Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 69

It was a long night, full of thoughts and sorrow. I felt so small and insignificant. Like a wooden shack in front of a devastating tsunami. How could I stop it? How was it possible? I couldn't find an answer to those questions. But later into the night, half-sleeping, half thinking, I realized something.

In a world full of people an infinite amount of ideas exist. They sometimes grow and crystalize to visions of the world. Here we had tools to pursue those visions. I didn't have one, but there was one thing I knew. I don't want to live in hell. And there were few people trying to make this world hell.

Maybe I couldn't make a heaven out of this place. True paradise. But for damn sure I could stop those trying to raise hell here. I told myself "Fuck the tsunami, I will survive. I will push and push until they all yield. I've been pushing from the very first day here. There will be no hell on my lawn."

Then the dreams came and took me on a journey. I was walking thru forests full of fruits. There were people around, laughing and talking. Everybody was happy. When I woke up, I could clearly remember this dream. It was something I wanted. A bit of piece. Some time to finally be able to rest.

I packed my stuff, filled my stomach to the brim, and drank a lot. Then departed. There was no rush. I kept thinking, but the anger that was born during the night was subsiding slowly. And worries kept appearing, like flies. I realized it will always be like this. It was a part of who I was. This realization brought me a bit of peace. My mind slowly drifted away, and I started to focus on the things around me. Threes, moss, grass, and bushes. It was a lovely day.

A few hours later I encountered first goblins. They had no chances, and their crystals joined the orc ones. I kept pushing thru the forest occasionally killing more green ones. A bit later first hunters appeared in the forest. Passing by in the distance. We ignored each other. Well... Until I met with Blitzkrieg. He was wearing some used, dirty leather armor, and had a bandana covering his face. I didn't recognize him until he spoke to me.

- Peter. Nice to see you. I was actually planning to join you at the canyon. Good that I don't need to walk so far.

I needed a moment to connect the dots.

- We shouldn't talk.

- Relax. Nobody is around. We can even crouch if it will make you feel better.

I crouched, he laughed, then joined me.

- What do you want? - I whispered angrily.

- I heard that you met with Blue. How was it? - he also responded with a whisper.

- He knows something or is in general warry of me. There were five guards in the room.

- Anybody you know?

- Nope, but they looked strong.

- So you won't be able to take him down then?

- Probably not without getting out of that alive.

He gave me a curious look but didn't say anything for a moment.

- What if we could arrange a situation, where you would be able to get help quickly?

- What are you talking about?

- We could place our people inside Wuxia close, and they would respond by coming you to the rescue. I know it's risky as hell, but that's our best shot.

- Those guys could be on your, and Mark's level from what we know. It's not risky, it's stupid. Even if your people will be close, and react before anybody else, those five guys could rip me to shreds.

One look and I knew he didn't give a damn about me.

- That would be a noble sacrifice. But... But! - he didn't let me interrupt his words - I will send my best men to that area. You will just need to survive for a moment. You kill Blue, then with the help of our inside man, manage to survive for a couple of minutes, then even bigger reinforcements come, and there is no war Peter! No war!

He almost went from whispers to shouting but stopped himself just at the right moment. There was a lot of passion in his voice. So much it almost made me believe that avoiding war was his main goal.

- Why the hell should I believe you? From what I know, you could be lying thru your teeth.

- How about this. You will go to talk with him tomorrow, and if you see people wearing rings, simple metal rings on their hands, you will do it. It will mean we are there and waiting. So, what do you say?

I knew even if he was gonna send his people, and fulfill whatever he said, even then if anything was about to go wrong, he would just abandon me. And that's only if he wasn't lying.

- Fine. But I want Hatta involved.

- Of course. Look for the rings - he patted me on the shoulder and stood up.

Then he left as nothing happened. Went deeper into the woods. I glanced around, but there was nobody around.

- I need a skill to be able to detect if somebody is spying on me - I mumbled under my breath to myself.

I grabbed some food from the cart and took a short break. There were still few hours of walking between me and the city. After I returned to walking.

I kept thinking of why I agreed to this. It was too soon. Way too soon. On top of that Blue was probably prepared. I should have told Blitzkrieg. He had no idea of how smart Blue was. We could be both playing on the palm of his hand. To hell with this, they both could be playing me. I just couldn't think of a reason why.

I knew I was worrying too much, and overthinking. The truth was probably somewhere in the middle. Blue knew some things, but not all. Blitzkrieg was plying me, but not as hard as I thought.

When I finally entered the city world was already gray. Sun was hiding from us. The day was ending. The same pile of rubble was still blocking most of the gate. I got used to it and stopped looking at it as something out of place. It was part of us now. Part of our history.

I got to the city center and paid the tax of three. They kept nagging me for more, cause I didn't pay them on the day of my departure. So, in the end, I had to give three more. Rest I quickly sold. 21 goblin crystals for 2100, and 39 orc ones for 39000.

It was not enough to upgrade any of my fighter skills, but what I could afford, and would probably need, was strength, so I bought twenty upgrades for 51 050 points. I had plenty of rations on the cart, so there was no need to buy more.

I took the cart and parked it somewhat on the side. Then sat on the edge, and ate. Suddenly I saw Will approaching me.

- Hi Peter. Long time no see.

- Yeah. Do you want to talk, or something?

- Not really. Just saw you, and thought I might say hi.

- Now you want to say hi? You ditched me for some third-rate rat hunters.

- Obviously. I'm third-rate myself.

- You are too hard on yourself Will.

He laughed, and I joined him quickly.

- Good to see you, Will. Good to see you.

- You are making me blush Peter. So, how is it going? Are you still bullying those poor goblins in that cave?

- No. I'm chasing orcs now.

He just chuckled.

- You are a madman Peter. Real madman.

- Wanna come with me? Would use some help.

- You are cold at night, and need somebody to warm you up? Just so you don't get your hopes too high, I'm into women.

- Very funny. Very funny. I need somebody to keep help me keep watch during the nights. You know, somebody to switch, so I can get at least a few hours of sleep. There is a vast canyon to explore, and crystals are worth ten goblins each. Good pay if you ask me.

- It sounds nice, not gonna lie. But, my friend, you are forgetting something. A bunch of crazy, green muscleheads with axes and swords and that is a big turnoff for me.

- We are not going there to fuck them, but kill.

- The problem is, they might fuck us.

- Oh came on, be a man. I'll protect your ass.

- I'll think about it.

I just gave him a nod.

- And how are you doing, Will?

- Not bad. Not bad. There have been some problems with Wuxia but overall it's not terrible. Rats have a lot of crystals to give. I boosted myself a bit. I'm even slowly collecting points for a house. It's getting better.

- Nice, but you know... orcs. Bigger crystals, more points.

- Oh shut up Peter.

I just laughed. It felt so surreal in the shadow of an upcoming war. Will still didn't know shit. Maybe it was a blessing.

- I'm going to talk with Wuxia higher-ups tomorrow, about orcs. So you have a day to think.

The talk turned serious all of a sudden.

- I'll let you know by the end of the day. Take care - he turned around and left me.

I finished what I was eating, and also headed home. I felt kinda bad about not telling the whole truth to Will. He could hate me for it.

It was yet another long day. Tomorrow could be even longer. I knew that I needed rest, because who knew when I might be able to sleep after tonight.

Day ended with 44 392 points on my account.

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