
Chapter 943 Solar Core

An ever-burning core of lava, light and flames surrounded Lee Seng. Where pain should've been, Lee Seng couldn't feel a thing. He reached out and touched the energy, realizing it was familiar.

'This is it.' Lee Seng thought. 'This is the cause… I did this?'

"No!" Lee Seng shook his curiosity away. "I need to help my friends!" The ever-burning core flared. Lee Seng could feel everything around him was being devoured by the core. Pieces of the core was spilling downwards. It had gone far. Somehow, Lee Seng understood what was happening. A wave of urgency came over him. He needed to stop this before it touched Earth's core and tried to mix with it.

Lee Seng swam through the ever-burning core. He needed to find the center point but everything looked the same. He swam for quite some time, hearing the same thing - whispers. 


"…I'm here… Lee Seng…!" 

Lee Seng turned, expecting nothing to be there. A solar flare whipped outwards, pushing past him and revealing a woman. Her chest was pitch black like magma. It pulsed with magma while her body was made up of yellows, oranges, and reds. Her hair burned with fire. The fiery woman opened up her eyes and released the pure white light. Lee Seng didn't dare turn away. The woman smiled at him and reached for him.

"I've been waiting for you to return." The fiery woman smiled. The question was on Lee Seng's lips. He wanted to ask her what she was, but he already knew that. She took a step forward and reached for his cheek. The blackened core within her started to glow a bright golden hue. "May your mind be at ease… All that has perished has already perished. Mourn for them, but—"

"Do not lose anyone else." Lee Seng finished the fiery woman's sentence. "I know. I know, Mom." He grabbed her hand and she smiled. "Thank you for staying here and waiting for me to return."

"Anytime, Master. Let the Suns guide you." The woman vanished and the golden core flew into Lee Seng. Lava, fire and light flew into Lee Seng in an instant. The heat dissipated, leaving Lee Seng to listen to the melted rocks oozing down below him. 

[ The Solar Core has been found.]

[The last piece of the Sun has been embedded into you.]

[Solar Magic, a subset of Sun magic, has been unlocked.]

Lee Seng let out a gasp. Whatever he had done had finally eased some pain. He could feel a weight slowly lift off him. His mind didn't feel as clouded. He could feel the energy coursing within him and all around him. 

'Right.' Lee Seng glanced upwards and disappeared. He reappeared at the top, watching everything catch up around him. 'Diminished Sun.' Lee Seng opened his left hand and Diminished Sun appeared. He grabbed it and blasted forward, slashing and weaving through his friends. 

A streak of light flew around, moving past the melting broken kinetic wall and onto the other side. Lee Seng swung his sword downwards, stopping the light speed. The acidic jello slimes exploded. The world snapped back into real-time and the screams of his friends continued.

"Full Mass Heal." Lee Seng whispered. A bright light flashed behind him as he watched a large slime monster appear behind the smaller ones. "I know you. You're one of the Failed Experiments." Lee Seng flashed forward, destroying the smaller slimes in an instant. An immense pressure of heat pushed down onto the slimes, burning the rest. The large slime produced beads of sweat as it produced eyeballs.

"Well, well, well." Slime telepathically spoke. "It seems you're the one poking around where you shouldn't be."

"You're stupid for coming back here." Lee Seng snapped back. He twirled his sword, building energy into it. 

"Mother's Son really is a mouthful." Slime shook its body. "It's already annoying with one of you, but two? That's a bit—" 


Slime shook for a moment before revealing a small cut on its body. Its eyes floated downwards and stared at the cut. Flames exploded from the cut, engulfing the slime in fire. Slime laughed and the flames flew into it.

"Flame resistance and slashing resistance came in handy." Slime's eyes moved to look at Lee Seng behind them. "You should try harder next—" Runes lit up from thin air, exploding. 

"You can keep it to yourself." Lee Seng turned. He had thrown all the elements he had thought in the small window of time. Slime stood there, barely scathed. 

"You think that'll work against me? I already told you, you can't hurt me." Slime leapt forward, turning into a strange green liquid. It slammed where Lee Seng was, covering a large radius in acid. The ground hissed while Lee Seng arced in the air, quickly falling back to the ground.I think you should take a look at

"Air." Lee Seng spoke the rune into existence in Fox tongue. A gust of wind caught Lee Seng, keeping him in the air. Slime's eyes crookedly looked at Lee Seng, rushing upwards. Slime reached for Lee Seng, grabbing air as Lee Seng reappeared higher. Slime cursed as it fell back into its original shape. It's two floating eyes stared at him from the top of its jello body.

"If you won't let me come to you… I'll make you come to me!" Slime rushed towards Lee Seng's friends. Lee Seng followed after, watching as Slime fired pieces of itself at Lee Seng. Lee Seng spun, dodging the first few slime balls as larger ones flew at him. 

Lee Seng blinked forward, vanishing in fire. He reappeared behind the wall, grabbing the attention of his friends.

"Lee, did you kill all of the—" Evan began to ask when Lee Seng spun and touched the wall. A heavy pressure of energy flared, covering the entire wall in seconds. Slime launched itself into the wall. Slime howled in pain as pieces of itself disappeared. Slime pulled backwards, bobbing the contents in its insides as its eyes focused on Lee Seng.

"How did you do that?!?" Slime shouted. It's body began to shift. 

"How?" Lee Seng swiped Diminished Sun over it and revealed the flames. "I just changed the contents. It's all the same."

"All the same?" Slime chuckled as its body formed a humanoid shape. "Are you trying to say you could harm me this entire time?"

"I was merely trying to see how different you were from the other slimes." Lee Seng spun Diminished Sun, resting it on his shoulder. 

"That thing… talks?" Ritsuka asked, standing up. Lee Seng stuck his hand out.

"You think getting a hit in will change anything?" Slime asked. It's eyes rose from its stomach and into the head region. A frown formed as the Slime slowly started to take on more humanoid shape. "You won't be able to get another one in."

"Do you want to know something?" Lee Seng tilted his head at the Slime. "I've got a lot of pent up anger and I want to hit someone repeatedly… so I'll just hit you!" Lee Seng rushed out of the flaming kinetic wall, swinging at Slime. Diminished Sun moved through Slime's humanoid body, before quickly attacking again and again. Slime grunted as it shot its arms outwards, connecting and pushing Lee Seng backwards.

Slime allowed its arms to turn into a pure liquid, releasing the acid and pieces in its arms. Small metal fragments spilled, exploding on contact. Lee Seng fired out fire bolts, watching the humanoid Slime split, dodging the attacks and rejoining as a blob, again.

"I'm surprised some of you kept your experiment forms. Here I thought you all wanted to be a Biohuman." Lee Seng commented. Slime's eyes somehow managed to look angry at Lee Seng's remark.

"Try bein' me for forty years! You get used to it!" Slime shot forward, splitting itself into nine different thin pieces. Lee Seng shot into the air, feeling Slime slash his legs as he rose to the air. Slime arced itself up against the fiery wall and continued to go after Lee Seng. 

"Can I try that thing, again?" Lee Seng whispered. His body shook and everything around him grew bright. He shot forward, swinging his sword where Slime was and let time continue. Slime shrieked as one of its parts spilled onto the ground. 

"W-what just happened?" Slime asked.

"Did you see that?" Evan asked Ritsuka and Calis.

"No. I didn't see anything." Ritsuka shook his head.

"I felt it." Calis answered Evan's question. "It was for a brief second, but I felt Lee SEng's energy bounce."

"He lost his powers, right? He's floating with the use of wind runes… so how can he get that fast?" Ritsuka asked. Slime slammed into the ground, reforming a smaller version of itself. The items within it shook as Slime's body bubbled.

"H-how were you able to do that?!?" Slime shouted. "What did you do?!?"

"It's a trade secret." Lee Seng answered. "I'll tell you if you tell me where this Mother and Son is… I'll even maybe let you live." Slime shuddered in fear. 

'I didn't know Son's husk was this strong!' Slime thought to itself. 'Son was sure this husk was weak! He lied! This thing produced so much heat and destroyed the lab and everything in it in a blink of an eye! This 'husk' is powerful! How?!?'

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