Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 240 240: Medicinal Bath and Stunning Bikinis

Chapter 240 240: Medicinal Bath and Stunning Bikinis

With the camp protected, the girls began to prepare for the night. Maisa and Julia used their powers to create clean water for washing and cooking. Meanwhile, Barbara used her ability with blue flames to create a fire.

As the girls washed, Mabel watched the environment carefully. She knew that the forest was full of unpredictable dangers and needed to be alert to any signs of threat.

Amon gently poked the furry cheek of the ball of fluff and asked curiously, "Are you planning to take care of this little creature?"

Maisa looked directly at Amon with that half-smile that lifted the apples of her cheeks and made her almond-shaped eyes shine exotically. "Yes, I talked to the girls and they agreed to bring Snowflake with us."

She said this, but her words seemed less important than the way she said them. Amon was momentarily caught in her gaze, captured by her beauty.

"Snowflake?" Amon came out of his daze and repeated the name, thinking it went well with the white fur of the animal.

He had no objection to the idea. Although he wasn't sure what type of animal it was, the ball of fluff seemed harmless and, so far, the digital clock had not identified its species.

'At least for now, we will observe it carefully,' Amon thought to himself.

It was always good to be cautious. After all, one never knew if a cute creature like that could hide some kind of deadly power. Although unlikely, the abilities of the wild beasts that inhabited the forest could not be underestimated.

Ariel looked at Amon with a mischievous red smile on her face.

"By the way, Amon," she said, "my birthday is coming up. What are you going to give me as a present?"

She looked more adorable than ever when she asked.

Maisa and Julia were surprised by the expression of their friend, as it was not something they usually saw in Ariel. Barbara, on the other hand, more easily accepted the question, but raised an eyebrow, making it clear that she had her own thoughts on the matter.

Mabel, who still did not know Ariel very well, realized that there was something behind the question and watched silently as she looked at Amon.

Amon remained calm and replied, "I'll think of something by then." He didn't show any emotion in his response, maintaining a serious posture.

Ariel laughed mischievously to hide her embarrassment. She knew her question was a little out of the ordinary, but quickly recovered and smiled again.

Barbara, who had finished making the fire, looked at Amon with a suggestive smile.

"How about a medicinal bath instead of a regular one?" she asked as she sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder.

Amon didn't immediately respond. Instead, he looked at Mabel for a reaction. Medicinal baths were a common practice between Amon and the girls, but it was also a very intimate and personal ritual.

Mabel had heard Amon and Barbara talking about it before and knew they used to take baths together. However, she wasn't sure if she was ready to participate in one with them. Even among girls, taking a bath together was already a bit embarrassing, and with Amon included, it was even harder to accept.

She took a deep breath as she considered the proposal. After all, if she wanted to become closer to her friends, maybe she should try new things and step out of her comfort zone. But at the same time, she didn't want to feel uncomfortable or exposed.

Mabel was never the type to feel comfortable exposing her body, but the prospect of gaining an advantage in training was too tempting to resist. As an Aspiring Level 2 Innate, she knew she needed to take every opportunity to strengthen her body and her abilities.

"I...," Mabel hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up. "I agree, but I would like to wear a bikini if you don't mind."

"Sure, no problem," Amon responded, knowing he also needed to respect everyone's personal boundaries. "And I'll wear some boxer shorts this time too."

Mabel blushed at his words, her voice becoming timid and adorable. The other girls looked at her with surprise, not expecting the normally reserved Mabel to agree so easily to the proposal. But like all the others, she was willing to make some sacrifices to become stronger and more capable.

Amon stood up and began digging the soil with vigor, determined to create a perfect environment for the medicinal bath he planned with his friends. He dug a huge hole, almost the size of a swimming pool, and left an opening to allow Barbara's blue flames to be inserted under the surface.

Once the hole was ready, Barbara boiled the water while Amon changed his clothes, wearing only boxer shorts. When he returned, he began to prepare the medicinal bath, mixing all the herbs they had on hand and even adding genetic cores with water, fire, lightning, and psychic elements to increase their powers.

This time, Ariel contributed the psychic element, but Mabel would be responsible for providing it next time or compensating Ariel afterward. It was a way to maintain balance and ensure that each of the girls had active participation in the process.

As Amon and the girls prepared to enter the water, Amon wore trunks, while the girls all changed into stunning bikinis.

Amon turned to look at the girls and was breathless for a moment as he saw Maisa, Julia, Barbara, Ariel, and Mabel in front of him in their amazing bikinis.

Maisa was wearing a turquoise blue bikini that highlighted her violet eyes, and her slim and athletic curves were accentuated by the tight set.

Julia was wearing a purple bikini with silver details that enhanced the color of her intense purple eyes. Her smooth and fair skin was complemented by the vibrant color of the bikini, and her long slim legs appeared even longer.

Barbara was wearing a red bikini that highlighted her bright red hair and clear green eyes. Her slim and sculpted body was accentuated by the set, and she exudes elegance and a charming confidence.

Ariel was wearing a black bikini with golden details, which complemented her silver hair and golden eyes. Her large bust was only enhanced by the bikini's neckline, and her curvaceous body was confidently and securely displayed.

Finally, Mabel was wearing a light pink bikini that accentuated her porcelain white skin and soft violet eyes. She looked a bit shy and insecure with the exposure, but she was determined not to let it stop her from participating in the medicinal bath.

Amon couldn't help but be impressed by the beauty of the girls and how the bikinis highlighted their best features.

Mabel noticed that the other girls seemed comfortable in their bikinis, and each of them wore a different style that highlighted their unique features, and although Mabel still felt a bit shy, she tried to remember that the medicinal bath was to strengthen their bodies and abilities. She glanced at Amon, who seemed to be admiring the scenery around him. It was the first time she had worn a bikini in front of anyone, especially of the opposite sex, and she felt a bit embarrassed.

But to her surprise, Amon didn't look at her in an uncomfortable or invasive way. Instead, he gave her a look of appreciation before looking away, which was a relief for her. Mabel felt a bit more confident in her skin and silently thanked him for being so understanding.


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Edited by: Azurtha

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