Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 59

Early morning Hatta came to pay us a visit. They were reading themselves, so we also had to. The city center was occupied by hunters waiting in line to buy provisions, and other things. Even though the line was long, people were shopping pretty quickly. There was no time for delays. Our turn came up after less than half of an hour. We were also done pretty quickly. I bought plenty of provisions and around ten torches. Who knew how long will exploration take us.

Fortunately, Wuxia also came prepared. They had a cart filled with equipment. Ropes, candles, torches, food, and drinks.

Prepared, with one burning torch, we departed as a ten-man squad. Me, Will, Hatta, two annoying numskulls, and 5 more soldiers of Wuxia. I was clearly the strongest among us, which gave me a bit of anxiety. I felt kinda responsible for those people's lives. Even though I knew only two of them, didn't really care about five, and would gladly kick the remaining duo.

The way to the cave was easy and we remained pretty much completely silent. Wuxia members tried to start a conversation among themselves,s but it died pretty quickly. Probably because it felt awkward when everybody else was quiet. We killed some goblins, collected some crystals. Nothing out of the ordinary. And finally arrived at the cave. Will slaughtered the guards, and we parked cars close to the entrance, which I suggested.

Then I told them to watch my back, while I will deal with the horde. It felt more comfortable this way for me. Even though it was tiring, I knew I'm gonna regain my strength relatively quickly.

We made some noise and waited in positions. With me in front, and the rest a couple of meters behind me, and two assholes at the very end with a burning torch. In this formation, I could focus on killing the main force, and not bother myself with those who slipped thru me on the sides, because the rest wouldn't let them surround me. It worked perfectly. I could swing without any care.

- You are a beast - said will when the last goblin perished living his crystal behind.

- I will take that as a compliment.

- You do. You do. I'm feeling a bit better now after seeing you in action - he continued.

Members of Wuxia gave a few nods of acknowledgment. Two assholes looked like they wanted to turn around and run to the city. Hatta was like a stone. With no emotions.

- Let's light torches, and move - he commanded.

We did what we were told, and went inside. I took one torch and went first while Will took care of the cart, pulling it as one of the last people.

Cave seemed to be very big and gradually descended. There were no stalactites and stalagmites at first. Later they showed up, but only sporadically. We went on for three, maybe four hundred meters. There were no forks, only one tunnel. It changed deeper.

p First was a large space on the right, which seemed to be some kind of den. Furrs lied on the floor. There were bones and primitive tools laying here and there. Also a large bonfire, now completely dimmed. Only a couple of burning red shapes in the dark indicated that there was a fire here.

- They had quite a camp here - said Will.

- Yes. It looks like a couple of dozens was sleeping here - responded Hatta. - There is nothing here. No signs of people. Let's head deeper.

We backed up to the main tunnel and continued walking. Soon we arrived at a place where the tunnel was actually splitting. Torchlight was too weak to tell us what we could find in any of them. There was only darkness.

- Let's go to the left - I said.

Nobody opposed, so we continued to the left. The tunnel ended with another den a bit further. We searched around, but there was nothing except fur, primitive tools, and bones.

- It's funny. They have animal skins here, but there are no animals around - said Will.

- What about wolves? - asked one of Wuxia members.

- Yeah, but am talking about goblin territory. There are no animals here. And even if they would go hunt wolves, you have to remember that everything here turns to smoke and leave crystal behind. You can't skin crystals - Will wasn't giving up.

- Maybe he can - added another member of Wuxia.

- Fuck of. Maybe if goblin kill's a wolf it doesn't disappear, huh? Ever thought about that?

The way they were arguing made me smile.

- Let's go back, and check the other tunnel - I said.

So we returned and checked the other side. It started to turn a bit more to the right and also was descending with a bit sharper angle. Fortunately, the cave was dry, so we didn't have to bother ourselves with caring about slipping and falling.

At some point, the ground, and walls changed slightly. I didn't notice it, neither did the rest. But the further we get, the changes became clearer.

- Didn't the walls get smother? - I asked.

- Yeah... now when you said it... Let's be careful now - responded Will.

They had to hear us first, or maybe they could see in the dark. I don't know to this day. Suddenly arrow came out of the darkness. At the last moment, I blocked it with the wide blade of my pudao. If not for the upgraded reflexes, I wouldn't be able to do so.

- Watch out for arrows! - I shouted immediately.

Those who had shields prepared them, the rest ducked behind the cart. I on the other hand rushed further. The flame of my torch fluttered loudly but didn't go out. I was jumping from side to side to not let them hit me. Another arrow came out of the darkness but missed. The third followed the sun, just to hit the ground, and then I saw them. Ugly green dwarves with jagged teeth and faces twisted in anger. They were equipped with leather armors with elements of metal here and there. Both had bows with arrows and hooked rusty swords.

I throw my weapon like a javelin at first one, the second saw it and immediately dropped the bow, just as his companion was falling dead on the ground, and pulled out the sword. He rushed at me, swinging. I had no weapon to block, but I dodged to the side and jumped for the pudao. Pulled it out, blocked barely with the handle, and cut him down.

- It's clear for now!

- Fine! - I recognized Will's voice.

- I'm gonna scout ahead. If you hear me screaming, run!

- Just don't die, Peter!

I went deeper, hunched a bit with the torch high up. It was kinda illogical, but that's how my body reacted without a thought. I was just doing, not thinking too much. But yeah, for somebody hidden in the dark I was like a freaking lantern.

I maybe walked for a couple of meters, before I heard some footsteps. I froze, then quickly realized its pointless, and instead rushed further. Then I saw them. They were well-armed and disciplined. Completely different from the bunch from above. They were like a military squad.

Without any battle cries or anything, they attacked. With swords and shields. Hand to hand. I swung at them, but they managed to block. Almost got knocked down by the sheer force of that blow. The rest jumped out from the sides and tried to surround me, but I was not gonna allow them. I backed down a bit, giving them some ground, and also keeping my eyes on those which remained at the back. When I saw an opportunity I swung again, but this time it was just a feint to make them try to block, and instead, the closest one got smacked with the torch. He screamed in pain. The rest jumped to use this moment for attack, but My blade was faster, and I trusted the piercing goblin skull. With the handle, I managed to block his blow and put the torch in his eye.

Then I finished him, and his screaming friend. The rest instead of charging retreated. I rushed after them, and after a short sprint managed to get them. With a quick fight, they died. I took a short break, waiting for tor the rest to get to me.

- Everything ok? Are you wounded? - asked Htta seeing me resting next to the wall.

- No. Just waiting for you. Did you hear the fight?

- Yeah.

- Goblins, but different ones. Just like those archers. Well equipped, disciplined. We need to watch out. Don't get your habits of fighting with goblins from above, get the better of you.

- We will be on our toes.

- Good. I'm going ahead.

I pushed forward, trying to be sneaky. The tunnel was long and still descending, but the angle was becoming less sharp with each step. Eventually, I couldn't tell at all if the floor was already completely flat or not yet.

I met a few more groups of those goblins on the way, but with each of them, I fought more freely, not holding back as much as I did in the beginning. I was understanding their tactics better, and also knew what to expect, so I naturally could allow myself to do riskier moves. Go for openings I wouldn't risk in the first fight when I didn't have a full grasp of the opponent's capabilities.

Eventually, I came up to a door on the right. Heavy, made of stone and with large metal hinges. But surprisingly they were easy to open. The first thing that struck me was light. On the walls were metal bowls with oil or something. Burning with a nice bright flame. There were many of them, so the whole room was decently lighted up.

They waited for me. At least a few dozens of them. Armed, and grinning happily. They parted into few groups, bunched up in several places of the large underground hall. The ceiling wasn't that high for me, but for them, it was a different case.

There were stone tables and benches. For me, it looked like a canteen of some kind, and maybe it really was one. There was no food on the tables to confirm. There was also no time to think. I threw the torch inside and slowly entered. They laughed.

I took a quick glance to check if there were bodies of people on the floor, but I didn't see a thing. It was completely clean.. I spun my pudao, looking for a target, and then it began.

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