Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 60

I rushed ahead. They charged at me screaming with anger. I jumped on the closest bench, then on the table where I had a higher ground. Unfortunately not for long. They got to me pretty quickly and started to climb up, not caring how many of them died in the process. I was slashing and cutting one after another. Then one of them stabbed me in the calf, but for that got kicked in the head. It was painful, but I kept fighting, only to cut my way to jump to the next table. This time I was not gonna hang there for long. The very moment they swarmed my position, I started running and jumped further.

They followed, and I kept killing them until they realized its a bad tactic. Then those far behind rushed to other tables around me, to cut me off. I couldn't jump to a different spot because I would only impale myself on their blades. I needed a different strategy.

Quick glance around gave me an idea. I kept slashing but allowed one to get on the table. When he charged at me, I knocked his weapon to the side and kicked him with all my might straight into the chest. He went flying, and while doing so, made a path for me by knocking his brothers out of the way. I jumped off the table and started to cut my way thru them to a better position. I needed to have a wall behind me, so I didn't have to worry about my back. I headed to the corner while spinning and cutting furiously.

I was like a machine. Wild beast. My movements were impossible for a normal human being. Rapid bursts of raw power guided in such a way that they actually became some kind of dance. My blade kept swimming like a fish in the water. Bursting forward, just to turn, and change direction without losing the power. Only slowing for very short amounts of time.

My mind was clear. I didn't even think about what I was doing. Just kept my eyes on enemies around. So I knew their position. Muscles did the rest. I reacted subconsciously to their attempts of cutting me down.

Somehow I finally made my way to the corner. I killed many, but a lot remained, and they were not backing down. I finally had a moment to realize that in the tunnel they were also fighting. I could hear shouts and metal clashing with metal. They obviously were in trouble. Just like me. I needed to hurry up and help them.

There was no other way, but to charge. I did a few reckless swings allowing me to deal with goblins quicker, but I was leaving openings for them to use, and they didn't miss any of those. I got cut and stabbed several times in the arms, and even torso. All of those wounds were shallow, but they still slowed me down a bit and hurt with every move.

Gritting my teeth I kept swinging cutting down one after another, receiving new wounds due to my impatient movement. Finally, the last one turned to a crystal, and I could run out back to the tunnel.

There was a swarm of them there. A little bit deeper, so I actually came out behind them. Will, Hatta, and the others were doing a great job by dealing with incoming waves of goblins. They were clearly tired by now. I had to help them.

I changed yet again, making my way thru them, and ran in the ranks of green ones continuing my dance. Just like before. I kept spinning, to not let them get too close. Swinging my weapon with all the remaining strength. If they wanted to stab me, they had to sacrifice a hand. And they did. I could feel new cuts appearing on my body in bursts of pain, but the goblins were falling one after another.

I made a lot of fuss. I great distraction, that allowed the rest to push thru disorganized goblin ranks. Their lines broke one after another, and after couple more minutes, they started to retreat.

- Fuck - said Will when the last goblin vanished in the darkness. - Is everybody ok?

- Yes - said few people.

- I have some minor wounds. Nothing too bad - said Hatta.

- How about you Peter?

- I'm more or less good Will. No worries.

- No worries? You are bleeding all over. Fuck...

- I'm fine. Those are just shallow cuts. I have only one deeper wound on my calf, but I can manage with it. Relax Will.

- Shouldn't we retreat? - asked one of the assholes who were the main reason for us being here.

His voice was shaking a bit.

- Didn't you want to find the bodies of your friends? Now you suddenly don't want to? - I asked him.

- Fuck that guy Peter. But he might be right about the retreat - Will have his 5 cants about the situation.

- I feel better than I look. Trust me. Let's pick up crystals, do a small break for food and same water, and then lest go further.

- Are you nuts? We might die here - Hatta was unable to stay calm any longer.

- We probably dealt with mine force. They retreated. We can just kill the survivors and take a look around. Arent you guys curious about this place? Maybe we will find some clues about this world?

- Or not. It's too risky.

- Fine, then I will scout ahead. You stay here.

- You really are crazy, Peter - Will joined again.

I was done talking to them. I still could go. I wasn't even bleeding that hard, and overall felt really well. Maybe except the calf. It was painful to keep the whole weight on that leg.

We took a break and collected crystals. It was a lot, combined with the ones we got earlier. We kept watch, but goblins didn't show up again. It was quiet except for the noise we were making ourselves.

When we were done with resting, and crystals were packed on the carts, I left the group and went deeper alone with a single torch. Both Will and Hatat were complaining, telling me it's a bad idea, but I didn't listen at all. I needed to find out more bout this place.

I kept walking thru the tunnel, and after some distance, another door appeared, but this time on the left side. I opened it just to see an empty canteen identical to the one from before. I left it and kept walking. The tors kept appearing once on the right, once on the left. I found more chambers. Different ones. Some looked like some kind of barracks, filled with beddings made of animal skins. There was also an armory filled with rusty, jagged weaponry and armor. Nothing worth taking. Things were either too small or just in a terrible condition.

I also met more goblins. A couple of groups here and there. The survivors from the battle before, but also new groups. Numbers were not that big, so I kept killing them.

I some point I had to turn and rejoin the group, to get another torch. Then I discovered they were actually following me. I told them what I saw, and we decided that I will go in front, and they will follow at some distance, and collect the crystals.

It seemed like the tunnel had no end. I kept walking and walking. Chambers repeated, and goblins got more frequent. I could feel myself getting tired little by little. And then, finally, I arrived at the end.

There was a large door made of metal. Lighted by oil burning in large bowls on both sides. Nothing that different than the other things in this place. But there was something, that gave me shivers. There were spears jammed into the ground there, also on both sides, and on those spears somebody impaled heads. Human heads. Heads probably belonging to those who invaded this place yesterday.

I turned around, to rejoin the group again.

- I found them - I told them the very moment my voice could reach them without shouting.

I didn't want to make too much noise after discovering that door.

- Whare? Are they alive? - asked one of the assholes.

- No. All of them are dead. I found their heads impaled on spears. There is a large metal door, decorated in such a fashion at the end of the tunnel.

- Shit - that was the only thing Will said.

- We are not going thru that door - announced Hatta.

- I know. You can confirm by yourself, but after that let's return.

- I will go and confirm - Hatta continued. - Then we are going back.

Everybody agreed. Friends of dead hunters didn't seem that concerned about their fate anymore. They were pale and looked sick. It seemed that this little adventure was too much for them. Hatta returned pretty quickly, and we made it out of the cave.

It was already dark outside, but the forest was cleared out of goblins, so we had rather a pleasant way back to the city. I felt exhausted but happy. Both carts were almost full of crystals. After splitting it up, I got 217. There were also some torches and candles left. Those could be useful in the future, so I kept them.

I paid the tax of three, and sold the rest, which combined with what I already had, gave a nice sum of 59 619 points. I upgraded my strength twenty times for 43 050. Then healed wounds for 800 and bought some food, also water. After filling my stomach, I headed back home. It was a long day. I had many things to think about. What was behind those metal doors? Clearly something capable of killing 20 hunters. They could be wounded and tired after making it all the way there, but still.

I kept wondering about it, all the way home, and even inside the bed. I fell asleep dreaming about that door. About impaled heads. I saw my own stuck on the spearhead. The head was pale, and its eyes were open. Almost white, with irises so pale, they were barely noticeable. Even the pupils got whiter. My head kept talking to me.

- Come here, Peter. Come here... There is a secret here... Come here...

Day ended with 15 727 points on my account.

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