Battle of Ascension

Chapter 505: Count Down (1)

Chapter 505: Count Down (1)

The news of Justice Knight joined Divine Empyrean was spreading fast. Another top guild joined Divine Empyrean. It was no exaggerated to say Divine Empyrean was an invincible force in the human side.

Meanwhile, Randy was making preparation for his journey. He had found 4 Ascension Chest Location, Australia, China, Thailand, and Philippine. Four Ascension Chest located in this place.

There would be no big problem to find the Ascension Chest in this place. Also, he planned to bring his daughter with him this time. He wanted to spend his time more with his lovely daughter.

Randy was confident there would be no monster or beast could kill him. Even though he could not defeat the strong one, he could always run away. He found it was no problem to bring Aveline.

In the morning...

In one table, the Christian big family was eating their breakfast. Wisen, Almira, Randy, Zhen Yi, Aveline, Sun Xiu, and Long Xinya also here. Yes, Randy already told his parents and mama-in-law regarded Long Xinya after they back from the World Contest.

Surprisingly, his parents and mama-in-law responded positively. They accepted Long Xinya without a problem. It was as if they already knew this would come.

"Dad, Mom, I" Just as Randy wanted to say that he wanted to bring Aveline with him, there was a notification rang in his head.

Not only Randy, but everyone also received it. It was a notification from the Battle System.

Battle System: Battle Ascension is entering the third phase (last phase) in 29 days 23:59:57.

The sudden notification surprised everyone on the table, only Aveline who had a confused look as she enjoyed the meal.

Finally, what Randy waited for was coming. The last phase Battle of Ascension which also meant the last battle for them, the last battle before they could get an ascension to a new world, Ascension World.

They looked at each other, Wisen, Almira, Sun Xiu, Zhen Yi, and Long Xinya looked stern. The last battle, the battle which would determine whether they had the qualification to enter the new world.

Almira noticed her son still enjoyed the meal. It was as if the notification was not that important. Did Randy think so?

Of course not, it because the confident he held in his hand. Instead, this was a big advantage for Divine Empyrean.

Wisen also noticed his son was so relaxed even the last battle was coming. He stared at his son and everyone on the table looked toward him. Zhen Yi poked her husband waist.

Randy looked up and noticed everyone was looking toward him. From their expression, Randy knew they wanted to know his idea regarded the countdown or the last phase Battle of Ascension.

Randy smiled, "Take it easy, let we finish the breakfast first, okay?"

Because of Randy's words, everyone wolfed down the breakfast fast.

"So, what's your idea?" Wisen seriously asked his son. He already knew everything about the Battle of Ascension from his son. He trusted his son which meant the third phase was the phase would determine their fate whether they could get to the new world or not.

However, Randy's calm attitude somehow calmed the others a bit.

"Isn't that good? I mean isn't this good the third phase is coming this soon?" Randy said with a calm smile.

However, everything he said puzzling everyone on the table. They just could not find what was good with the third phase which also meant the last battle was so near.

"With our current force, isn't it good that the third phase is coming soon? We are the strongest. Even though it sounds arrogant, but what I say is the truth, right? If the last phase came only after 5 years, 10 years or even more, we have to worry about that, but now we have an absolute advantage." Randy explained.

Even though Randy did not explain everything, Zhen Yi and Long Xinya caught what Randy's mean.

For now, Happy Guild was the strongest and it was indisputable. Furthermore, now, they established Divine Empyrean, they were at their peak. If the last phase came later, maybe there would be more forces caught with them.

After all, Earth had limited resource. There was one day Happy Guild or Divine Empyrean would stop growing and the other forces would catch them in the term of strength. Of course, there was an ideal, it was to conquer all forces. The last would be easier for them, but this was not the path of Divine Empyrean would choose for.

Wisen, Almira, and Sun Xiu still did not get what Randy told them. Just as Wisen wanted to ask further, there was a knock sounded. After the knock, Udin's voice resounded.

"Boss! Boss! We are here!"

Long Xinya stood and walked toward the door while Randy looked toward his parents, "So Dad, Mom, I am going take Aveline with me, I am going to take her out"

Randy explained his plan about looking for Ascension Chest and he intended to take Aveline with him.


Of course, their answer was a big no. Even his Mama-in-law did not agree. As for Zhen Yi, she refused Randy's proposal for another reason, that reason was...

"No! You can't! How come you only bring her alone, I also want to go with you!"

"I also!" Long Xinya chimed in.

"Dad, please, only a week!" Randy begged his dad with a pitiful look.

However, his father still did not respond to him, he looked toward his daughter.

"Baby, do you want to go with Didi? We will go to the Kangaroo Uncle birthplace, then we will"

"I am going!" Aveline shot up from her seat excitedly. She gave the answer in an instant.

A victorious smile hung on his face as he looked at his dad and mom.

Kangaroo Uncle in Randy's mouth was the Boxerian Kangaroo with dragon bloodline mixed with them. They claimed him as their big brother because the dragon bloodline he had. This was why Aveline called them Kangaroo Uncle.

"Don't worry Dad, Mom, we will also come with them. With all of us here, Aveline is safe, even safer than she is in Evergreen City!" Zhen Yi also tried to convince her mother and father-in-law.

Long Xinya also nodded her head with a convincing smile.

Wisen rubbed his temple and asked, "It's not that I forbid you to go. What about Divine Empyrean if you three go?"

Randy's smile even brighter as he answered, "Don't we have a reliable team? Worry not!"

After convincing his parents, Randy went to hold a meeting with the core members. Since the World Contest, they had chosen another ten people to enter the core members.

They gathered to talk about the count down. The count down to the third phase made them nervous and worried. However, Randy's words convinced them that there was no need to be worried about the third phase.

At the end of the meeting, "Hmm, we have to hasten our transformation. I hope we can finish the transformation before getting formally Divine Empyrean established!"

"Yes, Boss!" Everyone responded with high spirit.

The transformation in Randy's mouth was about the bloodline of Happy Guild guild member. Randy planned to use at least half of their stock of bloodline to Happy Guild guild member.

After everything handled, Randy started with his a short preparation to find the Ascension Chest. In this mission, Randy hoped to find an integration elemental power skill like Evan. Combining elemental skill and create a strong skill, it could boost his strength a lot.

Meanwhile, after the World Contest came to an end, Sirius made no big movement. Even though they did not plan to initiate the attack, they always kept on watch on Sirius.

After making sure everything, Randy departed to Australia as his first destination. It supposed to be four people traveling, but when they departed, there were another three followed them.

Kall, Ted, and Emu followed them. The three siblings of Yester. They wanted to follow Randy as soon as they heard Randy wanted to go traveling.

At first, Randy wanted to refuse the three siblings. After all, this was supposed to be a family trip. However, after Randy gave a further thought, Randy allowed them to followed a sly smile appeared on his face. Moreover, Aveline also needed a friend at her age to play with. Long Xinya and Zhen Yi also had no objection either.

First, the group used a teleportation door to Invincible Dome's capital. Invincible Dome was one of branch guild of many Happy Guild's branch guilds.

Invincible Dome located at the north of Australia while the Ascension Chest located at the west of Australia.

For the first day, they enjoyed the scenery of Invincible Dome Capital. Even though Invincible Dome Capital was still far compared to Evergreen, but they had a specialty.

Like its guild name, there were many domes here. There were about seven domes in total. The biggest dome was a drama theatre, the medium was the musical theatre, and the smallest one was for kids. Yes, the theatre was the specialty of Invincible Dome.

The purpose of this theatre as entertainment of course. Entertainment for the members who always risked their life outside.

The group of seven stopped by in every theatre. The three siblings of Yester were interested in Musical Theatre. The food here also decent, overall, they satisfied with the first-day trip.

The next day, Randy departed to their main destination, the Ascension Chest. Because they brought Aveline, they took it slowly while enjoying the scenery outside. Aveline rarely had a chance to play outside like this, she was really excited during noon.

Ascension Chest located at the hunting ground. Hunting ground meant it was a territory which had been conquered by a force but they did not do anything to the territory. They just let it be so the beast and monster in that territory, so they would never run out the beast and monster for leveling.

In the evening of the third day, Randy and the group reached their destination. During the journey, there was no problem, it was smooth sailing.

Just like the first and second Ascension Chest Randy found, the Ascension Chest was inside a cave. This was the first time Aveline saw a chest that radiated colorful light. She was the most excited when the chest came to their sight.

As for Kall, Ted, and Emu, it seemed this was not the first time they saw an Ascension Chest. They were not surprised or even interested in the chest.

"Didi! Didi! Let me open it, kay? Kay? Kay?" Aveline called excitedly as she ran circling the Ascension Chest.

Randy fell silence for a moment before nodding his head. The fourth Ascension Chest opened by Aveline.

Along with the cheat opened, a blinding light shot out.

"Ow!" Aveline let out an exclamation as she closed his eyes. Randy and the others also closed their eyes.

The blinding light only lasted for a few seconds before showing what was inside the chest. Inside the chest, there was an egg.

Yes, an egg was laying down inside the chest. The egg was red in color and its size was as big as Aveline.

"Wow, egg! A big egg!" Aveline exclaimed with amazement look.

Without any warning, Aveline got closer and hugged the egg, "It's warm!"

She rubbed the egg as she relaxed. After a while, Aveline looked up to her father, "Didi, let's eat this egg for dinner!"

Hearing this, Randy frightened by her daughter's idea, "No no no, you can't eat it, there's a baby inside the egg, you can't eat it!"

Aveline had her eyes opened wide as she looked back to the red egg and her didi back and forth.

"There's a baby inside the egg? What baby?"

Hearing there was a baby inside the egg, Aveline became curious and interested in the red egg.

"Didi also does not know. How about if we find it out?" Randy smiled, "After the baby hatches, you can have one more friend to play with!"

Hearing this, Aveline's eyes shone and nodded her head vigorously.

"I will become a big sister!"

Aveline smiled happily as she rubbed the red egg.

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