
Chapter 944 Failed One 009: Slime

Strange things started to bubble up from within Slime. They shrieked as they launched themselves forward. Son's husk had a smug look on his face! 

"I'll kill you!" Slime shouted loudly. Slime's body hardened, moving fast towards Lee Seng. The husk yawned before conjuring runes. Wind blasted outwards, lighting up in flames. Lee Seng blinked, listening to slime fly straight past where he was. Slime arced, twirling closer together like a drill as its ends sharpened. "Drillbuster!" 

Lee Seng maneuvered out of the way, dropping the wind and letting himself fall. Slime honed in on him, spreading itself apart at the last second as millions of tiny little drill bits rushed down onto him. 

'I got you now! I got you!' Slime thought as it moved downwards. As soon as Slime thought it had finally secured the husk's fate, the husk had vanished. 'Where did it go?!? How did it do that, again?!? I even picked up enough speed!'

"You think you got me when you really didn't." Lee Seng sighed. The kinetic wall faded and with it, Lee Seng reappeared. 

"He did it again." Calis told the others. Evan, Calis and Ritsuka all stared at Lee Seng. They had clearly caught Lee Seng soaring through the air, but he was in front of the vanished kinetic wall? 

"How?" Evan asked. "I-I was trying to understand it this time, but—" Slime slammed onto the ground, rearranging the bits within it. It glared at Lee Seng. Lee Seng's body was pumping with energy. He looked to the sky and sighed in relief. 

[Solar energy is building…]

'Solar energy? How does that work?' Lee Seng looked at his hands, pissing Slime off even more.

"Am I a joke to you, husk?!? Do you think I'm a joke like the rest?!?" Slime launched itself forward. 

[Solar energy… a passive of Sun Magic. Allows the user to boost the user's physical and magical limitations based on the sun's light.]

'The sun.' Lee Seng looked up. It wasn't anywhere near the highest point yet. 'It took us a little over a day to get to the city and then get here… It's almost noon, too… Did that solar core really give me this ability?'

"You little prick! All your Biohumans look down on me! Even the ugliest one!" Slime's body grew fifty times its size, surrounding Lee Seng as he finally looked up. "I'm not a monster! I'm a victim!" Heat pushed outwards, forcing Lee Seng's friends to look away as lava and fire exploded from Lee Seng's body. Slime's angered attack had only complicated things for itself as its body began to melt instantly from Lee Seng's strange attack.

As quickly as Lee Seng's attack came, it disappeared. Lee Seng sucked in all of the fire, lava and heat, leaving a semi-liquefied ground around him. 


A tiny piece of Slime had fallen into the semi-liquefied ground. Lee Seng moved over and grabbed it, pulling it out of the muck. He lifted the tiny Slime up and stared at it.

"You damned humans! I'm not the monster here! You did this to me! You did this to me! I just want to be human, again!" A tiny Slime yelled.

"The doctors did this to you." Lee Seng corrected Slime. Two indentations appeared in Slime. It shook in Lee Seng's hand. "Your so-called friend, Mother, did this to you. The man she ate, he did this to you. He did it to all of you."

"No! Mother and Father would never betray us! They said they would return us to our human forms!" Slime argued. "Mother found a way to turn us back to humanoids but it didn't work on me!" Lee Seng gave Slime a perplexed look.

"What do you mean by that? You found a way to return to a human-looking state?"

"They said it worked! I-it did work! It worked on many Failed Ones, but it didn't work with me or the mutt!" Slime began to sweat. It produced from every inch of its body, leaving a sting on Lee Seng's hand. "We were supposed to turn into humans but it didn't work so Mother is trying to figure it out! When she does, when she does—" 

Slime's indented eyes shook like it was going to cry. Slime's telepathic voice shook as if it was crying. Lee Seng sighed.

"What's your name?" Lee Seng asked Slime. It looked at him, unsure what to say. "Do you even remember it? The name you were given before you… turned into a Slime." Slime shook its head. It didn't remember its own name. 

"Why can't I remember it…?" Slime asked Lee Seng.

"Lee!" Evan jogged over. Lee Seng stuck his free hand out.

"Be careful." Lee Seng warned Evan. Evan looked down at the semi-liquefied ground. He readjusted Slime in his hand and continued to talk with it. "You can't remember your human name, Slime?" Slime looked up at Lee Seng.

"W-we are just numbers now… Failed Experiments that were called by numbers… I don't… I don't know if I can remember anything."I think you should take a look at

"Should you really be conversing with the enemy right there?" Ritsuka asked Lee Seng. Lee Seng sighed and moved out of the liquefied ground. He didn't try to shake off the gunk on his shoes. He just went back to talking to Slime.

"I don't remember anything… I just have this feeling that I want to be human, again." Slime told Lee Seng. "And now I'm… gonna die to you… Son's husk."

"My name's Lee Seng." Lee Seng introduced himself. "Not Son's husk. Not husk. You can call me Fox if you'd like, but my name's Lee Seng Chang."

"Chang!" Slime shrieked. It jumped into the air and started to produce an attack. Lee Seng snatched Slime, squeezing it tightly. It gushed around Lee Seng's hand.

"Don't even think about it." Lee Seng warned Slime. He opened his fist and held Slime back up. 

"You're a Chang! Yo-you're the man who did this to me!" Slime shouted. "Are you… his son?"


"Ah!" Slime moved to the edge of Lee Seng's fingers. It shook in fear, debating if it should jump off Lee Seng's hand or not.

"This so-called 'Father' you speak of is my… father." Lee Seng clued Slime in. Slime's indented eyes turned and looked at Lee Seng. "Mother is my supposed Mother. Father is my father but I don't really associate myself with Mother or… him for the most part. Well, I guess not anymore." Lee Seng's eyes grew dark and the tiny Slime in his hands scooted closer to Lee Seng.

"Why do you look sad?"

"Am I?" Lee Seng shook it off. "It's nothing. Can you tell me anything else? Maybe I'll spare your life."

"W-well…" Slime scooted forward to sit at the edge of Lee Seng's hand. "I'm not sure if this will help, but Mother wants to return us to our 'bodies' and create some new age where the Failed Ones rule the world… S-she didn't go into more detail than that… I-I was sent here because—"

A gunshot echoed through the air as Slime's body exploded into bits. Lee Seng's eyes widened. Lee Seng, Ritsuka, Evan and Calis turned towards the noise, noticing a strange figure in the distance. It rested the large gun on its shoulder before turning.

"Hey!" Lee Seng shouted at the figure. He looked at Slime who was struggling to reform itself. The figure glanced at Lee Seng one last time before a large portal ripped open. "Hey!" Lee Seng started forward when Slime's body began to bubble. 

"ARGH!" Slime shouted. It's body grew, covering Lee Seng's arms. IT crept onto its body and began to burrow itself into Lee Seng. Lee Seng hissed in pain, lighting Slime on fire. 

'The flames aren't working!' Lee Seng tried to shake Slime off him. He continued to light himself on fire as his friends swarmed around him.

"W-what's happening?" Calis asked.

"Get it off me!" Lee Seng shouted. Evan grabbed Lee Seng's slime covered arm and slid his hands towards Lee Seng's hand. Lee Seng watched as the colorful energy ripped Slime off of him, sending it into the liquefied puddle. Lee Seng hissed in pain as small holes appeared all along his arm and hands.

"What did it do to you?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng turned towards the closing portal in the distance.

"Get back here!" Lee Seng pushed past his friends and ran for the portal. He reached out for it, watching a very familiar person step into view.

"So it is true." Son spoke. "You're still alive. Well, not for long." Son flicked his finger and a gravity bullet flew out. It slammed into Lee seng's body, sending him flying. Lee Seng crashed onto the ground, rolling and coming to a stop.

"Lee!" Ritsuka shouted. The three men rushed over to Lee Seng's side. 

"Who was that?" Calis asked. Lee Seng clutched his stomach. He looked down and pulled his hand away, revealing blood. 

"You're bleeding!" Evan gasped. Lee Seng gritted his teeth. 

"They can travel anywhere with those powers…" Lee Seng whispered under his breath. "Fuck!"

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