Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 61

I woke up later than usual. Not too much, but still. There was a possibility of somebody else taking my spot at the cave, so I had to rush to the city center. After quick shopping, I went to find Will.

- I'm not going today Peter. I need at least a day of a break after yesterday.

- Fine. Then I'll go alone.

- Just don't go down. Stick to the goblins on the outside.

I just left him. My greed woke up and was whispering to my ear. Common sense on the other side was telling me, that I'm not ready yet. I needed to be stronger. There was also, Hatta or other members of Wuxia, who could report what we found to their lieutenant, and my sweet spot could be taken from me. I was on the clock.

I grabbed the cart and started power walking. Fortunately, there were some goblins on my path, indicating that nobody actually went to the cave. After arriving at the spot my thoughts were confirmed by the presence of the guards. I slaughtered them quickly, parked, and made some noise. Then the battle started.

It was harder than with the whole group. I had to be careful to not let them surround me. I needed to keep an eye on the sides. The fight was long, but I still had some energy after. The temptation to go underground appeared. I had to force myself to just pick up the crystals and return back to the city.

I strolled a bit around on the way and grabbed some more crystals. After arriving at the center, I paid the tax and sold the score for a nice number of 73 000 points. Combined with my remaining balance it gave me 88 727.

Upgrading dexterity was cheaper, so I could afford more, but constitution and strength were right now giving me a bigger impact. I needed the power to deal with enemies quickly and move faster. My reflexes were good enough for goblins. High stamina allowed me to fight continuously with hordes of enemies. And recently I even discovered that constitution also was hardening my flesh. I could clearly observe it during yesterday's fights.

It was a tough decision, but in the end, I dumped 55 050 points in the constitution. That was 20 upgrades. This left me with 33 677, but I decided to instead of investing in the statistic, just buy new equipment. The leather armor was still good, but pudao got damaged again. I had to buy a new one. Another 4500 points down.

Then bought some food, ate, and returned home, just to wake up the next day and repeat the whole process. Will didn't want to go with me.

- If we go there together, you will keep insisting on going underground to that fucking door, and I'm not doing that. No, no, no. I already hooked up with some people, and I'm gonna go hunt rats.

- Fine.

That was a whole conversation. I went alone again. Nobody tried to steal the spot. I was expecting Wuxia to start moving, but they didn't. Maybe it was Hatta's doing, or they just weren't interested in goblins. Those leaving underground were tougher than rats, and their crystals were still only 100 points.

That day I brought back 451 stones, paid the tax, sold them, and again upgraded. Another 20 boosts of the constitution for 57 050 points. This left me with 16 854. I bought more food, ate and went home, just to sleep.

The next day was supposed to be just the same, but I got anxious. Who knew how long this spot was going to last. I needed to milk it if I could, and I kinda felt it is possible. I bought the usual stuff, some flint and tinder, and a bit of hay, to start a fire easily. I still had some torches, but just for a good measure, I bought some more. Then departed. After slaughtering the horde I still felt strong, and greed overtook me. I decided to go inside.

It was a complete bloodbath. The deeper level was just insane. They kept coming at me, but I was cutting them down one after another. I found out that as long as I didn't give them any opportunities for clean hits, they were only able to cut thru my skin. Somehow I made it inside one of the rooms and got to the corner. The fight became easier when I didn't have to watch for my back. They still managed to get me from time to time, but those blows were too shallow. Even though I had hundreds of cuts all over my body. Most of them were just scratches, but some went deeper, all the way to muscles.

When It all ended, I was exhausted. Panting heavily. I made my way to the cart and sat on the edge to rest for a bit. I ate something, and drunk all the water I brought with me. Sweat kept the wounds burning uncomfortably.

Done resting I proceeded to gather the crystals. Greed kept tempting me to continue, but that would be just dumb. I needed to be stronger. I needed more power.

I returned with the cart filled with crystals. Paid the tax of three, and sold the remaining 2 108 for a nice number of 210 800 points. This sum made me smile.

I bought yet another twenty upgrades of the constitution for 59 050, and sixty of strength for 141 150. Total points spend - 200 200. Which left me with 27 326. Enough to get some food, heal up for 1k, and also buy another pudao.

Then I returned home. Couldn't think about anything else than those goblins. The gain of points was insane. Very risky, but greed blinded me so much, that I just had to return to that cave.

The next day I rushed there. Afraid somebody will claim the spot before me. I was buying provisions when Hatta approached me.

- Hey Peter.

- What's going on Hatta?

- I did what I could, to slow them down, but Wuxia is going to that cave tomorrow. I doubt they are gonna let anybody else take that spot after checking it up. So it's your last day. Use it.

- So it was you... Thanks. It helped me a lot.

- We are in this together. I'm helping you, you are helping me.

- Yeah. Thanks again.

This proved that my thoughts from before were actually true. I knew it was impossible to keep that spot for myself. I made the decision. I was gonna check what's behind the metal door. I bought some flint and tinder, and a bit of hay, to start a fire easily. Torches were already on the cart - those left from before.

I departed as quickly as possible. On the way, I kept repeating in my head what I need to do, to not get myself killed. The most important thing was to preserve as much strength as possible. I had to avoid places where they could swarm on me. I had nobody to watch my back. Entrances to the large rooms were perfect, but goblins were already there. Maybe if I could clean one, and then lure them in...

I kept thinking over and over how to succeed in this risky endeavor, and before I knew it, the first goblins appeared before me, charging. I got rid of them and kept marching on. Getting rid of a group after group, to finally arrive at the entrance to the cave. I slaughtered the guards, parked the cart, made some noise, and then fought with the incoming horde.

It was an exhausting fight, but I got more or less unscratched out of it. Collected the crystals, started the fire, and lighted up one of the torches. Then headed inside, pulling the cart with me. It was uncomfortable with only one hand. Previously it didn't bother me so much, but this time... I kept asking myself if it was because I was afraid? What could be hidden behind this metal door?

I made it to the deeper levels and left the cart behind me. Soon after fight begun. It was almost just as crazy as before. The only difference was that I knew more or less what to do because of previous experience. It made everything a little bit easier.

I tried my best to avoid any damage, but eventually, they got me anyway, and I discovered, that the wounds were more shallow than before. It gave me confidence and allowed me to fight a little bit less carefully. I didn't bother so much to avoid leaving wide openings for their blades.

The first battle ended soon after, and I progressed deeper into the tunnels after collecting spoils of the battle. The second one was a bit tougher, but I managed to get out of it in good enough condition. After some collecting, and a bit of rest I made it finally to the door.

The heads were a bit dried up. They looked scarily, lighted only partially by flames from bowls on the sides, and a torch in my hands. There were no bugs, but it still smelled terrible. All of this place stanked, but something about those heds was hitting me harder. I kept asking myself if it was because of fear?

What the heck was I really doing in this place? On top of that alone? Was it really worth risking my life? The coward in me started talking. But I was done with that guy. I silenced this voice. Maybe it was not worth it, maybe it was dumb, but I was still gonna try. Why? Just to do the opposite of what fear kept telling me.

I switched the weapon to the brand new one and pushed the door. It was an oval-shaped chamber, with multiple bowls filled with burning oil. But that was not the first thing I actually noticed. Goblins came before. Armed. Heavily. A bit rusty breastplates, chainmails, shields, and hooked swords, cleavers, or axes. Helmes covered their heads, but I could still notice smiles and sharp teeth. Among them, one was bigger. Human-sized. He had nice leather armor, no helmet, and two short swords behind his belt.

Pointy ears were decored by many rings. Gold and silver. His deep green eyes pierced thru me, like daggers. I could feel fear building up in my stomach. He licked his lips and stepped forward. The rest of the green ones laughed but didn't move. To me, it seemed like he wants a duel.

He took out both blades. They were jagged, but there was no rust on them. He chuckled a bit and jumped forward. It took only a split second for him to be in striking distance with me. I dodged, but barely. He instantaneously turned around and tried again. I managed to block. He was not only fast, but also strong. I was unable to keep up with his speed, and he just flooded me with a barrage of blows. One cut after another. I kept my best to dodge, and block, but there was no stop to this.

I tried to strike back, but he wouldn't just let me. It became crystal clear, that this goblin was responsible for killing twenty hunters who stepped on his territory.

I tried to make some distance between us and risked coming closer to other goblins. They didn't attack me from behind, but also the whole maneuver was showed up to be pointless. I couldn't escape from this one.

No matter what I did, he kept swinging, and eventually, I had to focus all efforts to avoid or block. Even though, small cust started to appear on my hands, legs, and torso. If I ever allowed him even a single clear hit, It would end with my dead. Fortunately, I was just fast and strong enough to parry od dodge.

Minutes were passing, and the loughs of other goblins stopped. I started to notice that their chieftain is slowly getting tired. It gave me hope, and I focused even more on the defense. After a little bit more time, he jumped backward finally giving me a bit of rest. It was an opportunity I couldn't allow myself to waste.

He was out of gas. I was not. I rushed at him, and this time he was the one being flooded with a barrage of blows. Unlike him, I was unable to seal his movement completely, and he managed to sneak a few hits here and there. Some even caught me off guard, and a bit of my blood splattered on the ground making our audience laugh loudly. Even though I kept draining his energy as best as I could, circling around him, and making him move. The fight went on, and on, and finally, all the effort paid off. He was slowing down noticeably.

I kept pushing and pushing and finally was able to slash him across the chest. The armor withstood most of the impact, but there was more coming after that one. He lost his balance, which allowed more hits. I cut his arm, leg, and face. He tried to do his best to block as many as possible of my hits, but eventually, I was able to slice off his fingers, which made him drop one of the blades. That was all I needed. The next couple of blows sealed the deal.

Then the rest of the goblins rushed at me screaming. There were around ten of them, but they were not nearly as skilled as their boss, and eventually, they also fell by my hand. Pudao was ruined, but I won. I just threw it away, and instead picked up the stones. They were all the same, normal goblin crystals, but one. It was bigger and slightly bluish. I hid it in my pocket, and the rest was thrown on the cart.

Then I explored this strange cave for a bit. At the back was a stone throne, but except for this single piece of furniture, there was nothing. Even on the walls, or ceiling. A bit disappointed I started to head back.

I kept wondering how many points I was gonna get from this special crystal. It should be at least a hundred orcs worth to make it a good spot for hunting. If not It was way too dangerous, to repeat this.

I returned to the city. Pait the tax of three, and dumped all the crystals from the cart on the glyph, then sold them for 277 500 points. I was about to take my hand off the device, to sell the goblin boss crystal, but then my brain registered something, that was actually there from the very beginning. Except for the normal point currency, I had another one.. Different type of point, single one.

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