Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 289: The Secret on Amon's Neck and the Unasked

289  Chapter 289: The Secret on Amon's Neck and the Unasked Questions

In the morning silence, Amon, with his honey-colored eyes radiating a mysteriously dangerous aura and his tousled platinum hair, woke up from a brief slumber. Gratitude filled his heart, remembering the first classes of the day weren't mandatory.

In the adjacent room, Barbara, after sharing a relaxing bath and a cozy breakfast with Amon, decided to return to bed. After all, her mandatory classes wouldn't begin until after midday. With the sheets neatly arranged and serenity surrounding her, she fell asleep quickly.

Amon, however, opted for a more active start to the day. Leaving the dormitory, his determined steps echoed down the corridor.

Upon reaching the lower floor, a figure stood out.

It was Ariel, the young woman with curly, dazzling silver hair that cascaded down to the middle of her back. Her luminous golden eyes, accentuated by long lashes, fixed onto Amon's. The small beauty mark near her left eye only amplified her incomparable beauty. Her petite stature was offset by her regal posture and, of course, her prominent physical attributes.

Trying to break the slight air of discomfort, Amon greeted her. "Good morning."

Ariel's reply came with a touch of reservation, her deep and enigmatic voice resonating softly, "Good morning, Amon."

Sensing the hesitation in her voice, Amon tried to foster a friendlier atmosphere. "How are you?"

Ariel, pausing briefly and choosing her words with her typical care, replied, "Good, I suppose. And you?"

With a gentle nod and a soft gleam in his eyes, Amon countered, "I'm doing well too."

Observing Amon, Ariel couldn't help but notice the evident mark on his neck, internally wondering, 'How does he manage to remain so composed with such a conspicuous mark?'

However, she chose not to mention it.

As they walked side by side, a comfortable silence ensued. Ariel, no matter how hard she tried, couldn't find a topic of conversation, while Amon, naturally reserved, seldom took the initiative to start a dialogue.

Yet, something that day felt different, as if they were at a crossroads of subtle changes.

Amon, gazing at the horizon, broke the silence unexpectedly: "The sky has been clearer these past days, don't you think?"

Ariel, taken aback by Amon's rare initiative, felt her heart flutter a bit faster. Memories of 'that night' flooded her mind, altering her usual demeanor. Trying to hide the blush on her face and the shyness in her voice, she responded with unintentional softness, "Yes, it has. Perhaps it's a sign of better days ahead."

After a brief silent interval, seeming to stretch longer than it actually did, Ariel took the lead.

"Ever since I was little, I've been fascinated by clouds," she said, her golden eyes reflecting the blue sky. "Each shape tells me a different story."

Amon gave her a contemplative look, his honey-colored eyes conveying a calm curiosity. "And what are they saying today?"

Ariel smiled faintly, "They speak of new beginnings and hope. And you? What do you see?"

Before he could reply, familiar voices interrupted them. Julia and Maisa came into view, chatting animatedly among themselves.

As she approached, Julia swayed her long, silky dark purple hair, which caught the sunlight, producing an almost hypnotic effect. Her hazel-green eyes, always described as captivating, had a unique sparkle when they met Ariel's and Amon's.

"Oh, you two are here!" Julia exclaimed with her natural charisma, her melodic voice matching perfectly with her elegant and confident aura. Her outfit, as usual, accentuated her slender figure and perfectly matched her aesthetics, with shades of blue and purple making her eyes stand out even more.

Maisa, on the other hand, with her porcelain skin and voluminous dark purple hair, radiated serene grace. The high ponytail, one of her trademarks, swung gracefully with every move. The natural elegance of her clothes and the vibrant colors she chose for her wardrobe always made her stand out, even next to Julia.

"Good morning, Ariel, Amon. What are you two talking about?" Maisa asked with a warm smile, her expressive hazel-green eyes looking curiously at them.

Amon looked up at the sky and then back to the approaching girls, making a remark. "Ariel was just commenting on today's sky. According to her, the clouds tell stories."

Ariel felt her cheeks heat up as Amon shared this with them. Her shyness made her briefly hold the hem of Amon's shirt, but she quickly let go, her face taking on an even redder shade, almost resembling the hue of clouds at dusk.

Noticing Ariel's reaction, something rare and unprecedented, both Maisa and Julia's eyes widened in surprise.

Maisa, still trying to process the scene, began, "Ariel, you..." She paused, searching for the right words. This was a lot for her to take in.

"Hmm? What happened?" Concern overtook Ariel, but she managed to keep her composure, casting a questioning glance with a touch of serenity.

Maisa was somewhat caught off guard. Under normal circumstances, she would seize the opportunity to tease Ariel, but facing this momentary vulnerability, she chose to back off. "Ah, it's nothing."

Ariel gave her an intrigued look. "Odd..." she remarked, placing her left hand over her ample chest, as if trying to calm her racing heart.

Julia, always observant, caught nuances in the situation. She displayed a courteous smile, but her eyes revealed that she might understand more than she was letting on.

Seeking to steer the conversation, Julia posed a casual question. "Amon, what did you do yesterday?"

"It was an interesting day," Amon began, weighing his words. "I wandered around the city and stumbled upon a festival in the central square. I watched for a while before deciding to head back."

There was a detail he chose to omit: Flavia. He had promised not to talk about her. Amon's uncertainty lay in whether the secret was about the unexpected meeting or their recent exchange of contacts through Chat-GC. Regardless of the reason, he opted not to mention this brief interlude.

The conversation flowed, touching on the events of Amon's day and the classes they had. The dialogue found a natural pause only when they reached a fork in the road. Their academic paths were different.

In the modern tube elevator transport system, Amon headed to the lightning department, while Julia, Maisa, and Ariel went in separate directions.


Do you want to know the appearance of each of the girls that have been introduced? I have created some images with their appearance, and you can access these images by joining my Discord:


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