Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 95

We both woke up alongside the rising sun. Then we ate breakfast in silence, picked our things, and departed. I deactivated barriers around the camp as we were walking. There was no point leaving them there. They were so weak, you would barely feel breaking them, and I didn't want the alarm ringing in my head for absolutely no reason.

Our pace thru the forest was rather quick, as we were not really interested in strolling from the path to kill few goblins. Encountering a few was inevitable since there was no way for hunters to get this deep into the forest so early in the morning.

Eventually, the first group crossed our path and met its demise. Those crystals were basically free money, although not a lot. Few other groups stumbled on us, as we slowly got closer and closer to their cave. Then, at some point, they just stopped to show up, and it became clear that other hunters were around.

When we finally reached the goblin lair, guards were already gone, which indicated somebody is inside. Probably aiming for the boss.

- I hope it's not Blue - said Will looking at me.

- Me too. Soon he will have other things on his head than hunting. Maybe I will stab him in the back if we manage to get him involved in the expedition.

Will chuckled.

- That's a plan, right there!

We kept pressing on, meeting with groups of hunters down the road. They didn't even try to close the distance. My presence worked on them as a scarecrow on starlings. I was the black sheep of this herd, and my presence wasn't welcome.

Finally, we reached the city and pushed thru the pathway between the gate, and still existing rubble barricade. It was kinda like a monument to me and at the same time great annoyance. We could only hope some volunteers would eventually clear it out.

We headed straight to the city center to divide and sell the score. Few peoples were around. Mainly craftsmen enjoying working on the streets. Couple fighters with the aftermath of last night, and even less just hanging out and talking.

We had 744 orc stones and 14 goblin ones to share. I think it was the first time we could split the numbers evenly. I got 372 orc ones, and 7 goblin ones, just as Will.

With this, I managed to place a nice number of 434 321 points in my account. It made me regret I couldn't hunt in the canyon more. A whole month would give me an incredible sum, but there were more important things now.

- I'll grab Hatta, and you go pay a visit to Aisha -I said to Will, ash he finished selling.

- If she is in the Velvet Lotus.

I didn't answer to that, and just grabbed the handles of my cart, and started walking. Wuxia buildings were close. I parked near the place where Hatta had his office, grabbing the attention of guards posted near the entrance. They rocked the usual leather armors and fancy halberds. They knew who I was, so we had no problems.

I made my way down, just to find out that my friend is busy with a meeting. There was no other way around, but to wait. So I sat under the wall, in front of the guards, looking at the door leading to the office. My presence clearly made them uncomfortable, but not because of my reputation, and rather because of the fact I didn't just leave to come back later.

Eventually, after many long minutes of admiring the attire of Wuxia's soldiers, and the door leading to where I wanted to go, they opened. Williams was the first one to exit, and he stopped upon noticing me.

- Peter?

I jumped to stand at attention, and salute him. He got scared and did a step back.

- Yes sir!

He looked at me like I was an idiot, and a short chuckle escaped his mouth.

- What the hell are you doing?

- I was just getting bored out of my mind, waiting for you guys to finish.

- Ok... He is all yours - Williams said while stepping back to make a passage for me.

Hatta was standing behind his desk, looking straight at me.

- Thank you very, very much - I said as I passed him, and five others. - Hatta, I have news.

- News? Does it concern your sudden visit to the city two days ago?

- Yes - I went straight to the chair and sat down.

- What happened? - he asked, peaking few times at his lieutenants.

- A lot. We need to talk. Not only us two, but all... - I spread my hands widely - of us. Every person of influence in this city should hear this. William already went to inform Aisha. Let's meet at Velvet Lotus at night.

- Ok. Should I be concerned?

- I'm not sure. Depends... Just know that the news is... Groundbreaking? - I said and stood up.

Hatta put his hands together while seating back on his chair.

- Then maybe tell us now?

- No. Everybody will hear it at once. So I won't hear I'm keeping secrets from anybody.

I left after saying that. Lieutenants gave me a curious, and a bit confused looks as I was passing by them. I clearly piqued their interest.

I headed straight to Aisha's place. Few people were hanging around, but not in close proximity to the door. Only Zoë was there, sitting on a stool, and playing with a knife. She observed me as I was closing the distance.

- You can get inside, but don't cause any trouble, understand? - She said tilting her head to the side and twisting her lips a bit.

I guess she wanted to look more like a thug, but her face was too pretty for that. I shook my head, while a short snort escaped my mouth, then opened the door and went inside.

- Asshole! - she yelled at me.

The first room was empty. Nobody was sitting on the bench to left, and also nobody was behind the counter on the right. I went to the curtain, and pushed it to the side, to enter the main room. It was almost empty. Only Will sat at the bar, with Vesa on the other side, leaning to him, against the counter In her white shirt and black vest. There was a glass with a bit of brown liquid in front of him, and he was tilting it, slowly turning, while talking to her.

- Hi! - I said loudly, and they both turned to look at me.

- Aisha is out - said Vessa. - You need to wait.

- I told Hatta to come at night. We should try and contact others, but I don't really know who, except few people. Very few.

- I can take care of that for you - she responded.

- Did Will tell you?

- Only that it's important for us all, and everybody should know - she shrugged her shoulders. - I don't know why you have to be so secretive.

I started to head their way.

- I could just go and shout, but then we would be flooded by people and yelled at. There would be chaos, and eventually, they would probably beat us up.

- You're saying there is somebody who could beat you up, lad? - said somebody from behind with a heavy Irish accent.

I didn't have to look to know it was Shavonne, but I did. She was on her way to the bar, alongside silent Nadia. A blue dress complemented her red hair. Ukrainian beauty on the other hand was just in a plain black blouse with a bit too long sleeves, so her hands were half-covered, and pair of jeans.

- Maybe there is. Who knows? I don't really care, as long as it's not a crazy murderer.

I stopped, to line up with them, so we could go together.

- Murderer? The Blue guy? By the way, he was not blue at all - she continued.

- That's a nickname.

- I know, but usually, the nickname comes from somewhere, and he didn't have a single blue thing on.

- Maybe he is wearing blue underwear? - Nadia asked suddenly, trying to hold her smile.

Shavonne laughed. They passed me, and I followed just after. It felt good to find out they didn't share Aisha's attitude towards me.

- Blue pants? If they are sky blue, then he as to be a frivolous man - she said and giggled. - Should we try and take his pants off later, ladies?

I bet she was smiling lavishly as she was saying that, but I couldn't see her face.

- I'd rather not - said Vesa with something I can describe only as a merry disgust twisting her face and a smile.

- Me too - Nadia joined.

We sat next to Will, and Vessa quickly gave us glasses and poured some brown alcohol in. I was not in the mood to drink but just couldn't refuse, when she already filled the glass, so I just one-shotted it. She tried to give me more, but I covered the glass with my hand.

- You girls are sure enjoying making fun of Blue. Maybe I should join in the fun? - said Will.

That's how we spend the next few hours. Just talking nonsense and having fun.. Laughing, and enjoying the company of each other.

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