Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 62

A single point I never expected since I did not sell that crystal. But It was there. I immediately thought about using it, and the option showed up. Option to chose a class or profession. Option to become something.

I looked briefly at the options. Fighter, rogue, guardian, a bunch of elementalists. Fire, earth, water, air. Hospitaler, barrier maker, linguist, diffrent types of scientists. Craftsman classes, summoners, beast tamers, and many, many more. I could become a monk, some type of adventurer, or straight go on a path of a berserker. There were many and no description to any of them, but I just knew what they are.

I kept looking, and looking, and looking. Until somebody bumped my shoulder.

- Hey, Peter.

- You? What do you want?

It was Blitzkrieg.

- Oh, just remaining you of my mere existence - he smiled. - I actually didn't want to interrupt your shopping, but since you are taking so much time, I kinda had to.

He was telling the truth. There was a line behind me. The faces of those people were showing shadows of anger, and frustration.

- Sorry. Here... go on, I'll shop later.

I just decided to step aside. But before I quickly healed myself. Only 1,5k down. With the class, I just needed more time to chose the right one.

- Are you free now, Peter? How about a beer? We could talk.

- I didn't decide yet.

- I think you did. You have no intention of joining us. You see, I did a bit of research about you, and decided to change my proposition. So? A beer and interesting proposition, how does that sound?

- If you did the research, then why are you insisting, on recruiting me? You should know I'm not interested in Blood Brothers.

- I believe I can change your mind with my proposition, but beer first. Let's go.

He was so cheerful like he already knew the outcome of this conversation. Or maybe it was a trap? I grabbed the handle of my cart.

- Oh, you can live it here. Somebody will bring it to the bar.

Was he trying to disarm me? I immediately looked at the weapon laying on the cart.

- Relax. It's not a trap. You don't need that.

He obviously noticed where I was looking.

- Fine.

We went together. He was leading straight to the bar.

- So, what's your proposition?

- Not now. Beer first.

- I don't care about beer.

- Me too, but I would much rather avoid possible uninvited listeners to our conversation, and these streets are full of those. So beer first.

- Fuck you, Blitz.

- Ha ha.

He was enjoying this. I could tell. I felt like trapped in a giant spiderweb, waiting for death by the unknown. He was silent, clearly waiting to reach the bar first. So I also stopped talking, and instead focused on my surroundings. The closer we were, the more members of Blood Brothers appeared. I could feel the anxiety building up.

- And here we are - said Blitzkrieg while stopping for a moment in front of his establishment.

He was clearly proud of it.

- Let's go inside - he continued.

I just followed. The view was almost the same as before. Tables with men surrounded by half-naked women. Cards, dices, alcohol, and food. There was also music. The music that last time grabbed me by the hearth, and did so again. A mesmerizing voice I couldn't ignore.

- You should hang here a bit more Peter. Come.

He led me to his private corner. Everything was already waiting for us. Nice dinner, beer, and a bunch of laughing girls. This time in clothes. Nice dresses to better show off their curves. He immediately sat down, with a gesture of a hand making space for both of us.

- Let's eat first. You are probably very hungry after your hunt. Come on Peter. Don't be shy.

I sat down but didn't touch anything. The food looked amazing. Roasted chicken with rice, and some salads. Two empty plates waiting to be used. It was not easy to ignore with an almost empty stomach.

- It's not poisoned - he said while smailing. - Look.

And he just cut off a large piece of the chicken and stuffed his mouth. Then he took a full fork of potatoes, and everything else there was. One by one.

- See? I have plans for you, Peter. Now, eat - he continued with a full mouth of food.

For a moment he looked disgusting to me. Chewing and talking. It was probably because I just hated that guy. I hated all of them.

- Just tell me what do you want - I said while putting some food on my plate.

- So I found out that you are very interested in a girl named Aisha.

I just froze.

- Relax Peter. Just eat, and let me talk.

I slowly started to move again. I cut off a piece of the chicken and put it in my mouth.

- So that girl, Aisha. He was originally a forbidden fruit for our great leader Mark.

Every girl around us laughed.

- But he was only interested in her because he couldn't have her. - He continued. - So after a couple of days, after finally getting this forbidden fruit, he grew bored of her, and the whole idea about brothel was made, so she ended there. I even heard some people tried to free her. Somebody died, didn't he? Anyway... Mark doesn't really give a shit about her anymore, but he is not just gonna give her back. He is a little possessive motherfucker. Hehe.

Loughs again.

- What I'm trying to say is, that you have very little chances of getting her back. On the other hand, it will be very easy for me to arrange. So, do I have your attention, Peter?

I swallowed what I had in my mouth.

- Yes. You do.

- Great. Now if we could have some privacy, girls?

Their faces changed immediately. Smiles disappeared, and seriousness came instead. They stood up and left. With them also anybody that was sitting close by. Half of the bar just left.

- Now Peter. Let us have a little serious conversation.

My grip on the fork tightened.

- Sure.

- As I said before, I did a bit of research on you. I believe you can be very valuable to me.

- Just tell me what the fuck do you want.

- Don't worry, I'll get to that. But before let me tell you a little story. There is a man. He has a friend. It's a girl, so maybe there is something more going on with them. That girl is kinda pretty, so a lot of men notice her. Some very strong, and mean assholes. There is this one guy who really, I mean really, finds her attractive. Unfortunately, she doesn't find him attractive and rejects every single advance. But he is a possessive motherfucker. To the point he starts to threaten her, he is gonna kill her friends. You know, one by one.

I wanted to tell him to just cut the crap and tell what he wants, but I didn't. Blitzkrieg obviously wasn't dumb and he probably had a purpose in telling me this 'story' of his. I had no idea what that might be, but I was gonna let him have it. Even if he wanted to humiliate me, or make fun of me to show me my place.

- That's too much to take for her, so she just gives up. Then after few weeks of fucking her in a nice bed, humiliating her in front of his friends, et cetera. He finally grows bored of her. So he puts her into a brothel, so everybody can fuck her for money. Then her friends try to rescue her, but they fail. She sees how miserable the attempt was, and begs for mercy, but the guy doesn't listen. He kills one of them to tell the message. To show who the boss is. Now back to the man from the beginning. Her friend. He is a sneaky little bastard who lets the anger grow in him. He is careful and prepares very diligently. He is smart and knows that one person won't be able to succeed, so he finds allies. He somehow gets close to the leader of a very powerful group. He makes him challenge the possessive motherfucker. Unfortunately for him, he has no idea, that it's just an excuse for a third man. A man from the same group as the leader, who is very close to him, and is plotting to overthrow him. It's a chance he can not just ignore. So he comes to the possessive motherfucker, and tells him about the duel, and proposes he is gonna poison the leader, so he will lose. This way they both win, and our little hero loses.

I could feel my heart beating faster and faster.

- How do you know it?

- Oh came one Peter. I was there when that guy, Blue, came to challenge Mark. He proposed to poison Zhang Yong and even told us he is gonna prevent the backlash afterward. I even know that you knew about the whole poisoning.

My heart was going so fast, it was painful. I barely could hear him with all the rumble made by blood in my ears.

- How?

- Your friend, Hatta. He is making allies in Wuxia. He wants to get rid of Blue. I also wanted that, so I told my people inside Wuxia, to join him. He eventually spilled the beans, and here we are. About to determine the history of this place.

- What are you planing Blitz?

- I believe there are three kinds of people in the world. Those who follow the greed. Those who follow the dream, and finally idiots who can't decide. Mark is the first one. I'm also the first one, alongside Blue. Zhang Yong was the second type, with your friend, Hatta. And you are the third, Peter. That's why you decided to help Hatta. Because Zhang Yong got into your head.

- You still didn't tell me what you want.

He smiled.

- Mark is not the brightest guy, but he is dedicated and very, very greedy. People won't die for him. On the other hand, Blue is quite smart. Also probably even greedier than Mark. He is eventually gonna turn on us. The difference is, people will die for him. That's the legacy Zhang Yong left him. So we have to get rid of that guy before he is too strong. I plan on using Hatta to break Wuxia apart. He will gather people loyal to Zhang Yong before Blue can brainwash them, and then we will join forces and attack.

- You want a fucking war?

- This, or Blue will slaughter us. Do you wanna die, Peter? Couse, you are also on his chopping block. Even when Zhang Yong was alive he had some of his lieutenants supporting him. The rest was either converted, or switched. Now he is building up his personal strength. All the crystals gathered by Wuxia are pumped straight into him. He wants to become an absolute ruler of this place. Not a king, a god. And we don't need gods here.

- You don't need me for this war. Why are you going to such lengths to recruit me? What the fuck are you really planing?

- I used to prepare for war. Then you appeared, like a fucking gold laying duck. You are close to Blue and can go straight to him. And you are strong enough to at least have a chance of killing him. He is not dumb, and won't just meet you alone, so we will have to work a bit for it. Even though I believe it can be arranged. So, Peter, what do you say?

- I... Fuck.

There was no time to think. If he really wasn't lying, then I just had to agree. Could he be lying? There was no way of him knowing I was suspecting Zhang Yong was poisoned by Blue.

- Fine, but I want Aisha free. Today.

- It can't be done today. You see, Mark has no idea what I'm planing. So I need some time to free your girlfriend. Give me a day, or two.

- Then I want to at least see her. Now.

- Fine. Come.

He got up and started walking outside. I quickly followed. We went not too far away from the bar, to a similar-looking place. Two-floor high building with a wooden double door, and shutters with heart-shaped holes in them. Always closed. Inside was nice, very clean, and almost empty besides a guy sitting next to the entrance, and another one, behind the counter. Then there was a bigger room with many doors. It was a bit lower, so there were short but wide stairs, about three steps long, leading there. On the left side of the room, there were other stairs leading up to the mezzanine, with more doors leading to more rooms. I could hear knocking, and moans from behind those doors.

When we entered both guys just stood up.

- Mister Blitz... How can we help you?

- This is my friend, Peter. He wants to see one of the girls. I believe her name was Aisha, right?

I just gave him a nod.

- She is free right now. Room twenty-three, upstairs - answered the guy from behind the counter.

- Go Peter. I'll wait here.

I looked him in the eyes, and he smiled. I couldn't read him, and also couldn't resist, and just bolted up the stairs. Knocked on the wooden door, with a number painted in black on it.

- Come in.

It was her voice. I could recognize it anywhere. I entered without hesitation.

- Peter? I... I wasn't expecting you...

She was standing there wearing just black lingerie, and a large, blue shawl. Baiting on her lower lip in consternation. Then she suddenly became aware of her clothes and covered herself with the shawl. I couldn't say a word.

- Did... Did you pay for me?

- No.

- Then, why are you here? Just don't tell me you did something stupid. Please, Peter.

- I'm sorry. I did something stupid.

She just became pale. Like the whole blood drifted away from her face.

- W-what... What did you do?

- I made a deal. You will be free soon.

- What deal? What are you talking about?

- It doesn't matter. The only important thing is, you will be free.

- Look, Peter. You don't owe me anything. I chose this path, so just please don't do anything... Those guys. They are bad, very bad people. They killed Ian - she started to sob. - I... I couldn't d-do a-any t-th-thing.

- Calm down Aisha. Please. I know Ian is dead, but it's not your fault. Just... Just wait for a couple of days. You will be free then.

She took a moment to calm down, and wipe the tears.

- Please Peter. I don't want any more deaths. You really don't owe me anything. I don't blame anybody. It was my decision.

- But I do. I blame myself. The decision was already made. You will be free soon. If I'm not around go and find Will. He will take care of you. I might be busy, but we will see each other soon.

She just gave me a nod, but I could see tears coming to her eyes again. I couldn't take it. I stood up and rushed to the door.

- See you soon Aisha. Let's have a beer or something then.

- O-ok - her voice was shaking.

I left and went downstairs. Blitzkrieg was waiting.

- How did it go? You didn't have any fun with her?

- Shut up. When she is free, I'm in. But before that, no.

I didn't wait for his answer and started to march. He didn't bother with following me. That's how I got back to the city center. The cart was waiting for me there. Protected by few guys from Wuxia. I immediately thought they are Blitz men, but was very soon proved wrong. They left seeing me approaching. I grabbed the handles and got in line to use the device. There was one, few people long.

Suddenly Hatta appeared.

- Don't leave your cart like that, or you will lose it.

- Did you put those people to keep an eye on it?

- Yes. Somebody saw you leaving it, and reported to me, so I asked few guys to keep an eye.

I kept asking myself if it was really Blitz's work, or not.

- Anyway - Hatta continued. - We are going to the goblin cave tomorrow. I hope you had a good score today.

- I did. Can I come with you?

- Why?

- I know what's there, and can help for a normal share of the crystals.

- I was there too, did you forget? We are prepared.

- You wasn't behind the door. There is one tough guy there. There might be some casualties. I fought him and almost got my ass kicked. Look - and I took the crystal out of my pocket - That is what he left.

- You didn't sell it yet? It looks different a bit. It was just this? No loot like from a boss?

- No. It's not a fucking game. And I will sell it in a moment.

- Tell me how much it was. I'll talk with the guys about you. Let's meet here in the morning.

- Thanks Hatta.

He just gave me a slight pat on the shoulder and left. I waited for a bit and sold the crystals. It was worth only ten goblins. But the true worth was hidden in the killing of the boss. The class point. I wanted more. That was my plan. They wouldn't let me get the crystal for sure, but if I killed the boss, then maybe another point... I just couldn't lose this chance.

I didn't pick the class, because if I could only choose one, then I needed to put more thought into it. Instead, I upgraded some statistics. First dexterity, forty times for 56 100 points. Then strength sixty times for 141 150 points. This left me with 96 977 points. I bought two new pudaos, and leather armor. Another 11 000 points down. The rest I kept, and finally returned back home after a long day.

Day ended with 85 977 points on my account and a single one class point.

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