Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 73

I woke up feeling like trash. Not physically, but mentally.

Will took me to a building he shared with few others. He had a room there. I slept on his couch. It was uncomfortable, small, and very hard. Still, since I already slept in worse places, it wasn't that bad. For a moment I thought I'll be hangover, but my body apparently had an amazing tolerance to alcohol.

I rolled off the couch and fell to the ground, which actually woke Will up.

- Damn you, Peter - he mumbled, and after a moment of wriggling in the bed, he got up. - Take it easy.

- Nah. I need to get up. I'm hungry.

- I'll go and bring something. You stay here.

- Why?

- We have no idea how people will react to you. You maybe ended the war, but also started it, and rumors spread quickly. Just take it easy. I don't want somebody to stab you because his or her friend died.

He was right. I couldn't really argue with his arguments. I also didn't really want to. What I did yesterday, and the state of my mind made me scared of my own self. Taking Mark's life was so damn easy to me. I kept questioning myself if I maybe am turning into a monster.

- Just be quick. I'm starving. Also, do me a favor, and find Hatta. I want to talk with him.

- No problem. Just stay here.

Then he got out of the bed and went outside. He, just like me, was sleeping in his clothes.

It was incredibly boring to sit alone in the room. There was the couch, a small table, a single bed, and actually nothing else. Will's spear was standing in the corner, leaning against the wall. There was no rug or skin on the floor, just wooden boards.

I tried to distract myself because I actually was afraid of thinking. Afraid of conclusions I might come to. Eventually, I started making word chains, just to kill time. Will was not the fastest person around, but he eventually came back with Hatta.

- Honey, I'm home! - he yelled.

Hatta laughed at his joke.

- Just give me the food - was my answer.

He gave me a piece of cooked meat on a stick. Still hot. With a loaf of bread, and a bottle of water. I just started devouring it, that's how hungry I was. Will sat on his bed, and Hatta remained leaning on the closed door.

- You are safe. Not exactly a people's hero, but apparently Hatta made a great job at explaining to everybody, the whole situation - said Will.

- I told them, that it was Blitzkrieg behind all of this, and you were just a tool. Not everybody bought the story, but there won't be a mob waiting for you outside. Wuxia kinda fell apart. Some people just straight resigned. I managed to keep the rest. Some actually want you to lead us.

- I'll pass. I'm not much of a leader, but you should do it.

- That's what I thought you say. I'm not gonna try to convince you. Now a bit of bad news. Blue is nowhere to be seen, but there is a rumor that he gathered what was left of Blood Brothers after tonight. We need to be careful of that guy.

- What do you mean after tonight?

- Well... A few people did hold a grudge against them, and they figured it's now or never. There have been a couple more fights.

- How many dead?

- Well... Around a hundred people overall, and many injured. The worst happened during the night, but a lot also died in the mine battle. We are gonna burn the corpses.

- What about Aisha?

- She is fine. We seized the brothel, and after she found out, she wanted to go there. I allowed it with a bunch of guards. Now she is taking care of the other girls. You should talk with her later.

- I will.

- By the way. I had no idea you were this strong Peter. To be honest I thought you will die to Mark.

- Yeah. I heard you were amazing. Where did you learn to fight kile that? - Will suddenly spoke.

- If you would come with me to hunt orcs, you would now.

- No, but seriously?

He was not gonna back down easily, and I didn't really want to tell them about my discovery. I was greedy like hell.

- Most of our hunters fight goblins and rats. Creatures with way shorter reach, and also way weaker than us. Slower on top of that. You can get easily blinded by your physical capabilities by doing so. I kept fighting stronger opponents. Wolves, then orcs, and even the goblin boss. It was an incredible lesson. They humble you and show you what you lack.

Hatta just noted, but Will for sure wasn't convinced.

- I guess I'll go hunting with you from now on - Will continued.

- I will need somebody to pull the cart.

Hatta burst into a laugh. Will simply smiled.

- Sure. Why the hell not. But I'm taking fifty percent of the crystals.

- You wish.

- Ok. I can agree to forty.

- Ok. I need to go. There is much to be done. Watch out, Peter. Blue is still out there and he will want revenge - said Hatta, then left.

- He is right. You should watch out. If that guy is coming for you, he will come hard - Will quickly agreed.

- I know. Why the hell is that even when I win something, it feels like I lost?

- That's sometimes how it is man. Don't think about it too much. You did well. What happened is on them, not you, so don't let it get into your head.

- Maybe you are right.

- The hell I am! Also that guy Blue... Don't worry about him too much. We will fuck him up when the time comes. And we will do it for good. I'll be there to have your back.

- You will? Wow. Now 'I'm reassured. Damn, I already feel safer.

- Fuck you.

We both laughed out loud. It made me feel a bit better. Those human emotions. The laughs, and jokes. There definitely was a feeling of something ending in my life. I could only hope that what was about to come, was better than what was gone.

I stood up after finishing food. Will quickly also moved.

- Whare are you going? I'm going too.

- To find Aisha.

- Ok. Let's go.

And we went. Catching few curious glances on our way there.

- I guess you are popular now - said Will.

- Fuck that. I hate most of those people anyway.

- Oh, don't be like that. What did they do to you?

- Nothing. Absolutely nothing. When I needed help. When I was barely walking with broken bones, or bleeding out. They didn't do shit. But to blame, they are first.

- You can't expect people to just help you. I know it's a bit cruel, but you should consider their situation as well. Nacho used to be a threat to many. Crossing him could get you in trouble.

His words made me think for a bit.

- Maybe you are right, but it doesn't change what I feel.

- Don't be too bitter. You did good. Fixed many problems this city had. There are many who appreciate it. Just let them get back on their feet. They will show you how grateful they are.

- I don't need that.

- You do. Everybody needs it from time to time.

He patted me on the back. A few moments later we made it to the old brothel. There a few members of Wuxia kept watch outside the building. We had no problems with going inside.

The place was wrecked. Few doors were ripped open. Barely holding on the hinges. Everything from the inside thrown out, into a big pail of garbage. Few girls worked hard on getting all that shit outside the rooms. Aisha among them. This time in normal clothes. Short jeans, and a blue hoodie.

- Need some help ladies? - Said will catching many looks.

-Yeah. Sure - Aisha answered immediately while smiling. - It's good to see you, Will. It's been a while.

- Come on, Peter. Let's help the ladies - he said and smacked me in the peck with the back of his hand.

Not even looking at me, immediately went to help. I took a deep breath, and followed, making Aisha smile even wider.

- So what are you gonna do with the place? - I asked.

- We had a long conversation last night with the girls. Some of them decided to leave. We on the other hand want to use this place for good - she answered.

- Good?

- Yeah. This city needs a place where everybody can forget how hard it is. A place of love for everybody. We will rebuild the brothel. Some of the girls still want to work, as they did. They liked it but didn't like to be forced. Now we will make our rules. We will make our guild, with only girls to protect ourselves.

- Good. Actually, I think it's an amazing idea.

- Many already want to join us. You have no idea how hard it is to be a woman in this city.

- I guess very hard.

- Very, very hard. Well, maybe I exaggerated a bit. You should know. You have been to similar shit.

- We all have been. Some just were a bit luckier, and some not.

- Less talking, more working! - Will Yelled at us while fighting with a broken bad inside one of the rooms.

We both laughed and went to help. The work went on, and on for hours. We managed to completely clean every room, and get everything outside. On a nice pail. Then Will brought some food and drinks, and we had a bit of a party. Sharing our stories, and dreams.

That's how I met Hailwic, a girl from Germany. Tall, cheerful blonde with nice, long, and curly hair. Vesa, the Albanian shorty with long straight black hair and thick lips. Will tried to flirt with her. For me, it was hard to say if she was into him, or just wanted to be polite.

There was also Shavonne, an Irish, skinny redhead with short hair and freckles. When she got drunk, she kept singing. She had a nice voice and a lovely accent.

Nadia, short, Ukrainian beauty. She didn't talk too much, but judging from her expression, I think she enjoyed our time together. Her hands told me she didn't have it easy in life. She had blue eyes and back hair.

Haf was the last one. A big, Welsh dreamer. She talked a lot and worked even more. It was funny, cause she was very small, but with tons of energy. She had long blonde and messy hair, which constantly went into her eyes.

All of those girls were the core of Aisha's new group. We talked a lot about what they are gonna do and at some point even started to pick a name for theirs, as they started, 'guild'. The girls couldn't come up to an agreement, so the whole discussion was put on hold.

Drunk, I fell asleep there, on the floor.

Day ended with 32 392 points on my account.

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