Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 72

We ran. Stright to the city center. Without talking.

They started to build some kind of stage there, probably for the whole trial. Many people were working on it, and there was also a group standing next to it, discussing. Hatta was in the center. I guessed he became some kind of leader.

He also saw me, running, with a bloody hand. Pulling Aisha behind me. She was nowhere near as fast as I was, and I kinda forgot myself in the moment of panic.

Hatta said few words, looked at some of his men and started to head our way.

- Are you ok? What the hell happened?

- Long story, we need to hide - I peeked behind my shoulder, but nobody was chasing us.

I guess there was no need. Where else could we be, besides the city? There was no food outside. This place was a golden cage, but still a cage.

- Come with me.

He led us to one of the buildings belonging to Wuxia. Then to an empty meeting room, with a table and a couple of chairs.

- What the hell is going on? You need to heal that, Peter - he pointed at my forearm. - It looks bad.

- Doesn't matter now. Blitz, that motherfucker, wanted to kill me.

- What?

- It's a long story - Aisha joined. - He asked me to help him, in exchange for freedom. I was supposed to be bait for Peter, so he would get rid of Blue. To be honest, I never expected you to succeed.

She turned to me, and kinda ignored Hatta.

- I thought you would die anyway. It was a chance for me... I'm sorry.

- Can you both fucking collect yourself? I can't understand what you are talking about!

- Long story. How much did you know about Blitzkrieg's plan?

- Just that Blue killed Zhang Yong, and it was your plan for revenge. I thought you have everything in control. I trusted you, that's why I followed. We were in this together, remember? You damn asked me to trust you!

- He did, but the plan had the second bottom. Blitzkrieg tried to eliminate all people who could rival him and Mark. Or maybe he even was scheming against Mark too. I'm not sure. He used Aisha as bait to blind me, and make me do whatever he said. He was a good damn schemer.

- Yes - Aisha supplemented my line of thoughts. - He came to me with a proposition. He told me that you are gonna kill Blue, who killed Zhang Yong, and overtook Wuxia to rule over us all. He said you are gonna do it anyway because of revenge. He also said you are probably not gonna succeed, but there is a big chance you will take Blue down along with yourself. He said i-it's my chance. That if I help you stay on the right path, he will set me free.

- It's fine - was my answer.

- So he used you both, but what the hell happened? - Hatta was clearly frustrated with our chaotic explanation.

- Aisha?

- Yes. When Peter returned alive, he said that I have to help him get rid of Peter. He said it's me or him, so I followed. But my consciousness wouldn't just shut up, so I came up with a stupid plan. I hid hair skewer in my sleeve and jammed it in Blitz's neck when an opportunity arose. I thought we are both gonna die there, but we made it.

- So you killed Blitzkrieg... Oh fuck. I need to go. Stay here, and don't move. You know what? Do to the basement, and stay there. Do not fucking go anywhere! - said Hatta pointing at me with his finger like I was a child.

Then he left. We both looked at each other and followed his words.

The basement was almost fully filled with wooden crates. Some were broken, and wood splinters were lying on the floor. There were small windows with metal bars, leading to the outside. Except that, just grey walls. We both sat on the crates.

- Somebody should bandage your hand. Let me... Shit, my hands are still shaking.

- I'll be fine.

- No. We need to take care of it. Just give me a moment.

She took a few deeper breaths and ripped part of her dress to wrap it around my arm as a makeshift bandage. It took a moment, cause her hands were still shaking. I didn't complain though, even when it hurt.

- Peter... Remember when we talked a few days ago? For the first time in a while... I told you that I didn't blame you... That was a lie. I did blame you, and everybody else, but you especially. They at least showed up, but not you... I really hated you. Then I kinda accepted my fate, and you finally showed up. I wanted you to live so badly, that I just...

She looked me straight in the eyes.

- I'm so very sorry Aisha, but there was nothing I could do. I tried my best, at first with Zhang Yong, but that plan failed. Then this... It took so long. I'm sorry, but I don't know what better I could do. I really tried.

- It's ok. You did more than anybody, just... I thought you forgot about me and just moved on. It's stupid, I know... It's not like you owed me or anything.

- I did. And you don't have to apologize for hating me. I shouldn't let you go with those guys since the beginning. Now it's all in the past, and we can regret it as much as we want, but that won't change anything. Let's focus on the future instead. There might be war incoming.

- Yeah, you are right - she smiled briefly. - But still, I want to say thank you.

p - Yeah... No problem.

- You got really strong. To be honest I thought you were supposed to poison that guy, Blue. Or something...

- Well... Yeah. I did few stupid things and climbed the ladder of power I guess.

- What do you think will happen now?

- I'm not sure. Both Wuxia, and Blood Brothers wanted to jump to each other's throats from Zhang Yong's death. They just waited for an opportunity. We gave them one.

- Now I feel bad.

- It's not our fault. Well, maybe mine a little, but for sure not yours. From the very beginning, both groups were kinda against each other. You can't have two leaders. There can't be two presidents or kings. Everybody knows that, and they will keep fighting until there is one on top.

- But Wuxia has no leader now. On the other hand, Mark is still alive and well.

- Yeah. To be honest we don't need any leaders here. The whole idea is stupid. Unfortunately, some people just have to feel they are better than others, and here we are.

She smiled.

- Then what you think we should do? Go for democracy or something?

Before I could answer a scream from the outside made it thru the basement. A lot of heavy footsteps followed, and total chaos just erupted. We could hear the clang of arms colliding with one another. Shouts, battle cries, and screams of pain.

- There is a fucking battle outside. - I said while coming closer to the window.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see anything except some alley between few buildings. Totaly empty.

The noise became stronger with every minute. I could hear more and more screams. Some just anded halfway thru, indicating somebody probably just died. They were horrible. There also were some weird, unpleasant sounds of meat being chopped.

Aisha started to breathe heavily. She was biting her lower lip looking straight at the window. I could see the panic slowly overtaking her. The feeling was completely normal, as we both, almost unarmed, were sitting in a basement when outside people were killing each other.

- It will be fine. We will be fine.

I tried to calm her down, but it had barely any effect. I had no idea what else to do. Hug her? Hold her hand? I was so damn bad at situations like this. She was hurt by everything that has happened to her, and I was afraid of putting salt on those wounds with uncareful actions.

Then the noise became closer. Way closer. Inside the building, somebody was fighting. Weapons clashed with loud clangs. Somebody yelled for help, and then a scream cut thru the whole cacophony. Silence.

Aisha was trembling. I could only imagine how she was feeling. Scared, abused for months. Now she had to face this.

Fortunately, the fighting stopped. There was a bit of shouting, but I couldn't hear clearly exactly what. There was no other way but to wait. I could of course just walk out, but Hatta wanted me to stay, and I, to be honest, had enough for one day.

A couple of minutes later he actually came to the basement. Aisha jumped in fear but quickly calmed down seeing a familiar face. He was covered in blood and had a sword in his hand.

- It's just me. Can we talk for a moment, Peter? - he asked, peaking with the corner of his eye at her.

- Yeah. What's going on?

- Let's step outside.

- There is no need.

- Fine. There was a battle outside. We managed to push them back, but they are regrouping. Mark came with them. He wants your head. I know I shouldn't ask, but could you both just resolve it one on one?

- You want us to duel?

- No, but people are dying, so I have no choice but to ask.

- He might not agree.

- He will. I'm sure of it.

I took a deep breath.

- Fine, but I need to use the device first.

- No problem. Before you go... There is something else...

- What? Just squeeze it out.

- Blue escaped.

- Fuck.

- I have no idea how. We had him chained to the wall and under watch, but nobody apparently saw anything. He just disappeared.

- Bullshit.

- I know, but I just can't exactly start punishing people left and right when we need every single pair of hands.

- Fucking shit! What now?

- You take care of Mark. I will find Blue.

- Ok.

- Peter, wait! - Aisha quickly came closer, as I was about to leave.

She hugged me.

- Please be careful.

- Yeah - I returned the hug awkwardly.

Things felt so strange between us. Like we both were afraid of each other.

I went upstairs leaving both Hatta and Aisha in the basement. As I was exiting the room, he was telling her what to do. On my way up, I passed somebody. Probably her escort to a safer place. I didn't know that person, but they moved with purpose, so I assumed they had one. Also, Hatta was still downstairs, so Aisha was safe.

There was some blood on the corridor, but do body. Probably they already managed to remove it. I saw also few marks on the walls indicating a skirmish had to happen there.

I went outside and headed straight to the device. It was occupied by wounded members of Wuxia. Blood was everywhere. Bodies too. I got kinda used to such a view. Goblins and other monsters also bleed, even if only for a moment before disappearing in the smoke. But still, there was something unsettling in this picture.

We shouldn't be fighting among ourselves. I guess conflict is in humans nature. Maybe we even seek it, unable to endure peace. Or maybe violence is just the last argument, used when both sides can't agree, and the other failed. Even though, why can't we just walk away?

I knew why I can't just walk away, even if I wanted. Mark would never let me go. Just as Blue, who disappeared.

I pushed my way between people, showing wounded forearm as some kind of permit. Eventually, I put my hand on the device and quickly healed myself. Then I bought a new pudao, and a bracer for the left hand. All for 12k points.

I did put the bracer on, and also spun the weapon in the air for a moment to check how it's weighted. As always, everything was done properly.

- Hunting orcs my ass - I heard from the side.

It was Will.

- You are a fucking liar Peter!

- Calm down Will. Obviously, I couldn't tell you what's going on. Only a few people knew.

Many were around us, so I headed more to the side, so we wouldn't be immediately overheard. Will followed.

- Cut the crap. You shouldn't have done it! There is a fucking war now, and to those guys, you are either an enemy or a friend, so you have to choose on fucking side! They cut down few people just because they stood in their way!

- Aisha is free...

He just closed his mouth. For a moment there was a silence between us.

- Good job. Where is she?

- Hatta is taking care of her.

- And what are you gonna do now? Fight them?

- I'm gonna challenge Mark to a duel.

- Are you nuts?! That guy is a beast. He will butcher you.

- I have a few tricks - I said while putting the bracer on the left forearm.

It fit perfectly but still could maybe protect me once. Mark was probably too strong to even try blocking his hits. I could reinforce it with a barrier, but that wouldn't last anyway.

- You need to win fair and square to stop those guys. They won't stop coming if you cheat. You probably cant win even while cheating. This is stupid. Wuxia is stronger, they will win eventually.

- I know, but many will die, and I was kinda the one who started this mess.

- Yeah. I wanted to congratulate you for taking down Blue, but then this mess started. What the hell even happened?

- It's a long story. But to summarise I was scheming with Blitzkrieg...

- I know the guy.

- ... and he betrayed me. I was supposed to die, but Aisha killed him. We somehow escaped and hid in Wuxia.

- Wow. What a mess... I wanted to leave the city, and return when one of the sides was victorious, but I guess we are fighting.

I smiled at him.

- You are fucking coward Will.

- I'm smart, that's what I am. I had no business in this war.

- Now you suddenly have?

- Yes. Now I suddenly have. You should be thanking me for participating.

- Yeah, sure. Thank you, Will.

I made sure the irony could be easily heard in my voice. He just waved his hand at me.

- Be sure to not die. I don't want to have to avenge you.

I couldn't hold a laugh after his words.

- Hahahaha!

- Laugh as much as you want. I'm a good friend. I would do it.

As much as I found it funny, there was truth to his words. I knew he would really try. Just as he did for Aisha.

- I guess you really are. Thanks for everything, Will - I have him a slight pat on the shoulder, and then left.

He didn't expect such words from me and just stood silent for a moment.

- You better return safely! - He yelled to my back.

I just rose my left hand with the thumb up. As much as I didn't want to admit it to Will, I was scared. With Blue, it was fighting with the unknown, but Mark was different. He was strong, I saw how with my own eyes, and it was a long time ago, which meant he was even stronger now. Could the few tricks I had in my sleave be enough to take him down?

I could put up a barrier or two. Some of the mana and life force returned, but would it be enough? There was definitely an edge in having moves your enemies didn't expect, but there was also an edge in having raw power.

At least this time I had a weapon connected to the skills I had. There was a bit of reassurance in that, but still, I wished to be some kind of story protagonist, with a completely blank expression, empty head, and steel resolve. I also wouldn't say no to plot armor. Yeah, that would be great - I thought to myself.

It made me laugh. To others, I probably looked like a mad man. Most probably had no idea who I was. Just another random guy heading to the frontlines.

It wasn't far away. Streets blocked by everything that was in arms reach. Overturned carts, barrels, and crates. Most broken. Wood splinters painted red with blood were lying everywhere. There were also few bodies not cleaned up yet.

Bunch of Wuxia members crowded by those barriers, armed to the teeth. Ready to defend. I was recognized by some of them, and they started talking among themselves, but nobody seemed to want a direct confrontation with me. Not until Williams showed up.

- He wants your head - he said.

I saw by his expression he was pissed.

- That's why I'm here. We can settle this among ourselves. Just send the message.

He was genuinely surprised, and just gave me a nod, then left to talk with his people. I sat on the ground by the wall of some random building and waited. It didn't take long. In few minutes Williams returned with news.

- They agreed. You will fight in one of the alleys, so get ready.

I got up slowly, there was no need to rush. The next couple of moments could be my last. It was kinda calming, to my complete surprise. There was only now. No plans for the future, no worries. Just right here and right now.

I went to the barricade, and people made way for me. They even pushed some barrels to the side, so I could pass. The alley was a couple of meters wide and the distance to a wall of Blood Brother's members was at least enough for two normal houses.

Mark stepped in front of them in beautiful leather armor, a large sword in his hands, and with hair tied on the back of his head. He looked like a hero compared to my bloody and damaged attire.

- So you are the one. Peter they say. I say a coward! A fucking murderer! I will take your head and bring peace to the city! - he said peaking back from time to time at his men.

They laughed. This showed me how much faith they had in him. In their eyes, I could see confidence. On the other hand, when I peaked at Wuxia members, they were the complete opposite. Worried, and nervous.

- Shut up, and bring it on - was my answer.

He smiled and started to close the distance. Walking like the whole world belonged to him, with sword blade down, striking sparks on the cobblestone. This also was an act. He wanted to provoke me, but I was too calm for such tricks.

I made few steps in his direction, reinforcing my bracer with a barrier. I wished I could also do something to strengthen my weapon, but I had nothing in my repertoire of skills. The distance between us grew shorter and shorter with every second.

- Come on Peter! Show me what you got. I let you strike first! - yelled Mark.

I had no intention of striking first. I could see what he was capable of just by observing how he was walking. It was ridiculous how much power his body was hiding. I was the one who needed to make the opponent impatient. I needed every edge I could get. Every little crack

- Maybe you are the one who needs the first strike? I had few talks with Blitzkrieg about you. He told me how much of a pussy you are. You needed poison to face Zhang Yong. Did you piss urself when you had to face him? I guess your men would laugh if they knew how much of a coward you are. You couldn't even challenge me yourself. You needed to hide behind the backs of your myrmidons. I had to force you to stand with me here, on equal ground. What a joke of a man you are.

He jumped with fury showing on his face. The strike was unbelievable but so damn easy to read. I just put the blade of my pudao between the edge of his sword and allowed it to slide off. There was this strange whistling sound when it plowed the air with unbelievable speed. I could feel the vibrations in the handle.

I put a barrier behind his leg. Using it so soon was risky, but I had an idea, which could work. I attempted to hit him with the other side of my weapon. My speed was visibly not as amazing as his, but all I needed was to force him to move, and he did a single step back to avoid getting hit, while simultaneously preparing another strike.

The barrier broke, but he lost the balance, and I easily ducked under his strike and even managed to squeeze my awkward slash, which got him in the knee. Blood sprayed thru the air, and Mark jumped backward to get more distance.

Mark was furious. He glanced at his men, and I saw something. A guy with a blowpipe, who could shot at any moment. I just put up a second barrier. It was weak but wide, and what was the best part, invisible. I could just forget about him and focus on Mark.

He came prepared better than I thought. I had to give him the credit for that much.

His eyes focused again on me, and he moved to circle me around, probably to give his guy a better opportunity to shot. I knew nothing about such weaponry, so I had no idea about its reach. Fortunately, the barrier removed the whole problem from the equation.

A moment later I could hear a slight ping sound, probably when the needle hit the invisible forcefield. Mark peaked at his guy again. I was not gonna let such an opportunity go to waste, and rushed forward. He desperately assumed a defensive stance. I didn't attack head-on and instead used a little feint. He tried to block, but the strike just wasn't there, and instead, I kicked him in the injured leg.

The kick was strong enough to break a normal person's leg but on Merk's face just showed an ugly grimace of pain. Then he forced me to retreat backward with a wide swing. It made me remember that if I allow him to hit me once, I'm dead. Even if I attempted to block it with the reinforced bracer, his blade would probably stop in my torso, or maybe even just cut me in half.

This thought gave me an idea.

- It's not going too good for you. Did you write your will? I think you are losing this one. Even your pal with the blowpipe is not gonna help you.

- Fuck you - was his answer.

My words were too little, so I tried poking him. I made my movements so obvious, that he actually wanted to counter with another powerful swing, but I stopped in the middle, and he just cut the air. Then I laughed.

- I could finish you off so damn easy, but that wouldn't be a good show. I'm gonna take my time. Your men will see how pathetic you are - after those words I laughed again.

This time, it was enough, he rushed with the sword already midair. The speed and strength were unbelievable, but he relied on them too much. The movement was obvious even more because of his injured leg. I dodged with ease, again and again, smirking at him. It made him furious so much that I could lead him anywhere I wanted.

I made a few attempts to attack, but nothing was serious, only feints to enrage him more. His movement became even faster, and suddenly I jumped to the side rolling on the ground, while his strike landed on the wall. Sword broke with sparks and fragments of the blade flying everywhere. He tried to cover his face, but couldn't make it. Pieces jammed themselves in his body, and I just stood up taking my time.

He turned around with panic in his eyes. Peaked at his buddy with the blowpipe. Another needle hit the barrier.

I wanted to say many things to that asshole, but I already talked enough. I just came closer in silence.

Mark looked around for something he could defend himself with, but there was nothing around. He wouldn't beg, he wouldn't kneel. Instead took the last charge at me. I moved to the side and allowed myself to impale on the pudao.

That was the end of the duel. Of course, his wound wasn't enough for him to die. I had to finish him off. At the same time, his men rushed to him with weapons at the ready. Wuxia came to the rescue, and there was a battle.

Couple more good men fell pointlessly.

Eventually, we forced them to retreat without the body of their leader. Williams took care of the corpses. All of them.

I headed back to the city center. Hatta met me in the middle of my walk.

- I heard the news. Good job. Maybe finally we will have our shot at making this place a paradise. Your friend is safe. You can rest now.

I didn't say anything to him. I wanted to ridicule his words. A paradise? Was humanity even capable of such things? I felt terrible, and only wanted to eat, and go to bed. So I just passed him and kept walking.

At the city canter, Will was waiting with a bottle of something brown.

- Here. Drink - he said while giving me the bottle.

I drank it. I believe it was some kind of whisky. It was disgusting and burned my throat like hell, but I emptied it in one go.

- Now come. You need rest. Tomorrow will be another day.

That's how the first war ended. On the two hundred and fifteenth day, year first. Many died. Many were wounded.

Day ended with 32 392 points on my account.

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