Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 96

- Aisha is back! - Zoë yelled after entering the hall.

All of us turned to look at her.

- Did you tell her we are waiting for her? - Will asked, sliding off the tall bar stool with the glass still in hand.

- No. I just saw her. She will be here at any moment.

- Maybe we should head out to her? - I asked looking at my 'hero' friend.

- Nah. Let's wait - he clearly was a bit tipsy.

- Fine. Just stop drinking for a moment, ok? I need you at the meeting.

- In an hour I'll be fine, Peter. My body is like a fucking machine!

Vesa chuckled from behind the counter. It had a lot to do with the flirting William showcased towards her. Unfortunately, she was too tough to crack under his cheesy pickup lines and jokes. Especially after five portions of whatever she was pouring him.

- Yeah. Just put your glass down - I said while trying to grab it, but he was faster, so I got a hand full of air.

- Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.

- Will. Put the glass down - said Vessa.

It worked like a charm. I wanted to make fun of him for it, but the noise came out from behind the curtain, proclaiming Aisha's arrival. Zoë vanished under the purple cloth. Then I heard muffled voices, barely. There was no way of understanding spoken words.

Shortly after Aisha entered wearing leather armor, with a shield on her back, and sword still in hand. Other women were following her. A couple of them I didn't know, but except those, there was the pink-blue duo, Alice, and of course Hailwic with a wild grin on her face. All armored, with weapons at the sides.

- What's going on? - she asked looking directly at me.

- We have something. Me and Will. - I looked back at my friend, who smiled, leaning his back against the bar. - Although he might need a moment to get his shit together.

I turned back to her.

- Then tell me.

- Not now. I invited Hatta to come later, at night. We should also get more of relatively important people around the city. This is big, so they should also hear this.

- Yep - Will confirmed.

Aisha sighed.

- Fine. Who did you inform already?

- Only Hatta. I don't really know other people. We should get Blue though.

- Why? Didn't you hate that guy? I thought you wanted to kill him.

- I still do. He is a snake, a venomous one, but that doesn't change the fact he has some influence, is strong, and smart. We might need him.

- Something bad happened? I'm sick of your riddles, Peter.

- Just wait few hours, and we will discuss this together, ok? It's hard to say if it's bad or good.

- Just fucking tell me.

- And repeat this to everybody else in an hour or two? Besides, you are gonna have tons of questions. Trust me we are gonna sit here till morning. It's better to talk with everybody here.

She was clearly unsatisfied, and for sure didn't manage to change her mind. She turned around, to face her crew.

- Can you do me a favor, sisters? Contact few people for me, and tell them to come here, ok? And bounce clients off. We are closed today.

They agreed without any hesitation.

- Hailwic, Alice, take care of the entrance. Rest, please come with me upstairs. You too, Peter - she turned to me.

- I believe you know way better than me who to contact.

She sighed, while rolling her eyes, and started to head to the stairs with the rest of her hunting party following, except two nominated bouncers.

- Wow, she really hates you - Nadia whispered.

I turned to her and went back to sit on the tall bar stool.

- I know - I said while squinting my eyes.

She smiled in response.

- But I like you. You are an asshole, but I believe you have a good heart - she continued.

I looked her straight in the eyes, and she returned my gaze. There was this strange, unexpected magnetic moment between us.

- Now kisss - Will whispered, but loudly enough so everybody could hear.

Shavonne burst into lough, but she quickly collected herself.

- Fuck you, Will. Fuck you - said Nadia, and stormed out of the hall.

- Wow Will... I'm not giving you any more alcohol - said Vesa.

- You stopped a while ago - he made a poor attempt at easing out the situation, but only made her roll her eyes.

- Go lie down on the couch.

- Fine. Fine. I'm going - he rose his hands in a gesture of surrender and slid off the stool, to fulfill the order.

I on the other hand looked at Vessa, probably with embarrassment written all over my face.

- Should I go after her?

- Duh - Shavonne replied.

- You should. Just... Remember she is a damaged person. Very fragile under that fake thick skin of her. She is easy to hurt, and we will come after your ass if you hurt her - She warned me quickly changing her gaze from that of a caring mother, to a very serious one.

It was clear to me that she cared deeply about her friend. I attempted to smile a bit in response, but it didn't bring the outcome I wanted to.

- What are you waiting for? - she asked.

I turned around and followed Nadia's footsteps. The harsh truth was even if I would end hurting her, none of them could do anything about that. The moment such a thought crossed my mind, I felt sick about myself. I really didn't want to turn into a monster.

I found her sitting on a bench, under the bear's head, and two shields.

- Hey... Uhm... - I started awkwardly, slowly closing the distance.

She looked at me, then gently patted the spot on the bench, right next to her. I rushed to take the spot. There was a bit of even more awkward silence between us.

- Look... - I started.

- I... - She said at the same time.

We bought laughed slightly, turning our eyes at the counter, because it was easier to talk this way.

- I really like you, Peter - she continued. - I know it's strange because we barely know each other, but you did so much for me... Maybe not directly, but still. We never even thanked you.

- It's fine. I feel strange when people thank me anyway. Besides, I did it because it was the right thing. Somebody just had to put a stop to this madness, and it just happened to be me. Aisha was also involved greatly.

- I know there was something between both of you. Even now... She might seem like she hates you, but deep inside she knows you are trying your best.

- Maybe... I don't know. Even if there was something... It's already gone. We both didn't take the chance, and... - I shrugged - the expiration date passed.

She turned to me, and I just couldn't take look at her. Then she slowly leaned forward and planted her lips soft lips on mine in a gentle kiss. Then she retracted slowly, but I, instead, made my move to return the kiss.

- Ekhem! - somebody grunted.

We both looked. It was Zoë, with already giggling pink-blue duo behind her. I felt like my face was rapidly consumed by flames of embarrassment. Nadia on the other hand stared at the ground, chewing on her own lips.

Messengers passed us. Not only the trio but also the rest.

- Let's go back to the bar - I proposed.

- Mhm - she agreed.

We stood up together passed thru the cloth covering the passageway.

- Ooooohh. Look at the lovebirds, aren't they adorable? - Shavonne's accent made the words sound even cuter.

I looked at her, throwing knives with my eyes. Vesa laughed, and Will, he was asleep on the couch.

- Shut up Shavonne - Nadia hissed.

We sat next to each other at the counter, joining the group.

- Oh don't be like this. I'm just happy for you guys.

- And I will be happy if you help me prepare the place for meeting - Aisha said loudly, making her way down the stairs.

We all moved. I started by waking up Will. He wasn't happy about it. A short nap brought him back his senses. Probably the superhuman metabolism kicked in and processed the alcohol in the blood.

Then I helped remove furniture from the center of the hall. This took us the most time. Next, we put together several tables and surrounded them with stuff to sit on. A mix of chairs and couches.

- It better be worth all of this mess - said Aisha when we finally were done.

- Oh, trust me, it is - Will replied.

- We'll see. We'll see...

- It's crazy...

She shook her head, evidently done with all the secrets, and picked a spot to sit. I remained standing, just like William. Silence fell upon us as we were waiting patiently for others to come.. After couple more minutes dors leading to the outside opened, and the noise of chatting people reached our ears, as the first invited guest slowly started to come inside, and make their way to the main hall of Velvet Lotus.

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