Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 290: The Silent Competition

290  Chapter 290: The Silent Competition

Days flew by quickly.

And in the blink of an eye, the weekend had arrived.

Amon and the girls decided to visit the Tower.

"I feel like this week dragged on longer than the others..." Barbara mused, sighing as she propped her hands behind her head.

Maisa and the others felt the same.

It was probably because they were used to spending time outside the university, exploring the Tower and enjoying outings. That's why five consecutive days at the university felt longer than usual.

Watching the sunset, Julia snuggled close to Amon, gazing at the horizon. "It's amazing how something so ordinary can seem so magical by your side."

"Hey, Julia, are you trying to monopolize his attention even with all of us here?" a voice questioned from the background.

Maisa, with a distant look, thought: I should have done that.

Of course, she would never admit such a thing...

Julia, with a playful glance, responded, "Well, Maisa, what's the issue? I am his girlfriend. The fact that you are too doesn't take away my place beside him, does it?"

"I... I..." Maisa searched for words, but was left speechless.

Seeing Maisa's flustered expression, Julia chuckled. "You're adorable~"

"Hmpf, who are you calling 'adorable'?" Maisa retorted, though, deep down, she took some pleasure in the compliment. Her discomfort wasn't about the nickname, but her hesitation in her previous rhetoric.

Watching the scene, Julia laughed even harder.

Ariel, who had been quieter that day, also cracked a smile.

And, of course, Barbara couldn't hold back and burst into laughter, uncaring of Maisa's glare.

As they exited the university gates, Ariel threw an object into the air, which, in a split second, morphed into a full-sized flying car with a futuristic and somewhat sophisticated design.

"Wow, Ariel! Since when do you have a car like this?" Barbara exclaimed, amazed.

Without uttering a word, the eyes of Maisa and Julia echoed the same question, full of curiosity as they focused on Ariel.

With a gentle smile, Ariel explained, "On my last visit home, I got my driver's license. And with some credits I had saved up, I decided to buy this car. It's much more practical than relying on ride-hailing apps, don't you think?"


They had to agree with her logic.

Naturally, Maisa and Julia remembered that even on this planet, one needed to be 18 to get a license and then buy a flying car...

"I'll do the same when I get the chance!" Barbara decided. After all, she was of age; she could very well get her own license.

Watching the scene, Amon lost himself in thought.

Ariel's vehicle was spacious, accommodating everyone comfortably. Barbara volunteered to sit beside Ariel at the front.

Amon and the twins took the back seat.

With Amon in the middle, the twins seemed to subtly compete for his attention.

A situation that was both coveted and... complex.

Julia, in a suggestive and slightly teasing voice, whispered into Amon's left ear: "By your side, I feel invincible~"

"Oh, so cliche!" Maisa exclaimed mockingly. "Why not just get straight to the point and say: 'Amon, for you, I'd face storms and fires, as long as we were together~!'?"

"Hm? That was good... I'll keep it for next time, thanks~" Julia replied, flashing a mischievous smile.

This only fueled Maisa's annoyance further.

For some reason, especially today, Maisa felt more competitive towards Julia. Could it be because of their upcoming birthday?

"Hahaha! You two at the back are trying to kill me with laughter!" Barbara, seated at the front, let out a hearty laugh. She had been listening to the entire conversation.

Perhaps it was the infectious energy of the twins because even Ariel seemed more cheerful as she drove.

Amon remained silent, but a faint smile formed on his face.

He truly cherished this kind of atmosphere. He sighed.

Julia, noticing that Amon hadn't spoken a single word yet had sighed, leaned towards him with a playful smile on her lips, "Sometimes, silence speaks louder than a thousand words. But sighs... ah, they tell a different tale."

Hearing this, Maisa conceded defeat. Indeed, she couldn't pull that off.

I need to get better at flirting!

Instead of fretting about her sister, Maisa started searching online: How to flirt with my boyfriend?


Amon and the girls arrived at Bianca's restaurant in the morning.

Their arrival added a joyful touch to the serene atmosphere.

In Bianca's reserved space, they gathered in the living room for breakfast.

Naturally, they had left home without eating. After all, anticipating a delicious breakfast at Bianca's, they wouldn't settle for anything that didn't even compare to half the taste of her dishes.

The pleasant atmosphere in the room became even livelier with Amon and the girls' presence.

With large, expressive emerald-green eyes, Bianca looked at the group and said with a captivating smile, "I see you're all hungry. Luckily, I've prepared something special today."

Barbara, with her shining red hair and light green eyes that radiated excitement, exclaimed, "You always surprise us, mom. I can't wait to see what you've made today!"

Amon, leaning slightly toward Bianca, remarked, "Considering you never disappoint when it comes to food, I'm more than eager to try what you've prepared today."

Julia put on a dramatically hungry expression while gently patting her stomach. "I'm so starved that I think I could eat an entire feast, Bianca."

Maisa, feeling her sister's gaze on her, suppressed a smile, "Julia always exaggerates, but I have to admit I'm looking forward too. And not just for the food, but for the wonderful company."

Ariel, with her captivating beauty highlighted by her silver hair and golden eyes, nodded in agreement, "The aroma is already filling the room, Bianca. And somehow, you always know what we like."

'Has something happened to this girl?' Bianca sensed the subtle change in Ariel. With her keen eyes, she caught onto something, soon her lips curled into a knowing smile...

Julia added with a playful grin, "Amon, looks like you're the only lucky man here~"

Amon let out a rare chuckle, "Well, I'm surrounded by beautiful and talented women. How can I not feel like the luckiest man?"

Bianca, with a mischievous look and using her deep and seductive voice, whispered, "And that's precisely what makes you so captivating, Amon."

As the group laughed and continued with their friendly banter, the morning at Bianca's was nothing short of delightful.


Do you want to know the appearance of each of the girls that have been introduced? I have created some images with their appearance, and you can access these images by joining my Discord:


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