Battle of Ascension

Chapter 504: Divine Empyrean (3)

Chapter 504: Divine Empyrean (3)

Randy thought Justice Knight was a good thing for Divine Empyrean. After all, these people were the best one to face the undead race. He did not mind to let them join Divine Empyrean.

However, when the night came, his private secretary who did an odd job for him came with unpleasant news. Justice Knight refused to join Divine Empyrean if it was not him who talked with them in a person. This was what Risa told to him.

At noon, after the representative of Justice Knight knew it was Risa who greeted them, they immediately departed while leaving arrogant words,

"Divine Empyrean does not have any sincerity to us, we take back our commitment to join Divine Empyrean! If you want us to join, then let Happy Guild guild leader meet us in a person!"

On the other hand, Risa felt guilty as she failed the task. She failed to retain Justice Knight and thought it was her fault.

After all, Justice Knight was one of the top guilds. If they joined Divine Empyrean by another level, it would make the foundation of Divine Empyrean became stronger and solid.

However, Randy's response surprised Risa, "Hmm, it's a pity that they back down. It's good if they want to join, but it does not matter if they do not join as well. We have no loss even without Justice Knight!"

Randy responded it was as if he did not care about the Justice Knight.

Indeed, Justice Knight's action surprised him. He thought the people with Justice Hidden stat would be kind and unpretentious. After all, people with Justice hidden stat chosen because they were righteous, though he did now know how the system selected these people.

Moreover, it was not that he did not care about Justice Knight. Sending Risa to greet them was already good enough. It must be known that if the other guilds wanted to join, they must pass through a selection. There was a group who was responsible for this work.

Sending Risa was the same as Justice Knight accepted by Divine Empyrean without selection. Randy trusted them and the others also trusted them. However, the truth was out of their expectation.

Justice Knight did not want to join if it was not Randy received them in a person. It was if Justice Knight felt Divine Empyrean was looking down on them because it was Risa who received them.

"Maybe it's the pride as a top guild?" 

"Nah, whatever, if they do not want to join, then let them be. As long as they cause no loss to us, just ignore them!"

Randy waved his hand toward Risa.

After further thought, Randy decided to ignore the Justice Knight. Why did they want him to receive them? He was not close with Justice Knight, there was no cooperation between them, and he was not the representative of Divine Empyrean.

Everything about Divine Empyrean was still in a process. Establishing a nation was not just a matter of a day or two days. There was still a long process before Divine Empyrean being established formally.

Moreover, the President had not been chosen yet. He was not the president or the official of Divine Empyrean. He also did not plan to hold this position at all, he just wanted to be a general like Limera.

Randy smiled as he imagined himself got a title like Limera's, Invincible General.

"Hemmm, Boss, are you sure?" Risa was still hesitating. This was not a small matter, she was not sure if ignoring Justice Knight was the right thing to do.

Randy snapped out of his fantasy and looked toward Risa in a surprised manner, "You still here Nah, just do as I told you. We are still strong even without them!"

This was what Randy thought. However, it seemed there was another person who did not agree with Randy's opinion, that person was Pristine. She barged into Randy's room.

"No, you have to meet them. Don't be childish, they only ask you to meet them, it's a simple matter." Pristine was strongly opposed to Randy's idea to ignore the Justice Knight.

"But" Randy wanted to refute, but Pristine cut him off.

"No but. Why do you want to complicate things when you can solve it with ease? They only ask you to meet them, right? Then just meet them, maybe they want to talk about Nation or whatever it is. For now, just meet them!"

Randy surprised, this was not Pristine she knew. Usually, Pristine would always nod at his conduct, but this time she opposed strongly. This scene remembered him about Long Xinya when she just recently joined Happy Guild.

"Pristine, you changed!" Randy responded with a surprised look.


"You are more like my mom now!" Randy blurted out. His mom also often talked like this to him, it was in the past though. Now, Almira rarely scolded him since he had Aveline.

Hearing this, Pristine stunned, she was not expecting this would come. Then, she also found what Randy said was right. Pristine momentarily speechless at Randy's remark.

On the other side, Risa was trying to hold her laugh.

"Good, good. Let's meet them" Stopped midway, Randy looked toward Pristine, "But let me make thing clear, I won't persuade them to join us!"

Pristine nodded her head. This time, she could not help but agree with Randy. They came to meet Justice Knight's representative to listen to what the other side wanted to talk.

After that, followed by Risa and Pristine, Randy headed toward where the Justice Knight's representative stayed.

On the way there, Randy curious why Pristine was so firm about Justice Knight to join Divine Empyrean.

"It's because of their ability is very useful to us"

The one Pristine mentioned was the ability of healing. Yes, there was a Light Elemental Power could be used to heal the injuries. Moreover, this ability could be taught to the others too which Pristine put to the utmost importance.

In a war, this ability was very useful indeed. They could reduce the casualties, though Happy Guild rarely suffered heavy casualties.

Just as Randy reached where the Justice Knight's representative stayed, there were many people with a shining white armor gathered there. Many people called these people with shining white armor as Holy Knight.

Randy looked to Pristine, his expression was asked her, "What are they doing here?"

However, Pristine also appeared to be confused. Justice Knight supposed to be sending five representatives. These Holy Knights did not come with the representative, this meant

Pristine let out a sight, it seemed her plan to make Justice Knight was failed. The Justice Knight called their army here, though she also felt the action of Justice Knight was exaggerated. Her Boss did nothing wrong which could make the small matter into a conflict, it was the representative of Justice Knight who misunderstood the things.

"Shall we greet them? It seems an important figure of Justice Knight is here!" Randy asked Pristine. He remained unperturbed despite the Holy Knight was here.

Pristine nodded her head and thought about how to erase the misunderstanding between the two. It was not Happy Guild or Divine Empyrean afraid of Justice Knight, less enemy was better after all.

Just like that, the three entered the building. As soon as the three entered the building, they found there were five figures in casual clothes standing before a middle-aged man.

The five people who stood was the representative of Justice Knight. Three men and two men, they seemed to be in their early twenties and one man about in his mid-thirties.

Risa whispered to Randy these five people were the representative of Justice Knight. As for the man before the representative, Randy knew this man. He was the guild leader of Justice Knight, Roman Kahn.

Roman had a stern face as he looked toward the five representatives. It seemed the representative was making a mistake. Roman scolded the five representatives, but Randy tried to not meddle at Justice Knight internal matter.

"I guess we come at an inappropriate time?" Randy muttered.

Pristine nodded her head. It seemed they came at the wrong time. She agreed to get back for now and talk again tomorrow.

However, just as the three wanted to turn around, there were two people approached them. One man and one woman. Randy also recognized these two, there were the vice leaders of Justice Knight. As usual of the leader of Justice Knight, they were shrouded with a benevolent aura.

"Happy Guild guild leader, please wait!" The woman called. She was Anna Parlietta and the man beside her was Argun Bantara.

Randy stopped his steps and looked toward the voice. He smiled and nodded as a greeting. Argun responded with a kind smile.

"Do you have free time? There's something we want to talk about!" Anna started the talk.

"Good!" Randy agreed directly, after all, the purpose he came here was to talk with Justice Knight.

Afterward, Anna and Argun led them to the upstairs. Roman was still scolding the five representatives.

"Firstly, I am sorry for our people! They are still young and I hope you can forgive them!"

These were the first words that came out of Anna's mouth. It seemed she was talking about the representative.

"Nah, it's okay, they did nothing wrong." Randy waved his hand. Indeed, the representative did nothing wrong, they were a bit arrogant, but it did not mean they were wrong.

"And then, we indeed want to talk with you. Justice Knight indeed wants to join Divine Empyrean. However, before that, we want to know the purpose of Divine Empyrean, what is your purpose of establishing Divine Empyrean? We want to know!" Anna immediately got to the point.

Yes, in the morning, Justice Knight sent five representatives to inquire about this. But the five representatives did something impulsive. They intended to inquire this and decided later whether they would join Divine Empyrean or not.

If Divine Empyrean had a different view or crossed each other with Justice Knight, they would not join. Randy of course also understood why Anna asked this.

Just as Anna threw her question out the door opened and Roman entered. It seemed he was done with scolding the five representatives.

He nodded toward Randy, "Please continue!"

However, Randy's reply made the three dumbfounded, "I don't know, it's not decided yet. You can join the discussion with the group, we will talk and decide it together, what is the purpose of the Divine Empyrean establishment."

When you decide to join Divine Empyrean, there will be no more Happy Guild, there will be no more Justice Knight, but Divine Empyrean only. We will only strive for Divine Empyrean interest!"

Randy first sentence made him like he was not serious with the nation. But his next words convinced the three.

What did it mean? It meant Divine Empyrean did not belong only to Happy Guild, but all of them who joined to establish this nation.

"However, if I have to say my opinion, it's about preparation for a bigger battle, the battle in Ascension World. Battle of Ascension is not our last battle, there's a bigger battle awaited us in Ascension World. Divine Empyrean establishes for that purpose, protecting my closest when that time comes!"

Yep, if Randy had to voice out his personal thought. This was the purpose of establishing the Happy Guild or Divine Empyrean. He did not have a big ambition such to conquer the world, but he did not hesitate to fight if it was for his closest.

Randy's reply satisfied the three echelons of Justice Knight despite they still confused what Randy meant with a bigger battle. However, Randy's personal idea was on the same path as Justice Knight in a way, they fought to protect their people.

With this, tonight, Justice Knight officially joined Divine Empyrean.

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