, adapted relatively easily to the new situation. After all, they knew things about Amon that Mabel did not.

Slowly, the group became familiar with the task of extracting genetic cores from the mysterious wild beasts. It was a grueling task, considering the thickness of these creatures' skin, but the effort was worth it, since the fur of these beasts was highly valuable in the market.

While the girls carefully removed the genetic cores, Amon took on the responsibility of dismantling the creatures. With smaller, more agile motions, he skillfully wielded the scythe, turning the work into something almost as simple as slicing cheese. Initially, it took over 10 minutes to dismantle a wild beast, but with time and practice, Amon was able to reduce this time to just 5 minutes.

As for the fearsome boss, the leader of the wild beasts had met an unpleasant end. Only his genetic core remained intact, but that already represented an extremely lucrative prize for the group. After all, it was a genetic core of a Level 2 innate beast, which would guarantee a considerable amount of credits for everyone.

Having finished digging out the genetic cores of the wild beasts she was working on, Maisa smiled satisfied, and put everything in the device in her hand as she stood up. Her red dress flowed behind her in a dazzling arc. The girls were exhausted, but the feeling of accomplishment motivated them to keep exploring.

It was then that Julia, standing next to Maisa, also completed her task and commented, "Our profit is abundant. We could very well return now if we wanted."

Barbara, Ariel, and Mabel nodded, indicating that they were ready to leave. However, Amon, who had been silently observing, asked, "Do you want to return?"

Although Amon was not particularly eager to go back, he also did not object to the idea. The girls looked at each other for a moment but soon shook their heads.

Julia then expressed her opinion with a certain degree of uncertainty, "No, we were just commenting on how lucky we were. But, after all, is it really considered luck to encounter a group of wild beasts led by a Level 2 Innate?" 

She smiled strangely at the end of the sentence.

The other girls shared the same thought. After all, if Amon had not been able to deal with the leader of the wild beasts, they could have ended up in a miserable situation or, even worse, lost their lives.

Amon, noticing the tension in the girls' expressions, decided to lighten the mood with a bit of humor. "Well, luck is relative. We could have encountered a dragon that spits fire, and then we would have really been in trouble."

The girls laughed, relieved by the break in the tense atmosphere. As they walked through the forest, Mabel looked around, alert to her surroundings.

"Don't let your guard down," she warned the others, "We never know what can attack us at any moment."

Amon agreed, aware that the dangers of the forest were constant and unpredictable. The girls remained on alert, but still, the hours passed in an atmosphere of relative tranquility.

However, as the sun began to set, the girls realized that it was time to find a safe place to spend the night. That was when Barbara noticed something strange in the nearby vegetation.

"Did you guys see that?" she asked the others, pointing to a leaf of a nearby tree that seemed to have been cut by something sharp.

The other girls immediately became alert, while Amon approached to examine the cut leaf. That was when they heard the sound of branches breaking and leaves rustling, coming from a nearby direction.

Maisa's heart was pounding hard as she looked around, alert to the dangers of the forest. Amon broke the silence with his calm voice. "It's okay."

Before anyone could respond, a small furry creature appeared before them in a matter of seconds. It was white as snow, looking like a ball of sheep's wool. Mabel smiled at the adorable creature, but the tension remained.

The girls approached slowly to observe the creature, but they still kept their guards up. It was hard to believe that something so cute could exist in such a dangerous place. Was this just a lure made for unsuspecting travelers by some greater danger? The doubts persisted, but for now, they remained cautious and ready for any eventuality.

"Listen carefully," whispered Amon, with a gesture of silence in front of his mouth.

The girls instantly fell silent, aware of the gravity of the situation.

With skill, Amon conjured a dome of silence around them, isolating them from the outside world. The air became heavy as magic spread throughout the environment.

"I'm feeling an incredibly strong energy vibration coming from the east," announced Amon as soon as he finished the spell, "From the power involved, it must be an Innate Level 3 creature. Unfortunately, even with all my active genes, I'm not able to face something of that caliber."

Despite having his genes enhanced, including the white, Calm, and Lightning genes, Amon knew he still wasn't strong enough to face an Innate Level 3 creature. The tension in the air was palpable as they prepared for the worst.

The girls' hearts raced as they heard Amon's words. Mabel and Ariel quickly used their psychic perception to confirm what Amon had said, and their bodies began to emit a cold sweat as they felt the killer intent of the creature just a few meters away to the east.I think you should take a look at

"What will we do, Amon?" Barbara asked with a distressed expression. It would be terrible if they died and lost everything they had acquired here so far.

Mabel and the other girls also looked at Amon, totally trusting his judgment and ability.

Amon was silent for a few seconds, thoughtful. Finally, he broke the silence. "I have a plan..."

As they heard Amon's plan, the girl's eyes filled with expectation. Although they knew it would be risky, it was a good plan, and they were willing to follow it to protect their lives and their gains so far.

The girls' hearts raced as Amon picked up the stone. Everyone knew that this was a crucial moment. With their eyes fixed on the stone, they watched as Amon created a sound isolation spell around it. The silence was broken only by the sound of the stone being thrown. Even so, the throw was so silent that it seemed like nothing had been thrown.

The tension increased even more when the stone changed its trajectory in the air, curving to avoid detection by the Innate Level 3 beast. The stone began to fall at high speed toward the animal, which was still unaware of the imminent threat.


The girls' hearts almost stopped when they heard the deafening sound of the collision between the stone and the beast. The noise echoed through the forest as if the very ground had trembled. It was possible to see a large trail of dust and debris scattered in the air, indicating that the stone had hit its target with overwhelming force.

The girls breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Amon's plan had worked. The tension slowly subsided as the group caught their breath and tried to calm down. Mabel looked around, still aware of the dangers that surrounded them.

With a serious and urgent tone, Amon warned his companions, "Let's wait a minute and move away quickly towards the west!"

The girls immediately nodded, aware of the gravity of the situation.

Julia, who had decided to pick up the furry little creature, squeezed it with a little force, but the furry creature seemed calm and serene. It was as if it understood what was happening and knew not to get agitated.

After almost five minutes of tension, the Inate Level 3 beast ran towards the north, giving an opportunity for the group to move away towards the west. With a feeling of relief, they began to run, making some distance from the dangerous creature.

As they ran, Mabel, looked back apprehensively, fearing that the beast was still chasing them. However, she soon realized that the creature had disappeared from their radar, which made her a little more relaxed.

"It's already dark," announced Amon with a tired voice, "We need to find a safe place to spend the night."

The girls agreed, feeling the fatigue accumulating in their bodies. Despite the success in extracting the genetic cores of the wild beasts, the journey had been long and exhausting. They were ready to rest and recover their energy.

Mabel looked around, searching for a suitable place to camp. The dark and dense forest was not exactly a welcoming environment, but they had no other choice.

Finally, Mabel spotted a clearing surrounded by tall trees. It was a relatively open place, but still offered good protection against possible threats.

"Let's camp there," said Mabel, pointing to the clearing.

The other girls agreed, and the group headed to the chosen location. Amon used his magic to create a protective barrier around the camp, preventing any creature from approaching without being detected. The spells consisted of sound isolation and protection.

Mabel and Ariel cooperated and cast illusion spells. With that, even an Innate Level 3 beast would find it difficult to find them.


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Edited by: Azurtha

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