Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 291 291: Manipulating Emotions in the Electrified World

Chapter 291 291: Manipulating Emotions in the Electrified World

Planet Fulgura orbits around a binary star. Its sky is tinted a deep blue, perpetually illuminated by golden, silver, and violet lightning that streaks across the atmosphere due to the frequent electromagnetic disturbances that spawn electrical storms.

The surface of Fulgura is mostly comprised of rocky mountains and floating platforms. These platforms, formed by minerals that are naturally repelled by the planet's electromagnetic core, are considered the safest places to live because of the altitude that protects them from the devastating lightning.

There's only one large ocean on the planet, named the "Stormy Mirror." Its waters, rich in mineral salts, are conductive, and therefore, the electrical storms above them create breathtaking light displays.

Amid a storm of golden and violet lightning, a young man with black hair and honey-colored eyes walked. His name was Amon. Lightning constantly struck his battle attire, but astonishingly, he remained unaffected. To him, they felt like mere raindrops touching his skin.

Walking slowly, Amon murmured, "Just like Flavia mentioned in her message, this planet is constantly under electrical storms..."

On this planet, whether in plants or animals, everything had attributes related to lightning. Flavia, having privileged information about Fulgura, shared it with Amon. She advised him to take advantage of this rare moment, while studies of the planet were on pause, for his self-improvement.

"I'll begin my meditation now..."

There were many places like this, but that mountain range stood out because of its intense electrical activity.

Amon settled on the ground and delved into his meditation.

In the early moments, everything seemed normal. But as time went on, a noticeable change occurred: lightning was drawn towards him, as if he were a powerful magnet for electric discharges.

He became a true vortex, sucking in the lightning from the surroundings and focusing them upon himself. The spectacle was dazzling, yet it carried an aura of danger and awe.

The incessant warnings about the increasing genes didn't discourage Amon; on the contrary, they filled him with unparalleled joy. Without hesitation, he maintained his meditative posture.

Suddenly, creatures made of lightning converged on him. With unmatched concentration, Amon simultaneously released the emotions of Fury, Calm, Fear, and Courage. Though normally blending these emotions would be a Herculean task, the energy constantly flowing through Amon allowed him to project these feelings onto any being that drew near.

The combination of these emotions reached a chaotic climax. The creatures were overtaken by internal conflicts, with fear and courage, anger and calm colliding, leading some to self-destruction.

"That was astonishing."

Amon, however, remained steadfast, radiating these genetic emotions and continuing his meditation. He strengthened his lightning genes and, at the same time, amplified the genes of Courage.


A majestic green lightning bear lunged at a brown lightning anaconda. With opposing emotions dominating them, one was filled with Courage, and the other with Fury.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The clash between the two beasts generated electrifying shockwaves, with sparkling lightning spreading everywhere. They were evenly matched in strength and attribute until something changed the course of the battle.


A roar came from a third electrified beast, a golden leopard, which, in a frenzied state, attacked both creatures simultaneously.

The atmosphere was saturated with energy, sparks and charges pulsing at a frenetic pace. The ground beneath their feet quaked with the intensity of the combat, and the air was thick with electricity. The blinding glow of lightning lit up the darkness, creating a shimmering mosaic of light and shadow.


At the end of the tumult, the green lightning bear lay motionless, defeated by the combined might of the other two.

With a deep, almost mystical connection, Amon began to absorb the energy from the fallen bear. The bear's gleaming corpse started to fade away, with sparks and currents of energy flowing directly into Amon.

Every spark he absorbed became a part of him, strengthening and re-energizing his being. It was a magical display of power and energy transfer.

Meanwhile, the brown lightning anaconda and the golden leopard clashed.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sounds of impact filled the air. Swiftly, the anaconda used its sinuous body, stretching over 90 meters long, to wrap around and squeeze the golden leopard, suffocating it to its demise.

After the anaconda's victory, Amon amplified the emotion of Fear in it. The serpent, in panic, didn't even attempt to consume its freshly defeated prey. Instead, it moved swiftly, appearing to be trying to escape an unseen threat.

However, before it could break free, it was surrounded by other electric creatures. A herd of beings converged on it, attacking in unison and tearing apart the anaconda, which measured an impressive 90 meters in length or more.

Having feasted on the snake, these beings turned their attention to the fallen bodies and cast wary glances in Amon's direction.

With serene calmness, Amon allowed them to draw near. Even with his eyes closed, he could sense their presence drawing closer. When they were close enough, Amon released an overwhelming wave of the four emotions, throwing them into chaos.

These creatures, which once acted with the coordination of a pack, now turned on each other in a violent frenzy, attacking with sharp claws and jaws.

"These creatures have vulnerable minds, so easily manipulated..."

Amon's thoughts echoed the words Flavia had sent him in messages. She had warned him about the importance of having something that could influence the minds of the beasts. Surely, she didn't expect Amon to possess the ability to tamper with the beasts' four dominant emotions: Fury, Calm, Fear, and Courage.

Mentioning Courage, Amon noted he had accumulated over 50 levels in that emotion. If he continued at this pace, he'd soon reach a new pinnacle of power.

"Boom Boom! Boom!"


The noise and the fierce howls of the beasts began to wane in intensity.

The surrounding scene was one of desolation. The destruction resembled a battlefield where, instead of weapons, lightning was unleashed with overwhelming force. Electric explosions lit up the surroundings, demonstrating a power surpassing level 1 and 2 Innate attacks.

The ground was scorched and marked, with fragmented trees and rocks scattered everywhere, resulting from the tempestuous might of these beings. Chaos reigned, and the glow of the lightning painted a terrifying picture, bearing witness to the unfolding conflict.


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