Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 70

It was supposed to be a big day but started like any other. I, to my surprise, slept really well during the night. I usually would worry, and grab only a few hours of sleep, if anything. Maybe it was because I was tired mentally? It made me a bit worried because that was something I wasn't used to.

Even though there was no backing down now. I put the knife in my pocket and headed to the city center. On my way there I passed by some hunters. No familiar faces though. I felt like I'm the only one not taking breaks from hunting. In the end, I had my reasons for living like that.

After arriving at the center I looked around for Hatta, but he was nowhere to be seen. I had to gid deeper, and go to the canteen. He was eating breakfast.

- You returned? Should you be at the canyon?

He didn't look surprised by my appearance at all, which told me he already was informed.

- Canyon is big. Need somebody to switch with me during the night's watch, so I can grab some sleep. Exploring it in one day is impossible, and on top of that, it's a damn labyrinth.

- I think I could go with you.

- I already asked Will. He will tell me if he is going by the end of the day. If he is not, I'll be glad to take you with me.

- I need to ask higher-ups if I can.

- I need to talk with Blue anyway. The whole exploration might take even a few weeks, so I can ask for you. There is no one higher than him.

- I will need to check if he is gonna see you anyway, so I might as well ask him myself. Just let me finish my food.

I just shrugged. It was all a play anyway. Hatta was eating expressionless. Just showing the food down his throat with a wooden spoon. Was he worried? I couldn't say for sure.

- Wait here - he said after finishing the meal and left me.

There was nothing to do for me in that place, so I just observed others and kept worrying about how the future might unfold. Hatta returned relatively quickly.

- Come. He will see you.

I just stood up and followed him. Pretty soon I started to notice men with metal rings. One, two, three... maybe tan of them overall. Casually doing their things. They were not in one place but rather spread around the whole complex of buildings belonging to Wuxia. On one hand, I was glad they were so discreet, on the other worried there were only so few of them.

We went to the new headquarters, and then to the basement. I kept counting guards on the way. There were at least twenty people. All well equipped, unlike me who only had a knife in the pocket.

- Did you ask him?

- No. I forgot.

- Then I'll ask for you Hatta.

- Yeah. Thanks. Good luck.

I presented my arm at the end, and he shook it. I started the whole conversation to find out if he is ready to help me. His behavior assured me he was.

I entered the room. Everything looked just the same. Five guards, and Blue sitting behind the desk. Eating his meal. He was wearing formal attire. White shirt, unbuttoned at the top.

- Come Peter. Sit - he pointed at the chair on the other side of the desk.

I did just that.

- So what did you want to talk about? - he gave me curious look.

- I went to orcs. Made my way deeper to the canyon, but it's too big for me to go alone. I need at least a few days to explore it, but to do so I also need somebody to switch with me during the night's watch, so I can at least grab few hours of sleep.

- Peter... You don't have to report me every little thing you do.

- I know. That's not really what I wanted to talk about.

- Then what do you want to talk about?

I needed quickly to come up with some bullshit. Something good enough to kill his suspicions if he had them. Because of this damn gigantic desk, I couldn't reach him. I needed to get closer, and for that, an opportunity was required.

- Just as I said, I did explore a little bit of the canyon, and it did give me an idea. Sometime before I also saw your men using falanga formation. I think it could work there. But we would also need to build an outpost close to the cliff.

- That's not a bad idea. How many orcs did you encounter?

I could see greed waking up in him. The idea of hunting orcs excited him.

- Few dozens. They could have lair deeper. Just as goblins, and rats.

- And wolfs.

- I never saw wolf's den, so I don't know about that.

- There is one, but let's go back to the real topic. How many men you think would be needed?

- I'm not sure. Around a hundred if we want to clean up the whole place. It's hard to tell for sure. I need to explore deeper.

This conversation was so damn pointless. I was only wasting time. Was I afraid to go for it? He was soo close, yet so far. Should I go for it? Should I jump at him?

- Hmm... I will think about it. Building an outpost would take a lot of effort.

- Yes, but we will eventually need one anyway. We should keep exploring.

I changed the position of my feet under the chair and leaned on the desk more. I did it casually, but still, he noticed. Even though, he kept talking.

- That might be too soon for such... investment.

- Maybe, but it would help us gather more valuable crystals. It will pay for itself for sure. I don't think there is any reason to wait.

- Maybe, I will need to consult with my lieutenants - he said and looked at his guards.

They didn't move, yet. It was an obvious sign to be at the ready. There was no need to prolong this farce. I jumped, with one hand on the desk, pushing myself up, and the other reaching to the pocket to grab the knife.

He was ready and responded by grabbing his own, hidden behind his back in a clever way. Guards rushed to us, pulling out the blades. But I was closer, and faster. Blue had an amazing reflex and speed. He had to use a lot of points to strengthen himself. I caught a glimpse of a smirk on his face.

In a blur, he managed to get his blade out and go for a strike. I, in the meantime, pulled my legs up on the desk, grabbed the knife in the pocket, and raised my left hand to block the incoming strike. Blue was clearly inexperienced. He went for the first target. His blade passed thru my palm with ease, but that was something I actually wanted. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to myself with all the strength I could muster, at the same time ripping the knife out of my pocket, and going for a strike. I stopped just by his neck.

- Wait! - he yelled.

The guards froze, but I didn't. I retracted a bit of my left hand, just to slide off the blade, and grabbed him by the collar. Then pulled closer to myself.

- Drop the knife - I grounded out thru my teeth.

He listened, but I saw his pupils nervously moving. He was looking for a way out. Thinking.

- Turn around slowly, to your left. If you move too fast, you are dead.

He followed my order.

- What the hell is going on with you Peter? This is uncalled for.

- Shut up. I'm asking questions here. Did you kill Zhang Yong?

He hesitated a second with the answer.

- N-No! Who told you this?

- Shut up! I know you are lying! Tell me the truth!

- I didn't I swear!

- TELL ME THE TRUTH! - I yelled to his ear.

- Fine, fine, fine!

Then Hatta and his men burst into the room. All covered in blood, with weapons at the ready. Guards turned to them but didn't attack.

- You ok, Peter?!

- Yeah. Disarm the guards. Tell your men to surrender - I whispered to Blue.

- Don't surrender! - was his answer.

- You want to play with me motherfucker?! - I said while pushing the blade, just enough to cut his skin.

- Fine, fine! Drop the weapons!

They still hesitated.

- Drop the fucking weapons, or I'll cut his head off!

This time they finally listened. The rest went kinda smoothly. Both Blue and his guards were tied up and arrested by Hatta and his men. Blood brothers massacred few members of Wuxia outside, but overall there was not that much fighting. I just couldn't believe everything worked out so well.

Blitzkrieg wanted to execute Blue on the spot, but Hatta disagreed. He demanded a fair trial and was supported by many. News of the cup spread like wildfire.

I on the other hand found myself with Aisha and Blitzkrieg in his bar.. The day was still young and had many events prepared for me.

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